#HITB2012KUL D1T2 - Marc 'Van Hauser' Heuse - IPv6 Insecurity Revolutions

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IPv6 is creeping slowly into the ISP and telco network, so it is final time to present on new security issues in IPv6 as well as showing the professionals how to audit and hacking it. All accompanied with GPL tools to do the deeds: the new thc-ipv6 package. rewritten, expanded, enhanced.


Marc "van Hauser" Heuse is performing security research since 1993, having found vulnerabilities in software like firewalls, DNS servers, SAP middleware, etc. and is the author of various well known security and pentest tools like hydra, amap, THC-Scan, secure_delete, SuSEFirewall and many more. He is performing security research on IPv6 since 2005 and has spoken on many conferences on this topic since then, among these are the CCC congress (Germany), Cansecwest (Canada), PacSec (Japan) and many more international conferences, and additionally has programmed the solely available pentest toolkit for ipv6: the thc-ipv6 protocol attack suite. In 1995 he founded the renowned security research group "The Hacker's Choice", which was the first group to e.g. crack A5 GSM in 2006 within a minute. Since 1997 he is working as a security consultant in the top-5 enterprise consultant companies, since 2007 he is working as an independant security consultant.
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Great video! Shocking to me to see how bad it still is. I first watched Van Hauser's IPv6 video “Attacking the IPv6 Protocol Suite” on Google videos in 06. That was so eye opening for me. To see this now, and realize that all these years later, I know of no one running IPSec transports!!! Only remote access tunnels. I call for an upgrade to RADIUS/Diameter that I call “Circumference”. Just as Kerberos can encrypt GSSAPI application access, I believe all LDAP authorizations should use IPSec transports. The hardest part of encryption is key management, and I think that better, RFC based open standard AAA servers can help here. Keep up the great work!


Thanks for uploading the fixed version.