Full Press Conference: Governor Ron DeSantis signs education bills in Tampa

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Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs five bills regarding education while in Tampa on Wednesday.

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Thank you Governor. Proud to be born and raised in Tampa. God bless you and your family.


Pronun Olimpics 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂06:35


So many sheep for DeSantis So sad for Americans


What an amazing Governor, a solid Patriot, a man that puts GOD, FAMILY AND COUNTRY FIRST. We are so blessed to have the best Governor in the history of Florida, and may even be our Nation. All I know is that when a man believes in God and lives to uphold the Oath of Office, dedicating his life for the betterment of this State and it's people. Thank you Governor DeSantis and First Lady Casy DeSantis! Thank you for who you are and all the hard work and endless hours of hard work and dedication, even in the midst of the opposition with all the hate, and evil that constantly flows from them. Prayers for continued health, safety and success


Damn right governor. Take the fight to the feds next


This camera guy could have done a little better when desantis was signing the bills. No offense.


Kind of a strange speech cadence at the beginning. I don't find him to be very inspirational or interesting. Just kinda drones on and on


If Ron DeSantis decides to run for president, I hope he chooses Candace Owens to run with him as vice president! Because they'd make a great team because they're both on the same page and everything going on in our world! Please Ron DeSantis choose Candace Owens and I guarantee that you and Candace Owens as a team Victory and Everything You Touch


This is why I'm going to leave " Woke Illinois " and move to " Free Florida " !


Most of these conversations need to be had between kids and there parents. I believe kids go to school to get a education. math reading and writing. What adults do is not my business unless it is a real a crime. Let me say and repeat being who you are is not a crime. I think gender affirming care for young people before there body have a chance to grow into themselves they are not exactly in a state of mind to really understand the gravity of what it all means. Kids are easily influenced and manipulated let them figure out who they are meant to be with some guidance and understanding that way we inspire a age of love not hate. Do I agree we need to ban books, certain classes, and drag shows NO I do not in the slightest!! I believe things should be age appropriate for the classroom and parents need to step up an really have these conversations with there own kids and not expect those conversations to be done in the classroom. At the end of the day people want to be accepted for who they are not by the color of there skin or there identity but for there character as people. Sex education is important not many parents have these conversations but it needs to be done. It is important to learn from are history so things like bigotry hate and violence of all kinds do not happen again. It is unacceptable for these kids to learn all they need from tictok and the internet. Let’s work together for a brighter future. We are not machines we are people with feelings we need to be more accepting of who people are and should not try to change them because it is not traditional. Forget tradition we live in a world where people can be who they are with out fear it should be that way. It just important that kids go to school strictly to learn so we have a better future. Desantis cares about the wrong things and should be more accepting of all walks of life not just his own.


Thank God for Governor DeSantis for stopping this insanity.


"Not doing the Pronoun Olympics in Florida." --- Excellent news, that nonsense ends.


This is a democracy! These bills violate the first, 9th, 10th, and the 14th amendment of the constitution. A university has no mission. You can not allow a governor to state who the university can or can not teach. You can not legally deny any person from attending any school in florida. This is a direct challenge to democracy. Those programs were solutions to problems in the state that that Desantis had not part in solving. DeSantis went to Harvard. His own alma mater teaches diversity and inclusion. That is how DeSantis got into Harvard.


We in Florida do not need government and people who don't have children making rules and regulations on schools a place for children not you adults and your personal feelings you bring to a school like you own it. Its about the kids not adults opinions and feelings such bs what has happend to schools and adults thinking its about them at school. Do your job teach kids and shut up. When you clock out talk about do whatever you want.


Governor DeSantis, DeSantis! Go good job good job, governor, May, the Lord bless you, governor, thank you governor let’s all kids, big kids, governor we pray God will send you to the White House. Thank you.
Thank you for everything for protecting our kids of freedom our rights to pray in our school and university. Governor I’m ready to support you to be in the White House. Good job may the Lord bless you and bless Florida!
Amen Glory to The Lord !!


Gov. DeSantis keeps doing what's right for our state.
DeSantis 2024 ♥️🇺🇲🐊


Common sense indeed! And why I'm also moving to FLA. Complete non-sense across so much of the country. Notice how the media headlines these signings as hate?! That's how we got here.


With Ron and FOX news we are totally fine.


I’m so happy about this!!!👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 let’s go Ron!!


This is the best news ever! If there was ever news, this is the best! Just awesome!!
