A Doctor Reviews: Modere Trim

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Modere Trim is a weight loss supplement that promises results but only delivers a hefty price tag. We expose the truth about this overpriced supplement and show you how to get the same benefits for much less.

Top recommended alternatives to Modere Trim:

0:00 Intro
1:06 Ingredients of Modere Trim
2:41 Conjugated linoleic acid
3:39 BioCell
5:20 Side effects and concerns
5:39 Is Modere Trim effective?
6:30 Is Modere Trim worth it?
7:07 Overall rating


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Content: All statements made are opinions and not stated as fact. While Dr. Brian and his team makes every effort to fact check the information presented, mistakes can still be made. Dr. Brian and his team are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the information provided. The intent of this channel is not to malign or harm the reputation of any individual, company, or organization. All criticisms are made in good faith and with the aim of providing constructive feedback.

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Medical: Dr. Brian Yeung, ND received his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2013. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Yeung is currently a practicing Naturopathic Doctor with additional prescribing authority and IV therapy certification in Ontario. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Yeung and you. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. BrianYeungND and Dr. Brian Yeung, ND are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any conclusions drawn, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
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I tried it for 2 months- i guess not long enough to see a change- but, glad i found your video to validate what i had already thought 😊


I'm glad I found this video and learned about the alternatives to Modere. I took Modere Trim for 14 months, along with slight diet changes and more workouts - lost a total of 10 pounds during that time. It's hard to know how much Modere Trim contributed but I'm going to discontinue and see how I do on my own. I'm NOT disappointed in my weight loss although I'd like to lose maybe 5 more pounds. I actually thought I'd lose more weight on Trim, and more quickly, but my jeans fit again without tugging to stretch the waistband, so I'm happy.


I used the system and lost 45 lbs in 5 months. Honestly, I was 60 and could not lose a single lb., I added this and kept exercising as I did before, eating a healthy-mostly Mediterranean type diet ... Cut down on bread and drank lots of water. I'm not sure what it was, but something in the TRIM and Burn just fired up my metabolism. Just My experience. But yes, it is expensive...but for me, it was worth every penny.


Thanks for the info, I almost bought into Modere.


What would be nice is to show actual examples of brands that are generic to go buy. Showing a video like this is great to tell me what to not take but you really aren’t providing a good alternative like your title says. I see your links for the CLA but Biocell is a collagen as well. Is there any links for that one?


Best review I have come across for this company! I shopped online and compared these supplements along with the video and created my list that comes out to the same price as Modere's sport, but with better dosages! Thank you, Dr. Yeung!


They are ridiculous expensive and just not feasible for many people in today’s economy. They never have sales and if you sell it, you don’t even get a discount


So what CLA and bio cell products would you recommend


Great article.. can you do a follow up with recommendations for collagen? Thanks


What about Modere’s Trebiotic?? Could you do a video on this possibly something less expensive?? Thank you.


I used this trim and Biocell I got good results I got relief in my joint pain due to gout attack ☺️and I’m happy customer of Modere 🥰how long u used this product???


Hi, I really hope I can get your thoughts on my post. I started taking Modere Trim through a friend for energy not for weight loss. We are both physically fit and need zero pounds lost. What we notice is an increase in focus and motivation. My brain fog seems to clear and also my knees dont seem to bother me. I would wake in the morning craving the trim and have lasting energy throughout the day. I joke that we are going to find out in 20yrs we've been taking a drug stimulate unknowingly. 😅.... All jokes aside there really is no stimulate? Why does the trim seem to make me feel mentally focused and good after 1 week and literally kick me when im off? Mid 30's, good eating habits, target weight for my age. Ive looked for similar stories but no luck. Any thoughts?


Ive used Life blend once called Jusuru for 14 years.. It has been life changing
63 and off all meds after being on several meds for arthritis and blood pressure for 18 years.


Ive been taking trim for 3 yrs. The first 6 months.. I seen inches going away. But hasnt dkne anytbing more for 2.5 yrs. And it doesnt do anything for joints. When infirst started taking it cost was 99. Now its 139. And when i was looking tonswitch to powder collagen plus from health store. There scoop was 10 g. And modere was only 3.4g. So i woukdve had to take 3 tablespoons instead of 1. So that means it would last 2 weeks. After my bottle is done. I wont be buying no more. Ill use the big bottle of powder for 30 and it will last 1 month or more.


How much CLA is recommended per day to help with weight loss ?


The comment I made with regards to the Modere products are all made from my own personal EXPERIENCE. It's up to each person to decide for themselves to use them or not.


Since I started taking their products, I started to feel sick. It is very bad and weird feeling so I had to stop . I am trying to get an appointment with my GP for further test.


Thank you! Humans think taking expensive products is the answer for their issues. I believe that simple changes : eat well avoid ultra processed food, exercise and spend time in nature and get enough sleep is what’s needed. Not miracle cures that only makes your-bank account slim ……


I only purchase their shampoo, conditioner and bubble bath. It is great for my hair and the bubble bath I use as a shower gel.


Is this program safe for teenagers to lose weight? Plss reply. I dnt wan to end up with some sort of side effects in future...pls advice. Thanks in advance.
