Did Aguinaldo Kill Luna?

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The bottom line is, our true enemy are our fellow country men. Luna didn't die in the hands of enemy, but was betrayed by his own compatriots.


Aguinaldo killed Bonifacio and his brother even tho they are in the same side. I wouldnt be suprised that he also killed the only real general they have and the hope of the Philippines winning aswell.


My opinion: even though Aguinaldo did not kill him directly, the fact that he did not stop the brigade, means he somehow also wanted him dead.


For Me: Aguinaldo sent the Telegram to Luna but that Morning: Aguinaldo already left, When Luna came to Cabanatuan, he immediately went upstairs to get greeted by: Felipe Buencamino, they argued at first, until someone Fired: Luna went downstairs, he got slashed in the Face by Janolino, then the Kawit Brigada( Brigade), Showed up shooting and Slashing the General many Times, Luna was still manages to walk to the Plaza shouting: Mga Traydor( Traitors!), he manages to grab his revolver and shoot, but he was overwhelmed by the Brigade, in the End: Luna died at Cabanatuan, For me: Aguinaldo was a Traitor, If Luna wasn't assassinated, And manages to retreat to the Mountains, Maybe his Dream Camp would have been established and we would have a chance fighting the Americans during the Philippine American War: Such a Great Man


"It's not the stab in the back that hurts, it's when you turn around and see who's holding the knife"


This guy helps my Soc. Stud grade survive. Been subbed for a long time now, thanks so much man.


I strongly believe that Aguinaldo had planned this like what he did when he planned to take down Bonifacio. He sent a Telegram as bait for him to come, and mentioned something about building a fortress to the North in order to captivate his emotions.

When he discovered that Aguinaldo, which is considered, a sort of bandit president is no longer in Cabanatuan, he understood that he was being duped, he burst into anger and they became the receiving end of his anger that triggered their inhumane actions towards him, but behind this brutality, it was planned to be like this.

It was truly setup, since Buencamino is the first person that he saw and then the soldiers were undisciplined. They will trigger him so that they will have no reason for them not to murder him in broad daylight.


If it was only Luna, fine. But he already set a precedent with Bonifacio. Like a true mob boss: "take care of it. Dont tell me how, so when the cops come around, i don't know nothin'."


I've always thought that he's not a bad person entirely. But he's too easily manipulated and goaded into thinking that all he's doing is for the greater good, when in reality, he's a sucker. Aguinaldo's cabinet members have experience in manipulation, while Aguinaldo was more or less a soldier.


For me, I think Aguinaldo was spineless and Mabini was making all the good decisions. I know Aguinaldo made some good decisions, but there were also MANY bad ones that could have ended very differently if only he had made a different choice. In the end I could understand why he made some of the choices he did, but that still doesn't justify killing some of the only people that could have ACTUALLY won the fight.


I really like your videos and I like history too thx for sharing facts about our history!


Recently the letter from aguinaldo ordering luna to go to cabanatuan was uncovered. So yeah he did order the hit to luna.


These reflects the kind of political leaders we have at present. Self centered, and corrupt.


and yet this traitor had the audacity to ask for his own monument just like of dr. jose rizal....a big no no!😅😅


This is why we lost our first revolution, because what luna said was right, We filipinos value ourselves over our country. Corruption still exists, extrajudiciary killings, and from the past, the war.


ang angas, may hint nadin pala sa movie na heneral luna na nanay nya yung parang mastermind, tapos ngayon na nareveal na bali nag connect connect na lahat 😳


It may have Aguinaldo's orders to Goyong and Mascardo because after Janolino was humiliated in front of his soldiers, Mascardo reported what happened to Aguinaldo and Mabini, and when Alejandrino had a meeting with Mabini, he stated that one of the captains at the train he rode on wanted to shoot him but was stopped since one of the soldiers of the Captain said that Alejandrino wasn't Luna. Maybe Gregorio Del Pilar had a giant role in assassinating Luna because he's the favorite and he always listens to everything that Aguinaldo says.


Definitely Aguinaldo's mom is the true culprit not Aguinaldo himself.


My message to the younger generations: Subscribe to this man .. I know you have different YouTubers but having historical content in your subscription wouldn't hurt you much.. you will enjoy every fact of our history and culture


They got rid of him because he’s a treat to their authority. Classic Politics
