AVGN Volume X (100 Episode Marathon Blu Ray Edition)

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For fans of physical media who want to own the first 100 episodes of AVGN in your collection.

It includes two discs.

Disc 1 contains the first 100 episodes (about 19 hours total) with a Play All option where you can have the ultimate binge-watching marathon!

Disc 2 contains about 7 hours of bonus material, from the previous DVD’s, relating to episodes 1-100.

26 hours is the approximate total running time of both discs combined.

Previously, there has been DVD Volumes 1-8. If you already own them, there is nothing new here. This is for:

A) If you don’t already own them. This is a new cost effective way to own the first 100 episodes on fewer discs. Blu-ray discs are more expensive to manufacture, but we crammed so many videos into them, that it is a better buy.

B) The ability to watch the first 100 episodes in one straight 19 hour marathon.

The videos are in STANDARD DEFINITION, because that is the way they were shot. The reason they are on Blu-ray discs is because they can fit much more content than a standard DVD.

We are planning on releasing the newer episodes on future Blu-ray sets, to continue the “X” series. Newer episodes are shot in HD, and will be presented in HD when episodes after 106 are eventually released.

For those who do not own Blu-ray players, we are also planning on getting the previous DVD releases back in stock, and “Volume 9″ is still possible. We have a lot of work to do.

Region Free and Ships Worldwide!

Get AVGN Volume X Here!
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Awesome, i might buy it :)
I've watched and rewatched all avgn episodes more than 20 times now, no jokes.


That's cool and all but what about VHS?


I, for one, am a massive fan of SD content being put on Blu-Ray. Take advantage of the 80+ Gigs of space, limiting the number of discs we have to put up with; what's not to love?


There should be an AVGN-day every year! And every year when it comes around... All fans have a massive AVGN marathon!! Can we have an official AVGN-day?


It's really cool that you can put 19 HOURS into a single disc. You can tell he has put a lot of effort into this stuff.


So glad you inspired so many of us James and despite your life being so busy with having a family, making so many videos, and running a company, you still upload for us. Thank you for inspiring so many of us to get on YouTube, including my self. You are a LEGEND James!


Shit man I just realized how much has been on this channel this year compared to the last two years. Love that you're back James/Mike/Doug all of you!


Will definitely get this! Need to start supporting more of my favorite content creators and AVGN is surely a show I need in my collection. Respect from Denmark and thanks for the years of entertainment!


I live in Australia is there any region locking?


I saw my first AVGN episode back in 2007 which got me into watching your other content as well. Seeing this channel and its community grow through out the years has been so exciting as you guys if no one deserves it. And it seems like your videos are just getting bigger and better every year. Just don't strain yourselves at working with new videos. :D Nevertheless I can't wait to see what you guys are going to bring us in the future. :) Happy holidays and happy new year to all of you. (btw. sorry for any grammar mistakes :D)


Do you think you could release the DVD volumes in a box set as well?


This is a good Christmas present for your dad, mom, brother, sister, grandparents, and pets.


I have the dvds, but to be able to sit and watch nonstop AVGN for 100 eps is a must have.


I binged watch around 100 AVGN episodes on my phone when I was installing my new hard drive.

It's not only possible, it's enjoyable


I absolutely love how considerate you are, explaining the whys are wherefores of your content and disc makeup to the viewer. You sir, rock to the nth degree. Thanks! (You are an inspiration, I'm sure, to many; I know you're exactly who I would want to be were I younger.)


i love how honest you are james.
the explanation is very nice to put out, so noone feels screwed over.
also its very nice that there is nothing i missed as a collector of the older dvd's.

thanks for your honesty


I watch these vids over and over. Maybe somebody will get this for me for Christmas. I love


Great stuff, buying this for sure. Will there be an ultimate AVGN collection released on BluRay?


Speaking of physical media. Could you please release your video game on disc? I purchased it for both Wii U and 3DS digitally but I'd like to have a physical version.


A 19 hour AVGN marathon sounds like a fuckin good time.
