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Every 2 days, Josh. Every 2 days. Aim for quality and the audience growth will come. And as you gain more experience, you'll naturally get faster in creating content as well - but even then, sticking to every 2 days will give you time to reflect, assess, and also start nurturing other parts of your business.


Don't focus too much on numbers and growth. I've done that for 5 years and it caused more harm than good, you put too much stress on you. It's nice to see steady growth but this way it's too exhausting and can, actually will cause burnout at some point. Posting video every other day is more than frequent enough, at some point super fast pace won't show any further benefits anyways


Now you just need an LCD-4 lol. I think the Outrun theme was cool but I agree, neutral 6500K lighting is probably the best for the long run. Will be very interesting to see your thoughts on all those LCDs. Also agree with others, no need to have daily videos


Keep doing you Josh. You've got an awesome style, really enjoyable to watch. Your honesty, transparency and clear passion for bettering yourself as a reviewer is why I'm going to continue watching regardless of how you decide to present your videos. I like the colour scheme you adopt currently but your new direction seems a little more refined and mature. Also I agree that quality is more important than quantity when it comes to keeping and gaining subscribers. Anyway keep it up man, looking forward to your future videos.


I think shooting for 2-3 videos a week is a good goal. I'd much rather see quality go up than keep a daily upload. Love what you're doing, keep it up. And like others said don't concentrate on the growth too much. You have good content, focus on that and the subscribers will come.


Really cool channel my man, subscribed!


please dont burn yourself out even every 3 days upload is ok also about the look/lighting please stick with warm lighting i cant stand white light the warm/ natural look looks better


You could fill your entire wall with vinyl covers it would look so cool


My ideal Joshua Valour week would be four posts;
1. A “what’s coming up” on the channel or “first impressions” of a review sample.
2. An in-depth review, say 20-30 minutes.
3. A quick review or industry opinion piece.
4. Another review if you are having a busy week, or an outdoor/lifestyle post.


I love the daily uploads! Maybe if you don’t have anything to put out just answer a couple questions from your chat or something.
I don’t mind every other day but then that turns into zeos once a week


I say a solid week for me looks like this

Monday: record of the week review ( talk more about the mood of the record, the feel and the texture of what we can expect)

Wednesday : headphone / speaker of the week ( maybe you can even talk about how they pair with the records and accessories you have reviewed or are reviewing the week of)

Friday: accessory vid ( amps.dacs, cables, cases etc.)

If you want a 4th day in the mix then maybe a round of of a gear category based on a theme. For instance a round up of headphones that have wide sound stages or the most detailed headphones etc. you can swap these for lifestyle vids when you are low on gear to mix in a personal touch.

Don’t get too down dude your vids are super quality. Most of my recommendations just revolve around what I’d love to see a reviewer do. This being said whatever you decide to do I’m along for the ride man.


Quality/non biasedness is there. Keep it up, every 3 days is more than good enough


I think every three days is the sweet spot.


I really liked the neon colored backround better. Then about them daily uploads, just do what makes you feel the most comfortable, daily, every other day, doesnt matter to me.


Just a thought, since there is only a limited amount of gear that a person can review maybe consider have one equipment video a week. One video on technical sides of AV (set ups, terminology, what to listen for, people seem to love round ups of gear in different price ranges and what you gain/lose as you move up or down, etc). Then the other day can be a wrap up preview or general discussions on whatever you feel you want to talk about. That would keep your brain engaged in enough different directions that you may not get burned out as quickly as just trying to push videos out everyday. You take great care to not talk out of your behind and people sense you are genuine, and people tend to want genuine people more than just massive amounts of content. My two cents


I am more into quality over quantity. I feel every other day would be better for both you, Josh and the viewers.


You're doing great man, have you ever thought about covering more IEMs? Chi-fi seems to be hot right now so I would definitely cover comparisons between some in one video since they're cheap


Don't forget, subscribers will grow exponentially and not linearly. Every 2-3 days is more than enough. Quality videos are more likely to keep someone checking back.


Josh, can you recommend a pair of mid tier headphones for a budding guitar player like me, for when I am recording or jamming by myself? thanks in advance


There’s a common theme in these comments Josh, posting three or four videos a week is more than enough. I actually liked the coloured lights, but I’m not here for fancy backdrops, it’s to learn, interact with others in the hobby, and to be entertained.
