The Russian Ban - Episode 3 - Watchtower: In Focus (with Steven Hassan)

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In the third episode of Watchtower: In Focus the JWsurvey team interviews cult expert and former Moonie Steven Hassan and gets his thoughts on the looming ban of Jehovah's Witnesses in Vladimir Putin's Russia.

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15 or 16 yr old Russian boy, not keen on being a Jw just too young to stand up to his parents about it, ban comes and he's dragged along to underground meetings and gatherings with the risk of being attacked or thrown in jail.
Seems abit heartless to be happy to see that happen to people like that cause I'm sure there are people in Russia in that situation and given more time they'll start researching things for themselves


Thanks Steven Hassan! When I listen to you it always makes me so happy. I see that I am not the only idealist in this world. I hope to be as good as you are in helping to educate ppl some day. Thank you thank you for taking the time to be interviewed!


when my mum was a chaplin at a hospital a man came in from some kinda of accedent (it was 20 years ago) and the family busted into the O.R to prevent a blood transfusion. The surgeons had to stop due to contamination. The man died due to the interuption... the doctor said he probably didnt even need blood.


This was such a great episode. I was so glade that Steven Hassan was able to come on and share his perspective. There were so very many great points through out. I'm a huge believe in teaching social and emotional skills within schools, with the sort of programs advocated for by experts in the field of psychology and human development like Daniel Goleman, Daniel Siegel and others. Then making sure that the concepts of undue influence are also taught to help children grow into adult who are capable of recognizing individuals or groups of any type that function in a abusive or controling fashion. Schoolis about the only way you are going to get to the eight year olds who are getting baptised as long as they are allowed to actually go to public schools.


Steven Hassan's psychological insights prompted me to recall a statement made by one of the professional facilitators at my first workshop with International Cultic Studies association for second generation cult survivors. It was asserted that our experience with our respective cults had deeply ingrained sadomasochistic patterns on our psyches. The claim was startling and very credible. Given the likelihood that this is the actual case, it behooves would-be activists to get therapy or examine themselves. I fully agree with Steven Hassan that LOVE, LOVE, LOVE is the way to deal with people still in a cult.


Thank you for quoting the poem from Niemöller. Since I was raised as a JW in Germany I know that a ban and persecution creates martyrs and a stronger feeling of identity. Even 40 yrs after my mother used to visit Dachau with me to remember how JWs suffered during Nazi Germany. We were very proud of them, and the JW organization in my opinion used this part of its history to show the JWs in a better picture.

Forgotten the letter sent to Hitler and many other details.
This is one of the reasons why I'm against a possible ban in Russia.


Thank you for speaking some sense about this issue. I can't understand why anyone would think that the ban is a good thing. Keep up the good work


one more thought, which will earn me mega points, no doubt, is this -
there are many places in the earth, like El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras,
where being baptized into Jehovah's witnessess will be one of the more positive things to happen to you...
Now, before you unload your 'moonie-made' machine gun into my already lifeless corpse...
I say this as an ex-jw, an elder, bethelite and 25 year man (still waiting for my watch),
who did not try to talk my children into being baptized, but just waited until they wanted to talk about it (which they never did). The closest thing was when my daughter asked if I was a carpenter by trade because Jesus was.


When I first listened to this and read the hateful comments, I couldn't understand it. Then I realized not one of these haters even mentioned Steven Hasaan's comments. A very successful, brilliant cult expert who actually respects Lloyd Evens...then I was able to see it. I've never seen so much petty jealousy over one man in my life! Yes, he's a successful activist, author and speaker with well over 12k followers. Shouldn't ALL activists be proud of his success? I've never heard him refer to himself as the only activist out here. I do not believe these haters are activists at all. They all say it's ok to have differing opinions, but when Lloyd expresses them, they all go on a rampage. It's sad and pathetic to see such childish jealous people making complete fools of themselves, to the point of ridiculing someone's appearance?? I think every jealous hater out there needs a good boost of manners and counseling.


I love it when you have Covert and John and guest video discussions. It helps me to consider all aspects. I am still a JW but not 'active' although I do attend some meetings. My JW family and friends have no idea how I feel. I feel trapped within my double life. But these sorts of discussions strengthen my resolve not to cave in to pressure to conform.


Lloyd, I don't understand the hate between ex jws. it really turns me off. I think your logical reasoning is absolutely the way to go. I hate the anger, reasoning is absolutely the best way. whatever Peoples opinion, let's respect all.


You guys are the absolute best!
Thanks for another great video in this series.


Steven Hassan? AWESOME! Haven't even got past the title yet but I know this is gonna be good. Reading the latest edition of Combatting Cult Mind Control, which is an excellent book.


I love his message of LOVE LOVE LOVE when strategizing on how to behave in your activism. He’s so right - help yourself FIRST before helping others.


As a Gay American exJW I can't support the actions of the Russian government that has such a bad record on human rights.


'The Holocaust Lessons' looks like an interesting book. Don't know what percentage of beaten children then do not stand up against wrongs when in such an intense situation as 30's nazi-ism but corporal punishment does not necessarily lead to compliance. I was attacked as a child regularly (to the point of the possibility of death) and it made me MORE likely to stand up against wrongs as I know the dangers of injustice. In my adult like I have risked my own health, liberty and freedoms in order to try and stop societal doctrines which are threatening lives.


17:30 To Steven Hassan's point: I don't think it's all that important that JWs use their own translation of the bible. In Russia, they had been using the official translation done by the Russian Orthodox church up until 2000s. Didn't make any difference. They were still indoctrinated in Watchtower teachings just fine, didn't make them Russian Orthodox. So, if you show JWs The King James translation it won't melt them. lol The texts aren't that different.
19:30 Although SH is right that the label of "extremism" is just an excuse to ban JWs, he's missing the real point. Putin is a former KGB agent, Soviet Union didn't happen too long ago. JWs were banned in USSR as well, the reason for the ban then and now is the same: JWs are considered CIA operatives. No matter how ridiculous it sounds, that's how the gov. REALLY views them. Their totalitarian organization and strict hierarchy doesn't do them any favors in disproving this view, either. lol

Another reason why SH's theory of making Russian Orthodox the only religion is wrong is that Russia is 15% Muslim, has Muslim ethnostates within itself, as well as some Buddhist ethnostates. And still, most people I know are either atheist/agnostic or non-denominational New Age types.

Btw, official explanation: they are called "extremist" because they preach they are the only true religion and everyone other than JW will be killed.


in the 43rd minute ( thanks, guys for being patient and deferring to Steve's insights ),
he starts to talk about how an individual relates to the cult and that may be the key to understanding, and Unlocking the closed mind. Each of us joins - whatever - for perceived value. What did I join for ? ? ...her/him ? ? ?
Only when we start to follow the weave and threads will the puzzle unravel.


"When you're first starting school you don't fully understand why you're not saluting the flag." When you're first starting school do you fully understand why you ARE saluting the flag? We need just as much reason to engage in an activity, as we do to abstain from an activity. I would tell my child not to salute the flag because they didn't understand what they were saluting and what it meant. I do, however, see that it is different when a child is expected to explain that they are doing it for a religion, and thus under pressure to then DEFEND something they don't understand.


Thank for you passionate point of view. You seem very strong in the truth, but I must ask. The Society has warn the friends against visiting apostate or ex JW sites. Why are you risking your standing with the congregation by commenting on this channel? No judgement just curious.
