6 Fast Publication Free SCOPUS Indexed Journals | cs management, food science tourism social science

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Title: 6 Fast Publication Free SCOPUS Indexed Journals | cs management, food science tourism social science
Description: Looking to publish your research quickly and for free in reputable SCOPUS indexed journals? In this video, we highlight 6 journals in the fields of computer science management, food science, tourism, and social science where you can get your work published fast. Stay tuned to learn more about these valuable resources for academics and researchers.
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Join this channel to get access to the perks:
Business Central Udemy Courses
Title: 6 Fast Publication Free SCOPUS Indexed Journals | cs management, food science tourism social science
Description: Looking to publish your research quickly and for free in reputable SCOPUS indexed journals? In this video, we highlight 6 journals in the fields of computer science management, food science, tourism, and social science where you can get your work published fast. Stay tuned to learn more about these valuable resources for academics and researchers.
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How to develop a business central project in Dynamics 365.
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