Jesus Is Coming Back Sooner Than People Think! | Biblical Signs Of The End Times | Joe Morris | LW

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What a great service!!! Thank you so much for putting it online so we can view from the other end of the US


Good news all around for the church! WoW! We're going to see The King of Kings!


Just found the channel . Great teaching!!!


I love the teaching but have one rebuttal. God’s goodness doesn’t prevent or withstand our wilderness. Jesus being the pattern Son demonstrates that. However, He does affect how we experience our wilderness. Count it all joy….The trying of our faith works patience, patience works experience, experience works hope that makes us not ashamed. So, although I understand the Lord’s goodness, his goodness doesn’t prevent our challenges. It just offers the believer a different hope. 🙏🏽🙌🏽


Who is this that is speaking? He’s wonderful!!


Yep! People don't want to hear it though, even believers. Amazing Plan. But why are we here in the first place??


What happened to the recording that had Praise time & Pastor Jim's remarks b4 introducing speaker?
I heard them earlier & we're so good, wanted to save.


It will be later than people think. There is no beast treading down the whole earth, crushing it (see Daniel 7). There are no 10 horns with one rising up, uprooting 3. Jesus said he will return "after the tribulation of those days." Paul said the day our gathering together unto him (rapture) will not happen unless first the apostasy occurs and the Man of Lawlessness is revealed. Amen?


🤔 High Priest You Lost IT 🎶🌴
💥He Tore His ROBE ! 😇🤫before Jesus was crucified.
What happened when Caiaphas (tore his garment ) is more than a ripped robe. He ( VIOLATED Highest Jewish LAW ) And ( LOST his Priesthood. ) what does this mean ! 🤔
One of the things the High priest was ( forbidden ) to do was to tear his clothing. The passage is found in Leviticus 21 and says:

10 ‘He who is the high priest among his brethren, ( on whose head the anointing oil was poured and who is consecrated to wear the garments, shall not uncover his head nor ( tear his clothes; )
(This is Huge . We Have a NEW High Priest)
Caiaphas asked Jesus if he (Jesus) was the Son of God and Jesus answered to the affirmative, ( the High priest tore his clothes) which was ( absolutely forbidden.) Matthew 26:62-65

Not only does this show how far the priesthood had fallen from their holiness, it also meant that Caiaphas ( could no longer be the high priest because he broke the (law) ) thereby making JESUS the TRUE HIGH PRIEST . Caiaphas saw Jesus as a threat to the existing religious order.


Jesus loves you


You’re born in the SPIRIT !



Jesus Told Nicodemus you must be Born in the Spirit

See all of you that BELIEVE

On the clouds, it is not DEATH 😃

IT Is Life With Jesus Forever you Are ( FORGIVEN ) for all are Sin

Don’t Play the part of the Hypocrite just turn from sin

I will see all of you that BELIEVE
On the Clouds

Some things you may not Know 🤔

Share, BLOW YOUR TRUMP share

Abraham The Father of the Jews,
( Was a GENTILE )

Why did God choose the Jews ?
Because they were Fewest
In number !
God works with Smaller numbers to do big THINGS .

What about all the Children that have Been Killed, Jesus can raise anyone from the DEAD, and he will, He is not the GOD of the dead, HE is the GOD of the LIVING 🤔

All will be raise at (the Last day) end of the Tribulation.

I have always used the
KJV Bible 1611
35 years
You can Trust the TRUTH in it😃🤔😇😇
Warning About bibles
Youtube : Gail Riplinger
She collated Bibles and will share the TRUTH, Will set you Free 😇

Many Bibles are missing words sentences, phrases, making what GOD & JESUS lesser then who they are and the Deed that they have Done . The day Jesus was crucified forces of evil have been at work ☠️💀☠️💀☠️💀😳
Scribes, Pharisees, Jesuit’s ☠️💀
They have introduced many bibles To add CONFUSION ,
The TRUTH WiLL Set You Free 😇

Compare The Catholic Bible with
The King James 1611

There not the same

Get you an old KJV 1611

Where would you hide incomplete bibles in a forest of incomplete bibles (The Worst NKJV )

People think new is Better .

The Rapture is closer then you Know

Send to All your Family & Friends

Now is the Day For Salvation.

YOU Must be Be BORN AGAIN from Above
John 3:3


Remember according to the bible the "fake" jesus comes first (without the angels)... know for sure that is "satan" looking like jesus that all the world will like that one.. Just
as the bible says... Since "the rapture" theory is taken only from one verse, let's bring the whole verse; - But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be "BURNED UP" There is nothing secret about this verse.. - Why is it so hard to understand this? When Jesus comes (THE REAL JESUS) this earth and all the wicked sinners will burn up... Sayton, once people to live in sin, thinking that they will have the second chance, That's how satan deceives people.. "Today" is the day of salvation... (sin means breaking of God's Holy 10 Commandments Law... Please read 1 John 3:3-9
