A Twin Study - The role of genetics and environment in brain development

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Eligibility: identical twin pairs, younger than 25 years of age, who are differently affected by epilepsy, cerebral palsy, autism or an intellectual impairment.
Neurodevelopmental disorders like epilepsy, intellectual disability, autism and cerebral palsy affect the way your brain develops. Since people often have more than one neurodevelopmental disorder, scientists believe that they sometimes have a common cause. For this study, we are inviting monozygotic (identical) twins who are differently affected by one or more of these disorders to participate. We want to understand the causes of the differences in these twin pairs. We hope that this will help us to predict babies at risk of developing a neurodevelopmental disorder so that doctors can more closely watch these babies develop and design better therapies or treatments for them.
Neurodevelopmental disorders like epilepsy, intellectual disability, autism and cerebral palsy affect the way your brain develops. Since people often have more than one neurodevelopmental disorder, scientists believe that they sometimes have a common cause. For this study, we are inviting monozygotic (identical) twins who are differently affected by one or more of these disorders to participate. We want to understand the causes of the differences in these twin pairs. We hope that this will help us to predict babies at risk of developing a neurodevelopmental disorder so that doctors can more closely watch these babies develop and design better therapies or treatments for them.
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