Calculus 3 Lecture 15.3: How to Compute Line Integrals (Over Non-Conservative V.Fields)

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Calculus 3 Lecture 15.3: How to Compute Line Integrals (and Over Non-Conservative V.Fields): An Introduction to Line Integrals and techniques of computation. Also, how to find Line Integrals over Vector Fields and an interpretation of their meaning.
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Professor, I have to say thank you for making this free to watch. The education system currently has so many flaws that it is difficult to stay motivated. You would not believe how awful my professors are and how little they do. You are not just a great teacher but a great person for putting this online for others. Words cannot describe how thankful I am for you and I fully intend on paying you for your classes once I can afford to. Whatever you make as a professor it is not enough. On a side note, you're one hot piece of meat.


My calc 4 professor told me to drop his class after receiving a 66% on his midterm, just got my final back, 103%, highest score in the class. Thank you


Professor I am from South Africa and I am doing Bsc Civil Engineering at University of Kwa Zulu Natal.Your videos are helpful and they have helped me on calculus1, 2 and three.You must know this know this here at south africa you are saving lives form failing math. maybe like 75% of 1&2 years student pass calculus with your videos. We have given you a name here which is Sgora it's a Zulu name which means FIT GUY. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK SIR, all those writing negitive comment it's just that they needed your videos and you didnt post them when they needed them


28:14 - Example 1
35:24 - Example 2
46:22 - Example 3
1:03:09 - Example 4
1:17:03 - Example 5
1:27:10 - Example 6
1:46:32 - Example 7
2:03:08 - Example 8


Hi professor, I know you're probably never going to see this but I wanted to thank you anyway for these videos. I suffer from ADHD and I literally would be 100% incapable of passing this class if it weren't for these videos. The fact that they're free, 1-2 hours long, comprehensive, and taught so clearly is mind blowing to me. Thank you for uploading and giving me another shot at college math


The number of times I start crying in his videos because I finally, finally get it after spending hours in lecture, textbooks, and practicing problems is a little embarassing. He's so gentle in the way he walks us through these hard freaking concepts and its so different from the way I've been taught math - something rigorous, challenging, and honestly leaves me feeling sick to my stomach because I have to swallow down things that are not intuitive.
Thanks so much Professor Leonard. I hope this isn't inappropriate but you make my day and sometimes I really want a big hug from you and have you tell me everythings gonna be ok. Both my mom and dad have been sick and hearing an adult be so nice just makes me feel so safe, even if it is just during class.


I've learned more in first 12 minutes of this video than I have in the past two weeks of my professor trying to teach this stuff. Good work Professor!


Bro, you're a beast. I just had a whole semester of being a lazy little bum and not really caring about my work. Suddenly had an epiphany and craving for learning in-depth. Your videos came in clutch man. Hopefully, I make a comeback and am able to do well in my courses following your videos next semester for differential equations. God bless you, and to anyone here early in the college or maybe high school career, this guy is a godsend.


I stopped the video at 1:30 because I just had to say that you are the best math teacher I have ever had. You really empower your students, including all of us who watch these videos, with your clear, systematic and comprehensive explanations. There is so much caring for the students in your approach to teaching. Saying this is the only way that I and the rest of us can give back to you.


The one thing that makes this professor so proficient in teaching is summarizing and reiterating concepts. Every time he talks about a new concept or goes over a problem, he reiterates what he said and summarizes what he just did. It will help embed the information in your mind.


There are no dumb students;there are only proffessors who have no passion or understanding to what theyre doin.its amazing how you make math intuitive and interesting.mathematics should be given in the right way otherwise it loses meaning.thank you so much, i just adore your lectures;THEYRE SUPER HELPFUL


Well more than a decade watching Youtube and this is the first channel
I've bothered subscribing to. You are a legend and a lifesaver. Finally
someone who teaches things slowly and thoroughly enough for people like
me that get distracted every half a second. Cheers no end.


Sir, the more I watch your videos, the more I like math. :)


There is a faster way to get the vector function for the line segments:
r( t ) = [ (1 - t) * r_0 ] + [ ( t ) * r_1 ]

r_0 is the first point ( a, b, c ) in the vector form < a, b, c >
r_1 is the second point ( d, e, f ) in the vector form < d, e, f >

Bounds for t are automatically from t = 0 to t = 1

It works and cuts down a lot of time


I've commented on a video or 2 of yours before, but I need to say that you should be getting paid really well for the work you are doing here. For any one in his class, let me tell you that he is basically spoon feeding this information to you, and not every instructor does or even CAN do that. I basically don't even go to my class right now and I'm making A's while the other people in class are there every day and failing. I point them your way because the hours I work don't really allow for many study sessions to help other people.


omg i looked away and in that same sec he goes like "are you listening right now" hahaha whoppps sorry


I wish I made more of an effort to watch all of your videos as my semester progressed, I'm so behind and may have to retake this class again. You are so wonderful Professor Leonard!


I am a current materials engineering major at Imperial College London, and I have to say the way you explained this topic is much clearer than the way my lecturer explained it. Well done Prof.


Professor honestly its so hard to find people like you, who know how to explain so well and make Calculus fun. A day doesn't go by when im in Calculus class and Im wishing for you to enter through that door and say "okay guys im your new professor for Calculus, lets have a I salute you Sir


God-level teaching needs naught but a marker & board. I went from a 46% on my first Calc 3 exam to 100% on my mid-term, and this channel is the ONLY reason. I will definitely remember to make my own little monetary support of this Professor as soon as I'm no longer living on loans and grants. Did way more for me than the Ivy-pedigreed PhD's in my Uni who could confuse you on how to make toast.
