Using inverse operation to solve a natural logarithmic equation

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👉 Learn how to solve logarithmic equations. Logarithmic equations are equations with logarithms in them. To solve a logarithmic equation, we first isolate the logarithm part of the equation. After we have isolated the logarithm part of the equation, we then get rid of the logarithm. This is done by raising both sides of the equation as an exponent to an exponential function with the base corresponding to the base of the logarithm. This cancels out the logarithm, we can then solve the resulting equation.

Organized Videos:
✅Solve Logarithmic Equations
✅Solve Natural Logarithmic Equations
✅Solve Logarithmic Equations
✅Solve Logarithmic Equations | Learn About
✅Solve Logarithmic Equations with Multiple Logs
✅Solve Logarithmic Equations with Logs on Both Sides

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Very Good: Keep It Up 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Great explanation, I'm surprised how many students get caught up on logs -- I'm always drilling like a mantra that they are just exponents, and try to show the relationship between logs and exponents and how they can be used like exponents (e.g. e^lnx=x).  I show them your videos all the time!  So thanks!  And when are you going back to your Rugby chapter?  Final conference for Super Rugby on July 4th, but for some reason our recreational league here plays... whenever. :D
