Bloomberg HT Odine Halka Arz Gong Töreni Röportajı | Alper Tunga Burak, CEO, Odine - 21 Mart 2024
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21 Mart 2024 tarihinde, Odine halka arz gong töreninde Bloomberg HT ile gerçekleşen canlı yayın röportajında Odine CEO, Alper Tunga Burak, halka arzın yıllar süren bir uğraşın ve titiz çalışmanın sonucu olduğunu vurgulayarak, Odine’in hikayesine ve geleceğine inanan 3 milyonu aşkın yatırımcılarına gösterdikleri ilgi için teşekkür etti.
Following our opening bell ceremony on March 21, 2024, Odine, CEO, Alper Tunga Burak, participated in a live interview on Bloomberg HT. Alper Tunga Burak emphasized that the IPO was the result of years of effort and dedication, expressing his gratitude to over 3 million investors who have accompanied Odine on this journey and entrusted us
Following our opening bell ceremony on March 21, 2024, Odine, CEO, Alper Tunga Burak, participated in a live interview on Bloomberg HT. Alper Tunga Burak emphasized that the IPO was the result of years of effort and dedication, expressing his gratitude to over 3 million investors who have accompanied Odine on this journey and entrusted us