Сефевиды. Империя продолжившая историю Великой Персии.

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Империя Сефевидов была одной из величайших иранских империй после мусульманского завоевания Персии в 7 веке, управляемой с 1501 по 1736 год династией Сефевидов. Ее часто считают началом современной иранской истории, а также одной из пороховых империй. Сефевидские шахи установили школу двунадесятников шиитского ислама в качестве официальной религии империи, что стало одним из самых важных поворотных моментов в мусульманской истории.

#Сефевиды #Персия #Кызылбаши

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One of the important factors proving that the Safavid state was an Azerbaijani state is the fact that decrees and diplomatic correspondence were issued in the Azerbaijani language. As proof of this, we can show the original documents found: 1. Shah Ismayil's decree to Musa Durgutoglu. 2. Shah Tahmasib's letter to Sultan Salim II. 3. Ottoman sultan Suleiman Qanuni's letter to Shah Tahmasib I. 4. Shah I Tahmasib's decree on the writing of Zeynalabid Ali Abdi Bey's work "Takmilatul-akhbar". 5. Muhammad Khudabandi's letter to Farhad Pasha, the general of Sultan Murad III, the Ottoman sultan.6. Shah I Safi's letter to Austrian emperor and Hungarian king Ferdinand II. 7. Shah I Safi's letter to Russian Tsar Mikhail Romanov. 8. Shah II Abbas's letter to Shirvan Beylerbey Haji Manuchohr Khan. 9. Shah Sultan Husayn's letter to the Saxon prince and Polish king Frederick Augustus, etc.

The mother tongue of Shah Ismail I, the founder of the Safavid state, was Azerbaijani Turkish. He wrote poems in this language under the pseudonym "Khatai". The official language of the state was Azerbaijani Turkish, and the courtiers, as well as the military and religious figures of the state spoke in this language. Isgander Bey Munshi writes that Shah Ismayil had a great talent for writing in Turkish. German ambassador Adam Olyari, who lived in the Safavid state for a while, writes: "The Turkish language is so important in Isfahan that you rarely hear a Persian word there."

Safavid rulers:

1. Shah Ismail I (1501-1524)

2. Shah Tahmasib I (1524-1576)

3. Shah Ismail II (1576-1577)

4. Shah Muhammad Mirza (Khudabandi) (1578-1587)

5. Shah Abbas I (1587-1629)

6. Shah Safi I (1629-1642)

7. Shah Abbas II (1642-1666)

8. Shah Suleiman (1667-1694)

9. Shah Hussein (1694-1722)

10. Shah Tahmasib II (1722-1732)

11. Shah Abbas III (1732-1736)

ibn Ismail ibn Bazzaz, in which he found information about the history of the great ancestors of the Safavids, determined that the ancestors of the Safavids were not from the Sayyids, and wrote that Later, Safavid historians made up the version that their genealogy is related to Prophet Muhammad and included it in the text of the work "Safwat al-Safa". It is very interesting that Ahmad Kasravi, who rejected the Arab origin of the Safavids, in "Safwat al-Safa" put forward the idea that Sheikh Safi was of Kurdish origin, despite the many facts that he was a Turk, and this opinion was supported by many Iranian authors. ZVTogan, supporting this idea, notes that the sheikhs of Kurdish origin of Ardabil were completely Turkified already at the beginning of the 16th century. According to the author's opinion, Shah Ismayil I and Shah Tahmasib I tried their best to erase their Kurdish origin from history, to attribute the Kurdish Firuzshah to the Prophet's descendants, and to show that Sheikh Safieddin was a Turkish sheikh. First of all, ZV Togan and others do not explain why the Safavids tried to hide their Kurdish origins. It seems that they have not been able to find any solid evidence to prove it. On the other hand, despite ZVTogan's claim, during the period of Shah Ismail I and Shah Tahmasib I, the fact that Sheikh Safi was not a Turk, but rather an Arab origin was brought to the fore, and the Safavid chroniclers also brought up the concept that Sheikh Safi and his ancestors were descendants of the Prophet Muhammad. All of the above-mentioned researchers ignored the fact that Sheikh Safi was a Turk in Tawakkul ibn Bazzaz's work (Bayramli, Shabiyev, 2016:18). Despite Togan's claim, during the period of Shah Ismayil I and Shah Tahmasib I, Sheikh Safi's origin was not Turkish, but rather Arab, and the Safavi chroniclers came up with the concept that Sheikh Safi and his ancestors were descendants of Prophet Muhammad. All of the above-mentioned researchers ignored the fact that Sheikh Safi was a Turk in Tawakkul ibn Bazzaz's work (Bayramli, Shabiyev, 2016:18). Despite Togan's claim, during the period of Shah Ismayil I and Shah Tahmasib I, Sheikh Safi's origin was not Turkish, but rather Arab, and the Safavi chroniclers came up with the concept that Sheikh Safi and his ancestors were descendants of Prophet Muhammad. All of the above-mentioned researchers ignored the fact that Sheikh Safi was a Turk in Tawakkul ibn Bazzaz's work (Bayramli, Shabiyev, 2016:18).
In the "Safwat al-Safa" chronicle, Sheikh Safi was repeatedly called "Pir-i Turk" (Piri of the Turks). In the work, the greater respect given to Turks in comparison to other ethnic groups in Sheikh Safi's residence in Ardabil was specially emphasized. Maulana Ahmad and Maulana Ibrahim Sarawi mention that when we were in Sheikh Safi's house in Ardabil, they brought black bread and water to the table for us. They brought white bread and honey for the few Turks who suddenly entered. Sheikh Safi of Tawakkul ibn Bazzaz wrote poems in Turkish, was the author of the work called "Black Collection" in Turkish, etc. such facts indicate that Sheikh Safi is undoubtedly a Turk (Bayramli, Shabiyev, 2016:19).
The prominent orientalist VFMinorski has specially emphasized the three periods of Turkmen rule in Iran, the Seljuks period, the Karagoyunlu and Aggoyunlu periods, and the Safavid period, which are related to them (Bayramli, Shabiyev, 2016:20).
Although the Safavid historiography shows the Arab origin of the genealogy of the Safavid dynasty from the 16th century onwards, Turkism was a red line in the ethnic identity, life and creativity, and political activities of all the Safavid rulers (Bayramli, Shabiyev, 2016:20).
In his research based on primary sources, I.P. Petrushevski irrefutably proved that Azerbaijan and the ethnic feudal element of Azerbaijan played a leading, defining socio-economic and political role in the establishment of the Safavid state and in the first century of its history. He showed that Azerbaijani nobles used exclusive rights and privileges in this state. High positions in the palace, provincial governorships, military work, etc. While it was in the hands of Azerbaijani feudal lords, the role of Persian feudal lords in state affairs was limited to financial, clerical and partly judicial matters (Efendiyev, 2007:34).
Criticizing the nationalist, pan-Iranian views of Iranian historiography, as well as similar concepts of Western reactionary historians, NDMikluho Maklay pointed out that the Shaibanis did not recognize the Safavids as the rulers of all of Iran. They considered the Safavids to be the successors and heirs of the Aggoyunul dynasty and recognized their authority only over Azerbaijan and Western Iran. He wrote: "All that has been said allows us to come to the conclusion that the Safavid state, which was created in the 16th century, was formed as the successor of the 15th century Karagoyunlu and Aggoyunlu authorities. He also referred to real grounds, that is, the Safavid state was not an Iranian state and was not considered as such" (Efendiyev, 2007:34).
BNZakhoder wrote about the role of Azerbaijan in the establishment of the Safavid state: "Azerbaijan, standing at a relatively high level of socio-economic development, formed the core of that great state that emerged in the South Caucasus and Iran at the beginning of the 16th century. This state included many tribes and peoples. However, for a long time in this state, its military forces were dominated by Azerbaijani feudal lords, on whom the first Safavids relied (Efendiyev, 2007:34).
Currently, the tendency to look at the 16th century Safavid state as the Azerbaijani state is gradually gaining ground in the science of history.If Safavid was iranian empire?Why All kings(Shahs) Turkic? Why State Language🇦🇿 Azerbaijani, Why did they live with Turkic Culture🇦🇿?, Why were the Azerbaijan states established before him [Atabek, Ilkkhanate, Karakoyunlu, Akkoyunlu] established in Urmia?🇦🇿, Why did the Qizilbash 🇦🇿hate the Persians, refusing them to come to the Dominion?


Не Персия, или Иран или же вообще нечего, даже Азербайджан будет более уместным названием чем Персия


Сефевидское государство ни какого отношения к персии не имеет отношения. Это было не Персия а Государство Гызылбашей Сефеви. Что это вы все время повторяете персия персия. При чем тут персия? Государственный язык был язык азерибайджанское. А персы были вторичными.


Это Азербайджанская империя запомните раз и навсегда🇦🇿💪


Династия Сефевидов Азербайджанская династия. Первая столица Тебриз, то есть Южный Азербайджан.Правящая династия тюркская.Язык тюркский, дорогой автор почему вы называете персией Сефевидов.Не только государство Сефевидов, но и государства Гарагоюнлу, Аккоюнлу, Эльденизидов, Сефевидов и Афшаров тюркские и Азербайджанские.А династия Каджаров тюркская


Автору ролика познавательного огромное спасибо! Прошу вас есть ли у вас материал по национальности Сарты? Если есть то выложите пожалуйста. Спасибо.


Хороший обзор. Только, честно говоря, слишком короткий. Самое важное тут есть, кроме самого последнего периода. Но может быть есть смысл сделать более развернутый материал?


Кызылбашы были персы??ты че принимаешь Шах Исмаил был Кызылбашам.А Кызылбаши не имеют ни какого отношения к персам.


Хорошое видео хоть я и считаю Сефевидов Азербайджаном, ❤


"Великой Персии" НЕ БЫЛО. Была Великая Мидия, в которой Персия была маленьким княжеством. Далее была МИДО-Персия (Империя Ахеменидов). Далее вновь была Тюркская Империя, 500 лет, Парфия.Лишь Сасаниды были иранцами. И ее не называли Персией. Шах Исмаил Сефеви Первый один из Классиков Азербайджанской Поэзии. Для тех, кто сомневается в его Азербайджанском происхождении. Государство называлось Доулети Кызылбаш. Племена.


Картли-Кахети еще со времен Империи Сельджуков были Вассалами Тюрок. Отец Давида Строителя, Георгий Второй, лично присягал Малик Шаху в Исфахане. Дочку (Тамар) Георгий выдал замуж за сына Ширваншаха. Она была теткой Царицы Тамары. Сама Царица Тамара также выдала свою дочь за Сельджукида из Коньи, Гияссадина. То есть тоже была вассалом Сельджуков. То есть задолго до Кызылбашей грузинское княжество было вассалом Тюрок. Никаких восточных Грузий и Армений НЕ БЫЛО. Вся Восточная Грузия Азербайджанские земли. И Армения вся земля Азербайджанцев.


Если государство Сафевидов было азербайджанским, почему иранский народ который состовлял большинство не делали восстаний? Всё потому что Сафевиды были из их числа(иранце-персов) и принимали их как своих


Спасибо за видео! очень информативное. понравилось чередование карты с картинками. Было бы круто еще внизу б=добавит временную шкалу, чтобы было понимание о каких годах идет речь, а что иногда путаюсь


Очень интересно. Зделой пожалуйста Видео про Афшаридов, Дурранийская империя, Зенды, Каджарский Иран (Каджаров),
Государство Ширваншахов, Мазендеран ( Дейлемиты) и Гилян


Иранскую империю? То что Ардебиль находится на территории Азербайджана тебе ничего не говорит? Ещё Исмаил был тюрком даже персы это признают. Шах Исмаил Бахадур считал себя, наследником Ак коюнлу тюркской империи.


Иран как название появился еще до нашей эры еще до появления тюрков на свет. Парфяни называли свою страну айраншахр. При сасанидах название стало ираншахр в 3 столетии нашей эры. При монголах иран назывался мамлакате ирон.


Это не Иранская империя а Кызылбашская Империя Тюрков... Как Аккойнну и Каракойунлу


Посмотрел несколько видео на Ютубе, почитал Википедию, ваш ролик про Сефевидов я считаю наиболее полным и увлекательным. Видеоряд, чёткая речь, интересные детали. Благодарю создателей!


Тюрская династия, Персией она стала только в 20 веке, до этого правили тюрки, язык персидский язык интеллигенции, тюрский язык воинов


сефевидская империя 🇦🇿🕋🐺❤️☪️ Ya Allah Ya Muhammad Ya Ali
