Brymen BM789 Unboxing and Review

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Brymen makes high quality multimeters that are not widely available in North America. In this video I first look at what comes in the box with the Brymen BM789. I then compare the Brymen BM 789 to the Fluke 117 and finally I run through some of the features exclusive to the Brymen.
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I highly recommend buying Brymens from Welectron in Germany. I bought the 869s 3 months ago. I ordered it on a Saturday in Pennsylvania and had it in my hands Tuesday afternoon! The price was $194.02, including shipping, which was only $9.99. It's an excellent meter and a great place to buy from! Thanks for the video btw!


Nice review.
Somehow I've always had the feeling Brymen held the BM789 back in functions, as it has no dual display and no possibility for logging.
Especially not having any implementation of logging to a pc or phone is strange, as this is the only (modern) high count meter (40k+) on the market that has no logging. Also, on the PCB of the BM78x series (they all have the same pcb), there are spaces where the pcb is marked what model it is (so 786, 787, 788, 789) but also a mark called "BT". So if that stands for bluetooth (I can't think of any other possibility in this context), Brymen had thought of giving it BT logging, but for some reason decided to not give it that (it would've probably been a separate module fitted on the pcb for various reasons like FCC compliance etc). I can only think of that they didn't want the BM78x to compete with the BM86x line.

Comparing the BM789 with a Fluke 117 is a bit apples and oranges. The Fluke 11x line is ment for field techs like HVAC guys, car mechanics, electricians etc, where a meter gets used and after that thrown back into the toolbox. They only compare in price (used to). Where I live (europe), the 117 has seen a drastic price increase. Even the 115 is considerably more expensive than a BM789 or BM869s; the 117 is currently almost double the price of a BM789. I have no idea what they're doing at Fluke Europe, but anyone that pays that kind of money (their own money) for that meter is completely crazy. Cheapest I could find is €366 incl VAT. The Fluke 117 is a competitor to the Brymen BM2257, which has considerably more functions incl logging and mA/µA, and that is a €100 multimeter.


I agree with the importance of the Diode beep and it is good to see this BM789 does this. Unfortunately the BM869s does not for some reason.


Hey. Thanks for the video. Where did you get those test boards? I would like to get some of those...


I also got the same reference voltage and are some things to consider when take as true the measurements provided. First you don't know the conditions and the model of the dmm that was used and the second is the voltage supplied in China and the temperature there. These can have a bit of influence on the numbers. With mine have done this: I removed the diode and put a 12 volts liniar regulator. I feed the voltage regulator from four lithium rechargeable batteries in series to provide a clean power source. With the battery pack charged I requested to a friend which has access to high end dmm to check and write the output values. I was fortunate to get my reference voltage checked with Agilent 3458A. At 5 and 7.5 the values where very close but at 2.5 and 10 was 1mV difference.


What camera do you use to record from the top? I want to buy new cam that why i am asking 😊


Drop them on concrete a few times... see which one survives better. These meters come from different eras and seem to have different purposes. Enjoy that Brymen, it's extremely appealing for the lab.


Маю у користуванні вже 1 рік Brymen BM789
Чудовий, точний та функціональний мультиметр!
А тепер бажаю придбати Fluke 117 для роботи на виїзді. Він менший, легший і я просто хочу мати мультиметр від Fluke!
Вдячний вам за гарний огляд, порівняння цих дійсно чудових приборів.


Flukes are just faster, when you have to measure many components in a short period of time Fluke is king.


Very nice video! Thank you. I thinking about BM789 as my second dmm. Can you check you firmware version, please?


the speed of older versions is significantly less in the resistance measurement. what firmware version do you have?


What's with the delay in DC voltage measurement at 5V and 7.5V for Brymen? Fluke looks a bit faster overall.


Hello sir, What is the voltage value that is released when in diode mode on both multimeter?


The Fluke brand is to feed them separately. There is no justification for having such exorbitant and illogical prices for their meters. As long as there are those who buy because of the nonsense of a yellow case and for a name, they will be more expensive every day. and more exact and if not, refer to Joe Smith's comparative tests on YouTube if anyone knows about this more than the one who says it.


brymen 789 the best current brymen meter and better than flukes 117 177 179 and 87v
red doesn't win


Також знайомий з магазином TMA у Польщі.
Але свій Brymen BM789 придбав в Україні. Навіть під час нашої війни з російськими загарбниками.
У нас в Україні досить широкий вибір продукції компанії Brymen.
Лінійка мультиметрів та токових кліщів, специфічних приладів для авто та медичної техніки.
