Christian Best-Selling Authors Go Pro-Choice

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How Evangelical leaders responded to Roe v Wade overturning reveals everything you need to know about them. Megan Basham’s new book “Shepherds For Sale” reveals how Beth Moore, Karen Swallow Prior, and more have followed the progressive marching orders but continue paying lip service to God’s Word. Your favorite Christian leaders are on blast and Basham brought the receipts in her new book.

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One cannot vote democrat and be christian....the two are complete opposites...sad but true


The words abortion and health are a wicked twisted connection.


I am a woman who was a single mother of two. I read the Bible. Abortion is evil and sinful, Why do we have a hard time calling sin, sin? It was not easy for me financially. I will manage my hardship against any body else. I knew that as a Christian, it as not all about me. Abortion is gross sin and our country will answer for our evil. The church needs to act and look different than a fallen world.


Been done with Beth Moore since the last election when she spoke so viciously against Trump knowing he was very pro life. Would never read another book of hers!


" Friendship with the world is emnity with GOD"!


Thank you for supporting Megan' s book. Big Eva doesn't like being exposed.


Why on earth doesn’t adoption get talked about more in conjunction with unwanted pregnancy??!!
No one is telling any 13 year olds or rape victims that they MUST accept motherhood. We’re just asking them to please be the protectors of life God designed them to be until the baby can be placed with a family dreaming of becoming parents.
BTW My recollection of the stat is that less than 1% of abortions performed are for victims of rape.


We are that household that is taking in Megan's great book as a READ ALOUD, and talking about the similarities we have seen in our community in the last four years. She's a light to a darkening evangelical world; God bless her and God bless you, Seth, for sharing the truth.


I think that the "falling away" of many spiritual leaders (Beth Moore, Rick Warren, Andy Stanley) is a part of the greater "falling away" that is spoken of in the end times. We need to pray for those who are exposing this, like Seth and Megan.


Most pastors in our country were completely silent about Roe vs Wade being overturned. That spoke volumes!


I am a Christian woman - how ANYONE who claims to be a Christian and yet supports pro-abortion is truly beyond me. Scripture makes it clear that other "religions" who sacrificed their children were hated by God. The practice was an abomination. Scripture also makes it clear that GOD and God alone is in control of life and death and again, that LIFE is precious and should be valued. I find it deeply evil and aborhent that there are actually people in the Christian community who are twisting & changing the word of God so that they can "fit in" with the world. As followers of Christ we are told "Do not be conformed to THIS world, but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of the mind". I feel we are absolutely in the end days- There are SO MANY false teachers - even within the church. Come Lord Jesus!


Love the picture of Dietrich Bonhoeffer behind you, Seth!
I admire your work, and keep on telling the truth!


Isaiah 5:20

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.


I have been born again for 17 years and when I first came to Christ I did read some of Beth Moore, Joyce and Joel Olsteen. Problem was the more I read my Bible I couldn't figure out what bible they were reading and I threw them all away 15 years ago. I am a Bible believer and with new borns thats the first thing I buy. My nephew is a new born and I bought him a bible and placed the importance on a biblical world view. I believe these people are evil, its clear they have not read scripture or they think they are above the Word of God. Thank you for being a fantastic voice for us Christian pro lifers out there fighting the good fight for righteousness.


I have zero Bible study books in my possession. All of my theology comes from the Bible itself. And this is exactly why. I went to a women's dinner recently where they were praising women like Beth Moore, and I was so sick to my stomach knowing the truth about them. 😢


Quoting Hillary Clinton? Tell me you're despicable without telling me you're despicable.


I'm so glad that Beth Moore is being called out.


I'm thankful this is being exposed. The other step for true believers is to intercede for those who have influence, who are being deceived, and leading others astray. "Father please forgive those who are being deceived and leading others astray. You said it would be better if a millstone was tied around the neck than for someone to lead your children astray. Please send your Spirit of conviction and repentance to these leaders and authors. Spare them this judgment and bring them to their senses, in Jesus name."


Beth Moore has lost her way, I agree with you! Blessings


I absolutely loved Beth Moore and grew so much through her teaching/ Bible studies.
I noticed around 2018 or 2019, she seemed to be getting very emotional and vane. The Holy Spirit told me to stop following her. I’m so glad I listened!
And yes, I’ve stepped up. I’ve adopted 4 children. What kind of stepping up has she done?
