New York Gov. Cuomo holds a briefing on the coronavirus outbreak - 4/27/2020

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New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo holds his daily press conference on the Covid-19 outbreak, which has infected more than 288,045 people across the state, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. Cuomo announced Saturday that the state is expanding diagnostic coronavirus testing to first responders, health care workers and essential employees and aims to provide tests to 40,000 people each day.  

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New York Gov. Cuomo holds a briefing on the coronavirus outbreak - 4/27/2020
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you are presidential material. You bullet pointed things so that it can be understood at the granular level. It was clear and concise. This is the information and explanation we need from our President and never get it. Mr. Governor, we are blessed to have you. Please.... lead our country in four years. We have a malignant narcissist who is incompetent to run the country now. We need you.


The more I research this man, the more impressed I am with what he has done in 40 years of public service. He's so smart, and he wants to do what's right. He's well-read, he picks a great team, and his oratory skill is stunning. I've watched him work politely across the aisle many times now--so praising a GOP gov is exactly A.M. Cuomo's style. NY is so lucky to have him. I hope they vote him back in every 4 years until he is ready to retire. Bless this great public servant.


Gov Cuomo, keep up the great, honest, factual, and caring briefings.
Sadly, as of now, we are 763 cases short of 1, 000, 000 and 2, 047 short of those killed in the 8 years we were in Vietnam. Trump's lack of rapid, timely actions helped spread this pandemic.


He is the antithesis of Trump in every way. We are better than the last 4 years. We are a better country. Cuomo reminds of our better nature, facts, science, rational matters.


Lots of negative comments here.  This Governor gives the POTUS a daily lesson in leadership.   POTUS watches and takes notes (to the best of his ability).  It's easy to sit back and offer snide criticisms but fortunately, the Governor gets up early seven days a week to attack this pandemic.  New Yorkers are blessed to have him and Kentuckians too.  The Governor is right: what would poor Kentucky do if it didn't have NY to prop it up.


That reporter that's front-left asks some damn good questions. Everyday!


Thank you Andy Beshear, for really representing the people.


To be correct, wearing a mask is protecting you and me, not just you.


Thanks for the daiiy briefings, Governor Cuomo. Very helpful and informative, IMO.


Not a single day goes by when I don't hear most inhuman and insane things from The White House...i don't know why do they keep criticizing the democrat's my opinion the democrats are more human, sane, kind, loving, caring and friendly people...they care about people's lives than about reopening the economy...the Federal Govt. Is terrible, not that I have a problem with the Republicans, we're all Americans but somehow in the present times I can for sure say that the Democrats are doing they're job remarkably well...I'm proud of them all, especially Governor Andrew Cuomo, he is THE VERY BEST in my, friendly and truthful...never hiding anything from his people...these are the qualities of a real leader, a real hero and that is why I request The Governor to just think about running for the presidential elections, I'm sure he'll win...he has already won the hearts of people, not only in the United States but all around the world everybody loves him...God bless him and God bless America 💞


Rather than continue to blame and argue, let's use the comment section for more solutions.


Thank you, Gov Cuomo. It’s beyond refreshing to hear from a leader who makes sense, speaks like a normal person, and truly is looking out for people. Please run for POTUS. Here’s campaign slogan for you: Cuomo, the smarts and the heart America needs now.


Living in upstate NY, having over 300 cases in my county and it continues to rise daily. How are we going to get my children back to school? Many parents are asking. How are they going to sit on the school bus, how are classrooms going to look. I wish he would just call it a year and spend the summer months coming up with a plan for the new school year. Trust me I am a nurse I know what it means to work worrying about child care, I know it is hard to find child care during this time, but I would rather be safe than sorry. We can’t send these kids back without proper policies and procedures in place to keep them healthy and safe.


Hi Governor Cuomo, As you pointed out, food insecurity and the crashed distribution system is the next challenge. All the closed restaurants and schools have industrial strength kitchens that are totally underutilized. Move the bulk food through its same historic distribution system and turn every school and restaurant into a food bank outlet. Fund the kitchen help. The Federal government should continue to help the farmers. Regards


These briefing are so informative, clear and while being considerate of what most people may be feeling at this time. However, he is direct, appears to tell us what he knows and is No nonsense about. Thanks for keeping us posted and for you and your team thinking this through. May God continue to place more great ideas and solutions for your consideration. SMART team. SMART New Yorkers !


NYS does not do international relations on this type of medical situation. Removal of US persons on the ground in China was a VERY bad error by the current potus.


My life fades the vision dims. All that remains are memories. I remember a time of sickness ruined dreams this wasted land. But most of all, I remember Cuomo the man we called governor. To understand who he was, you have to go back to another time when the world was powered by the black fuel and the deserts sprouted great cities of pipe and steel. Gone now swept away. For reasons long forgotten, progressives shut the economy down and sent everyone home. Without jobs they were nothing. Like pigs they built a house of straw. The thundering machines sputtered and stopped. Their leaders talked and talked and talked but nothing could stem the avalanche. Their world crumbled the hospitals exploded. A whirlwind of monotony a firestorm of debt and fear. Men began to feed on men. In the grocery store it was a metal basket nightmare. Only those masked up and brutal enough would survive. The loonies took over the stores ready to wage war for a roll of toilet paper And in this maelstrom of decay ordinary people were battered and smashed. And into this chaos one man dared to wander the New York land. And it was here in this blighted place that he learned to rant again.


he should be the president of the United States of America....he's a man of action


You can see the stress in his face increase with each picture. I hope he stays well. We need him. Today, in Suffolk county, the hot spot in NY, there was a herd of Trump supporters screaming anti-Cuomo crap. Frigging knuckle draggers.
