imagine scenarios #shorts

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Автор name: Park Sunghoon (Brother’s best friend)




So ain’t nobody’s gonna talk about Lexi slayyying that dance??


Y/n (you)
h/n (brothers best friend)
B/n (brother)
Bff/n (best friend)

Y/n (you)
h/n (brothers best friend)
B/n (brother)
Bff/n (best friend)

I smiled and laughed awkwardly as I grabbed my phone and walked to my room. As I was walking to my room I heard him chuckle behind me as he opened the fridge. I was sitting down watching tv when my brother and his best friend came up my brother leaning against the doorway and his best friend behind him
"Hey loser" he said to me
"Ugh, what!?" I replied
"Me and H/n are going to your best friends party and you're coming with us"
"Ugh, why!? It's so late!" I asked. He glanced at H/n and turned back to me
"No reason! Just get ready! and we all know you slept all day" I rolled my eyes as he left and closed the door behind him. What the heck was that? Why did he glance at H/n? Anyways, I guess I need to get ready. I open my closet door to grab out a short silky blue dress I had I changed into that. After I changed into the beautiful dress I put on a pair of heels and continued to get ready. After I got ready, I grabbed my black purse and walked downstairs. I walked down to see my brothers best friend but not my brother
"Umm, wheres B/n"
"He's gonna be here soon" I nod my head as my brother comes down stairs
"Okay, lets go!' we walked over to my brothers car, my brother was 16 and could drive but I couldn't since I was 15. I walk into the back seat of the car, leaving his friend the front seat. I start to scroll on my phone as we start driving to my best friends house. My brother turns on some random music that I hated and I just continued scrolling on tiktok. After I scrolled for a bit, I saw a girl doing the tyla dance trend, which reminded me of what happend today. I started to cringe just thinking about it... After about 10-15 more minutes of driving, we got to Bff/n's house, I got out of the car and walked inside. my best friend welcomed me inside and I walked in. We walked in together and she lead me to a circle that people were forming. I saw a bottle in the middle and guessed we were playing spin the bottle.
"I will be right back!" My best friend said as she walked to the door and pointed my brother and his best friend where to go. they walked over to the circle and sat down. I could have sworn I saw H/n checking me out but I just thought I was being delusional. My best friend walked over and explained the game
"So, this game is combines spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven, someone spins the bottle and whoever it lands on goes into my closet for seven minutes" she sat down and she lifted her head up at me to tell me to spin. I spinned it and it kept spinning i was looking at the bottle after it finally stopped I looked up in the direction it stopped in to see that it landed on H/n...

Part three coming soon


I looked away being kind of embarrassed
"Do i have to?" I asked my best friend, she nodded her head. I sighed and walked into the closet, he was behind me. After I walked in I sat down on the floor not tryna start anything. he sits down with me and I sorta back up a bit. He looks me up and down with a concerned look on his face
"are you okay? You seem uncomfortable...?"
"Yeah... I'm fine" he nods his head not wanting to dig deeper and make me more uncomfortable.
"we don't have to do anything if you don't want to" It's not that I didn't want to! I was just scared... I nodded my head and he nodded as well. Me and him started talking for a while just opening up to each other. after a while he checked his phone and we realized that the seven minutes were almost up. I put my hand on his cheek and leaned in to kiss him I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and then smiled. Just then my best friend opened the closest door and we left the closet. We sit back down in the circle, H/n is now the one that's looking embarrassed. We continue to play for a while, until we all decided to just do whatever we want. We got up from the circle and I walked over to a sofa and sat down. Just then ex/n walked over to me and I rolled my eyes. He handed me a drink that looked like juice.
"Whats this?" I ask
"Listen, y/n I'm so sorry for what I did to you! And I dont expect you to accept my apology but here" he paused as he handed me the blue juice
"Thanks?" I said doubtingly "this doesn't have alcohol in it does it?" I ask
"of course not!" I nodded my head and took a sip. it tasted normal, maybe he was changed.
"Thanks!" I said as I sat down at the couch. I started drinking the Hawaiian punch. After a while h/n walked over to me.
"hey.." he paused "are you drunk?"
"stand up!" he said. I shook my head.
"All I drunk was what ex/n gave me and he told me that it had no alcohol"
"wait what... Isn't that your ex?" I nodded my head and buried my head in his neck. He turned his head to look down at me and then looked back up.
"there isn't even alcohol here because we're only 18 maybe 19"
i nodded my head. I got really tired and so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Part 4!!!:
I woke up to H/n being gone and instead my best friend next to me, I sat up and she looked over at me.
"hey..." she said quietly
"Hi" I said very hungover "what time is it" I asked
"It's 10pm, but don't worry, I told your mom you we're going to have a sleep over with me"
"what happened?" I asked
"well... I didn't invite Ex/n but he snuck into the party, he then gave you alcohol because he wanted to umm..." She paused for a moment "take advantage of you again" my eyes widened as I heard my best friend say these words
"yeah... but when H/n walked over and tried to pick you up, him and H/n started arguing and the started fighting"
"oh..." She pulls me into a hug as tears fall down from my eyes. "if H/n hadn't been there, I..." I decided not to finish my sentence.
"I know..." she says saddness in her voice. she pulls away from the hug and I noticed she was crying to, she wipes her tears off "Lets just spend the rest of the day together" I nod my head liking that idea even though I had a hangover
"do you have any advil?" I asked
"Yes, let me get you some" she walks into the kitchen to grab the medicine as I take out my phone to text H/n
"H/n, I'm so sorry..." I texted I turned off my phone because I really didn't feel like talking about anything that happended and I didn't want to tell him that I didn't want to talk about it because he might think I don't trust him. After a while i hear the blender mixing, I look over and see my best friend making us milkshakes, I smile at how nice she is. After she gets done, she brings the drinks over and she sits down at the sofa. She drinks her cookies and cream milkshake and I drink my chocolate one, since it is my favorite. We do what we always do and try eachother's. After we try eachothers I I take the advil with the milkshake. "Let's just watch a movie, or youtube if you'd like!" My best friend says
"definitely YouTube" she nods her head as she opens YouTube.
"I'll go get us snacks that we both like" She gets up and I continue drinking my chocolate milkshake
"Hey Bff/n do you have any clothes I can wear" I say, realizing I'm still in my dress.
"Yes! Of course!" she says as as she walks into her room and grabs clothes, after a bit, she walks back into the room and hands me the clothes
"Thanks!" I say as I go into her bedroom to change. I put on her gray tanktop crop top she gave me, black and red plaid pajama pants, and a white/creme colored jacket that is over one shoulder but not the other and is unzipped. I go back into the living room and sit down, my best friend is still in the kitchen looking for the best snacks, when I hear a knock at the door.
"I'll get it!" I say as I get up to answer the door I open it to see H/n standing right infront of me

Part 5 coming soon (IT'LL BE H/N'S POV THIS TIME!!!)

Part 5!!!!

As she answers the door I look at her, she looks really beautiful in the outfit shes wearing, I feel my heart start to beat faster. I clear my websites you can watch videos to get an and look away.
"What are you doing here?" I look back as she tilts her head.
"Oh, umm I'm just here to support you after the whole situation last night"
"Oh okay, come in!" she said as I walked inside behind her. she sits on the couch and I sit on the seat beside her. Her best friend walks over with snacks and sits them on the table.
"Oh, hi H/n" she says to me
"Hi! I say back
"These are for you y/n!" She said as she handed her the takis because those are her favorite snack. I'm so glad her brother is supportive of the fact I like her, that's why we convinced BFF/n to have a party last night. (also what the look was about btw) I was going to ask her out when she was sitting on the sofa but she was drunk because of EX/n "also just so you know guys, I didn't invite ex/n"
"Yeah, I figured" y/n said bff/n nodded her head
"Hold on, I'ma grab a blanket" she says as she walks into her room. I sit in silence for a bit. She grabs her lip balm and puts it on, I'm pretty sure it's kind of like lipstick too.
"so..." I pause "about last night..." She looked away looking embarrassed. "I-" just then her best friend walks into the living room and sits with us on the couch. She sits beside Y/n since shes in the middle and she pulls a blanket over all of us. She turns on youtube. After watching youtube for an hour I look over to see BFF/N asleep. Y/n is still awake and when I turn over to look at her she looks back at me. She saw that my hand was out of the blanket and took hers out to hold mine. She smiled slightly looking kind of embarrassed. She leans her head on my shoulder. I put the hand that she wasn't holding on her thigh. She stops leaning her head on my shoulder and kisses me on the cheek and then goes back to leaning on my shoulder. After a while I noticed she was asleep and I decided I should probably go to sleep too

Part 6: i think it got deleted

Y/N's pov



1 % of the time reading
99 % of the time watching Lexi rock that dance❤


bro, the funniest thing here is lazy ass and shy me would not even bother to go to kitchen for doing a trend


Someone like my comments when there's a part 2 made!! Thanks pookies


PART TWOOOO (i tried)
As you froze, a deep blush spread across your cheeks. H/n’s unexpected compliment left you both flustered and awkwardly standing inches apart in the dimly lit kitchen. You cleared your throat, trying to regain your composure.

“Uh, thanks, ” you stammered, reaching for your phone as if it could somehow shield you from the situation.

H/n smirked, his gaze lingering on you with a hint of mischief. He leaned casually against the counter, his presence both magnetic and intimidating. “Sorry for catching you off guard. I was just drawn to the sound of the music. Didn’t mean to intrude on your... private performance.”

You laughed nervously, the sound mingling with the faint background music still playing on your phone. “It’s fine. I was just trying to escape the noise upstairs.”

H/n’s eyes sparkled with playful interest. “Well, mission accomplished. You certainly captured my attention. Maybe I should consider adding ‘dance critic’ to my resume.”

You raised an eyebrow, a smile tugging at your lips. “Oh really? And what would your review be?”

“Let’s just say, ” he said, stepping a little closer, “I’ve never seen someone make that dance look so... captivating. Maybe I need a personal lesson from you.”

Your heart raced as his proximity intensified the moment. “A lesson, huh? You think you can handle it?”

“Absolutely, ” H/n replied, his voice dropping to a softer, more seductive tone. “I’m always up for a challenge. And I have a feeling you’d be a pretty amazing teacher.”

You chuckled, feeling both exhilarated and slightly overwhelmed. “Alright, you’ve got yourself a deal. But remember, this is just between us.”

“Wouldn’t dream of telling anyone, ” he said with a knowing smile, extending his hand in a playful yet intimate gesture. “It’ll be our little secret.”

You shook his hand, the touch sending a shiver down your spine. The tension between you felt electric, making the noise from upstairs seem like a distant memory.

As you both started heading back upstairs, H/n’s warm gaze lingered on you. “Thanks for the unexpected entertainment. I’m looking forward to those dance lessons.”

You smiled back, your heart fluttering. “Looking forward to them too. See you around, H/n.”

With that, you returned to the chaos upstairs, the night feeling charged with new possibilities and a bit of intrigue.


Okay but why did we need to go all the way downstairs into the kitchen just to do a dance😭?


*aggresive sniff* these comments are too fresh where’s the part twos


um i guess i can try to make a part 2! it's only my 3rd time so be nice please, i'll try my best!

y/n :: you
h/n :: brother's bsf + future love?
b/n :: brother

"you-you saw that?" y/n stutters.

"mhm..." h/n mumbles.

b/n comes down the stairs and sees you together. either he got jealous or awkwarded out, because he said ::

"h/n, let's go finish our game the party is waiting on us."

"yeah-yeah sorry dude i was uhm... getting a soda."

you decide to give up on the dance trend and go back to your room. when you get there, you smell yourself.

you get in the shower and the door opens. you stop.

"who's in here?" y/n asks, scared and weirded out.

"oh my bad y/n." h/n says in a deep and seductive voice "i-ehrm didn't know you were in here."

"okay...." y/n mutters under her breath "oh um, can you tell b/n to get me a towel, all of the ones in here are dirty."

"yeah... i uh can." h/n says slowly.

"h/n...." y/n peaks around the curtain. "what are you...."

you then see h/n staring at a box of tampons in his hands. and you jump out of the shower, forgetting you are clotheless and grab them from h/n.

"what are you doing?!" y/n yells. "why are you still in here?!"

h/n points back at the box. "those... fit in you?"

"yes?" y/n says. was he stupid?

"bet." h/n smirks.

"wha-" y/n turns red. "let me- let me change first."

h/n turns around and you pull on sweats and a baggy t.

"done." y/n smiles.

h/n grabs your waist and puts you up on the counter. "ready love?"

"mhm." y/n smirks with her hands palming his face.

✨️✨️🌶 spicy warning 🌶✨️✨️

h/n presses his lips onto yours to get it started. you decide to make the bigger move and take his shirt off. you slide your hands under his shirt, feeling his abs, and slide it off.

"your turn." h/n says, sliding your shirt off and unbuckling your bra.

he places his warm hand on your chest and slowly slides it down. before he can get any further, he pulls off your sweatpants and underwear. then, he moves his hand further down, bringing him onto his knees.

"3..." you say confused.

"you feel this leg, right?" h/n asks.

"yes..?" y/n says.

h/n chuckles under his breath. "bet you won't tomorrow. "

he pulls that leg over him, so that you're straddling him. he pulls you on top of him and you kiss him. starting his lips. neck. chest. waist. you stop.

"do it y/n" h/n says as you move your mouth even further down.

you start slowly, but get faster. when you finsih you climb back up him and rest your head. he strokes your long, luscious hair.

"i should get back to b/n." h/n says frowning. "i'll be back tonight princess."

h/n gets up and walks to the bathroom where he gets he clothes on and trys to make himself look as if he hadn't eaten his bsf's sister's face off.

part 3? spicy or sweet? let's get to ten likes!

part 3! it may be spicy....

the next day you wake up to an alarm. you groan and read what it says. "baseball banquet at 3"

"sh!t!" y/n yells "i forgot about b/n's baseball banquet, mom wanted the whole family to go!"

then, you check the time. 1pm. you slept in really late. eventually, you spide out of bed and find the dress you picked out for this. it was a short light blue dress with long sleeves. the top half was slightly cinched, bedazzeled with medium white pearls. you loved it.

then your door opens, just as you're about to take off your shirt. it was h/n.

"h/n!" y/n yells, pulling the shirt back on. "can i help you?"

"oh, b/n just wanted me to check if you're awake." h/n replied.

he stepped closer and pulled a strand of your hair behind your ear. h/n proceeded to kiss you. it was light. and quick. but that was fine with you.

"we'll be downstairs when you're ready." h/n smiled, pulling away from your hand holding.

once he left, you pulled on your dress and did your hair and makeup. (it was now like 2:10pm)

you walked downstairs, where h/n and b/n were standing by the door. h/n stared at you, wishing he could tell you that you looked beautiful. but he was hesitant since b/n was there.

"come on guys, the limo is here and we have to pick up sadie." b/n said. your family was rich and everyone knew it. sadie was b/n's girlfriend.

you slid in the limo, and sat next to h/n. b/n sat on the side seats, so that he could save a seat for sadie.

h/n leaned over and whispered in your ear: "i wanted to tell you earlier, but you look beautiful."

his warm voice tickled your neck a little. you smile.

"thank you." y/n replies, trying to stay cool.

when you stopped at sadie's, and b/n went to pick her up, h/n placed his hand on your thigh. you look up at him, your face turning red. he grabs your chin with his other hand and kisses you. when he does, you place your hand on top of his other hand (on your thigh) as if you wanted it to stay there. h/n smiles and panics when b/n opens the limo door. he tries pulling his hand away, but you push it into your thigh. b/n looks at ths two of you and shrugs. you knew he wouldn't care, but h/n didn't. h/n relaxed his hand and slowly massaged your thigh. when you all arrived at the banquet, you grabbed h/n's hand off your thigh and placed it in your hand.

the two of you walked in hand in hand. after the banquet was done, b/n told you that you two could take the limo alone, since sadie's parents were picking them up. the two of you tried to stay cool but were excited. once you got in the limo, h/n closed the barrier between the driver and the backseat. you knew you were in for it.

(spicy again y'all 😅)

h/n pulled off the shorts you had under your dress. he then sat on the floor in front of you.

"h/n...?" you questioned.

he placed his mouth on your 😺 and darted his tounge into it. you screamed. not quietly. h/n jolted up.

"hey babe." he smirked. " need to keep your beautiful mouth quiet for me, ok?"

then, he laughed.

"why are you laughing?" y/n questioned.

"you're being so delicate right now."

"i am not." y/n says stubbornly. "i bet i can make you moan my name."

the car stops and the two of you realize you're home. he picks you up and carries you into the house and up into your room.

"do it then." he lies down on the bed, and places his hands behind his head...

part 4 at 30 likes guys!

part 4!

you start grinding him. starting slow but getting quicker. nothing. you bring your mouth down to his 🍆 and slowly move it up and down. h/n's eyes widen, but his mouth is still shut. you give it your all and when you're done you bring you mouth up to his ears.

"idk if i can do it...." y/n whispers "daddy."

you smirk and h/n's eyes widen again.

"i did it!" y/n pushes off his chest.

he rolls his eyes "please. just say that again."

guys i'm sorry that was do short but i need 50 likes to finish part 4. i am kinda busy so like it up!

shi sorry guys i forgot about this! here's the rest of part 4!

you get up and stand by his side of the bed.

"beg." y/n smirks.

he groans and stands up, leaning by your ear.

"please mommy?" h/n whispers.

your eyes widen.

"ok ok-" y/n says, pushing h/n back into the bed.

you kiss him one last time and stand up to go shower.

part 5 at 100 likes pleaseee!! i'm still very busy!!

part 5! i'm doing sweet because i want a sweet boyfriend personally and i'm listening to benson boone!

it's not letting me put it here! so it's in the replys!
