Универсальный шарф накидка.Спицами.#(2024)

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Универсальный двухсторонний воротник связан из толстой пряжи толстыми спицами. понадобится 300 грамм пряжи (100гр-100м), умение вязать лицевые и изнаночные петли, и хорошее настроение. По времени процесс вязания займет три - четыре часа,а опытная мастерица может сделать это на одном дыхании.
Description in English
yarn 100gr-100m
Needles Size N8
* See the accompanying VIDEO for a
demonstration on working
Stitch Guide
2/2LC (worked over 8 sts): Slip 4 5:5
onto cn and hold in front of work. work
next 4 sts as “(1. pl] 2 times, work 4 $13
from cm as [k1, pl] 2 times.
2/2RC (worked over 8 sts):
Slip 4 sts
onto cn and hold in back of work, work
next 4 3:5 as [k1, pl] 2 times, work 4 sts
from cn as [k1, pl] '2 times.
CO 38 sts.
Row 1:
[K1, pl] 6 times.’k1.[k1.p1]6
times; rep from ' once.
Rows 2,3, and 4: Rep Row 1.
Row 5:
2/2LC (see Stitch Guide), [k1, pl]
2 times. 'k1.'2/2LC, Ikl,p1] 2 times; rep
from ‘ once.
Rows 6-10: Rep Row 1.
Row 11: (Kl. pl] 2 times. 2/2RC (see
Stitch Guide),'k1. [k1, pl] 2 times.
2/2RC; rep from ‘ once.
Row 12: Rep Row 1.
Rep Rows 1-12 ten more times. then
rcp Rows 1 and 2 once more—piece
measures about 37" (94 cm) from C0.
Next row: (Buttonhole row) [K1, pl] 2
times, k1, BO 2 515. p1. [k1, pl] 2 times.
‘kl. [k1, pl] 2 times. k1. BO 2 sts. p1.
[k1. p11 2 times; rep from ' once.
Next row: [K1, pl] 2 times, [(k1.p1) in
next st] 2 times. [k1, pl] '2 times, ‘kl,
[k1, pl] 2 times. [(k1.p1) in next st] 2
times. “(1, pl] 2 times.
Next row: Rep Row 5.
Next row: Rep Row 1.
Loosely BO 12 sts in patt. draw yarn through st on right-hand needle to fasten off but do not cut yam, k1, BO next 12 sts in patt. draw yarn through last st on right-hand needle to fasten off but do
not cut yarn. k1, BO rem 12 sts in part and draw yarn through last stand fasten
off. Drop rem 2 sts from right needle and ravel to CO edge.
Sew three sets of two buttons tog (one on RS and one on WS of fabric. opposite
buttonholes) 1" (2.5 cm) in from edge and centered in each of the cable panels. Wrap
yarn around the base of each button to form a shank as shown at left.
Weave in loose ends. Wet-block and pin to finished measurements. Let air-dry
completely before removing pins.
For a larger. luxurious wrap. double the width and length: Cast on 64 stitches
(a multiple of 13 stitches plus 12) and knit until the piece is 72" (183 cm) long.
But plan for four times as much yarn—
880 yards (805 meters)——if you do. n.
Спасибо, что заглянули на канал, не забудьте подписаться и поставить лайк.
Для спонсоров канала- делаем текстовые переводы с английского, турецкого, итальянского,греческого.
#палантин пицами
#схемывязания вязания
#идеи вязания
#мастер классы повязанию
#модное вязание
#накидки и пелерины
#Вязаные красивые накидкиипелерины
#шаль спицами
#палантин спицами
#вязание спицами
#мастер классы повязанию
#модное вязание
#накидки и пелерины
#Вязаные красивые накидкиипелерины
#шаль спицами
#палантин спицами
#εσαρπα πλεκτη
#knitted shawl
#Hand knitted shoulder
#πλεκτό σαλι
#уроки вязания
#схемы вязания
#мк по вязаниюспицами
#мастер класс вязание
#мк вязание
#мастер классы повязанию
#схемы вязания
#идеи вязания
#уроки вязания
#Сьемный воротник
Description in English
yarn 100gr-100m
Needles Size N8
* See the accompanying VIDEO for a
demonstration on working
Stitch Guide
2/2LC (worked over 8 sts): Slip 4 5:5
onto cn and hold in front of work. work
next 4 sts as “(1. pl] 2 times, work 4 $13
from cm as [k1, pl] 2 times.
2/2RC (worked over 8 sts):
Slip 4 sts
onto cn and hold in back of work, work
next 4 3:5 as [k1, pl] 2 times, work 4 sts
from cn as [k1, pl] '2 times.
CO 38 sts.
Row 1:
[K1, pl] 6 times.’k1.[k1.p1]6
times; rep from ' once.
Rows 2,3, and 4: Rep Row 1.
Row 5:
2/2LC (see Stitch Guide), [k1, pl]
2 times. 'k1.'2/2LC, Ikl,p1] 2 times; rep
from ‘ once.
Rows 6-10: Rep Row 1.
Row 11: (Kl. pl] 2 times. 2/2RC (see
Stitch Guide),'k1. [k1, pl] 2 times.
2/2RC; rep from ‘ once.
Row 12: Rep Row 1.
Rep Rows 1-12 ten more times. then
rcp Rows 1 and 2 once more—piece
measures about 37" (94 cm) from C0.
Next row: (Buttonhole row) [K1, pl] 2
times, k1, BO 2 515. p1. [k1, pl] 2 times.
‘kl. [k1, pl] 2 times. k1. BO 2 sts. p1.
[k1. p11 2 times; rep from ' once.
Next row: [K1, pl] 2 times, [(k1.p1) in
next st] 2 times. [k1, pl] '2 times, ‘kl,
[k1, pl] 2 times. [(k1.p1) in next st] 2
times. “(1, pl] 2 times.
Next row: Rep Row 5.
Next row: Rep Row 1.
Loosely BO 12 sts in patt. draw yarn through st on right-hand needle to fasten off but do not cut yam, k1, BO next 12 sts in patt. draw yarn through last st on right-hand needle to fasten off but do
not cut yarn. k1, BO rem 12 sts in part and draw yarn through last stand fasten
off. Drop rem 2 sts from right needle and ravel to CO edge.
Sew three sets of two buttons tog (one on RS and one on WS of fabric. opposite
buttonholes) 1" (2.5 cm) in from edge and centered in each of the cable panels. Wrap
yarn around the base of each button to form a shank as shown at left.
Weave in loose ends. Wet-block and pin to finished measurements. Let air-dry
completely before removing pins.
For a larger. luxurious wrap. double the width and length: Cast on 64 stitches
(a multiple of 13 stitches plus 12) and knit until the piece is 72" (183 cm) long.
But plan for four times as much yarn—
880 yards (805 meters)——if you do. n.
Спасибо, что заглянули на канал, не забудьте подписаться и поставить лайк.
Для спонсоров канала- делаем текстовые переводы с английского, турецкого, итальянского,греческого.
#палантин пицами
#схемывязания вязания
#идеи вязания
#мастер классы повязанию
#модное вязание
#накидки и пелерины
#Вязаные красивые накидкиипелерины
#шаль спицами
#палантин спицами
#вязание спицами
#мастер классы повязанию
#модное вязание
#накидки и пелерины
#Вязаные красивые накидкиипелерины
#шаль спицами
#палантин спицами
#εσαρπα πλεκτη
#knitted shawl
#Hand knitted shoulder
#πλεκτό σαλι
#уроки вязания
#схемы вязания
#мк по вязаниюспицами
#мастер класс вязание
#мк вязание
#мастер классы повязанию
#схемы вязания
#идеи вязания
#уроки вязания
#Сьемный воротник