How do you know if you’re addicted to Nicotine

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4 pack a day smoker for 40 years. Quit cold turkey and had cold sweats, face got pale, vomiting. Yeah that's addiction!
20 years later and still not smoking. It can be done.


I think it was Mark Twain that said that quitting smoking was easy. He had done it 100 times.


I thank the Lord he delivered me from this 17 years ago. I prayed every day and kept quitting


For everyone out there trying to quit: it gets much easier at the two week mark. Try to recognize that you've been through two weeks of hell and a cigarette will reset that. I quit October 9, 2017 and haven't looked back. You can do it too.


My dad died at the age of 58... He died 6 days before his only grandchilds (my daughter) 12th Birthday... On her 4th birthday was when my dad first told me that he was diagnosed with COPD. He tried to quit smoking multiple times, but my stepmother wouldn't with him and it just made it that much more difficult for my dad.
Sadly, he got pneumonia Jan 2019 and fell and broke his hip requiring surgery. He had 2 strokes during surgery... After that... it was a traumatizing downward 4 month spiral to his demise. I've been a hospice nurse for over a decade and watching my dad's final horrific months was truly one of the worst hospice experiences I've ever witnessed. So much pain. So much suffocating.

Don't smoke. It's not worth the suffering. 💔


I had to watch my dad truly suffer his final 4 months from COPD. He was 58. I'm traumatized and I'm a hospice nurse. In the end, he couldn't cough, swallow, etc. Due to falling and breaking a hip requiring surgery to which he had 2 strokes during WHILE he had pneumonia to ALL which lead to his downfall. But the start of it was pneumonia her couldn't beat, then everything else, until he died. And he didn't just die, he SUFFERED! Most of my patients go to sleep with what I call "the deadly cocktail", morphine and benzo +.. not my dad. He was fully awake until the last breath.

DON'T SMOKE! So painful!


I smoked for 22 yrs, 2 packs a day for many years. I quit 3 times not longer than a week. Then in Feb 2020. I woke up to my neighbor's 2nd hand meth smoke coming into my apt and realized I was having a severe asthma attack. Went to doc, has lung test done... came home with albutral, symbocort, pulse ox and quit cigerettes once and for all. I do not smoke anything... can't even tolerate gasoline/diesel flumes, humidity, or cold air, now. But I quit after 22 yrs.


Quitting is a double edge sword. 1) is the chemical addiction
2) is the habit- trigger times one is used to lighting up


I also noticed that when when the anti-smoking campaign was successfully reducing the number of smokers in America that we saw a coresponding increase in obesity and people on anti-anxiety drugs and I wonder if any studies were ever carried out to see if there was a direct correlation between any of those. I'm not advocating cigarette smoking but I was curious about how much the satisfaction had by smokers was either an oral fixation i.e. smoke or eat and or something in the cigarette that calms them into a beneficial state of equilibrium.


I knew people who would wake up to go have a smoke in the middle of the night 😂😂😂


You should look into the studies being done with psilocybin that isn't only helping people cure their depression, but it's also showing to be more effective than anything else at curing nicotine and alcohol addiction.


Cigarettes killed my mom at 58. I cannot count how many times she tried to quit. Ironically, only able to quit once couldn't breath in well enough to feel it...and then it was too late. Thanks for covering this (and other) important topic(s)!


Two of my granduncles were smokers, having smoked for decades. Both died of lung cancer within years of each other. One was a diabetic which caused pneumonia on top of having cancer, so he (if memory serves) died of asphyxiation from both. The other contracted lung cancer after completing treatment for prostate cancer. Dunno if it was already there or his immune system being weakened from chemotherapy only made lung cancer easily set hold. Regardless, it metastasized rapidly in his bones. I saw him the last full day he was alive. He was gaunt, sickly, barely able to breathe, move or go to the bathroom without assistance. His was painful to see.

I miss them both. If you want to live a more fulfilling life with less propensity for pain in the end, don't smoke.


I quit for 7 years. I smoke way too much. You bet it's addictive. When I quit, at certain times, I could feel a cigarette on my lips, especially when I became angry or stressed.


A question I’ve been wondering about, and I thought a study would be done, but haven’t seen anything about, is the amount of people who had severe cases or even died Covid who smoked vs non smokers. I would guess that the correlation is high. Guess we’ll never know. Thanks for your comprehensive health approach to helping people!!!


....cigarettes killed my beautiful my life story...


I quit smoking at age of 9 even before actually smoking. Felt it is so stupid to inhale smoke.


I have asked over two dozen self-identified former heroin addicts about nicotine addiction and they ALL said without hesitation that quitting heroin was nothing in comparison to attempting to quit nicotine, and most said they could never picture being able to conquer their nicotine addictions.


I agree, i am addicted to the tobacco in Xerjoff Naxos, i would die for it


My partner and I have recently started using a vape to get away from cigarettes. 6 weeks in and we’re both still vaping.
