'Nigel Farage Has Been The Game Changer To This Election' | Tories Projected For Landslide Defeat

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Unsettling news for Rishi Sunak as two new polls show a grim outlook for his party. One reveals a four-point drop for the Conservatives, while another suggests they'll secure just 72 seats in the next election.

A Savanta poll for The Sunday Telegraph reports the Tories plummeting to 21%—their lowest since Theresa May's final days in 2019. Meanwhile, Nigel Farage's Reform UK is on the rise, gaining three points to reach 13%.

Another poll by Survation for Best for Britain, published by The Sunday Times, forecasts a bleak future for the Tories, predicting only 72 seats. In contrast, Labour is expected to win a staggering 456 seats, securing a massive 262-seat majority, far surpassing Tony Blair's 1997 landslide victory. The Liberal Democrats are projected to get 56 seats, with Reform and the Greens picking up seven and one seat, respectively.

Peter Cardwell speaks with The Independent's chief political commentator, John Rentoul.

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No other decent option....VOTE REFORM U.K. 😃🥰 Nigel Farage for PM !!


Since Farage decided to run as leader of the Reform Party the election has certainly changed


People should want to be part of history, and help to change the two-party option system. Vote Reform UK. the British


I’d like to remind everyone that only Reform want to leave the ECHR neither the Tories or Labour want to do it. However 49% of Tories want us to leave it however Sunak is not budging utter stupidity from him


Let's hope that enough disgruntled Labour and Tory supporters have the courage and good sense to vote Reform UK, rather than letting those two parties take turns at screwing the hell out of us all.


I am in my 40’s an ex-Labour voter, my parents are still convinced that Labour are for the working class, instead they’re far left DEI anti-white, they’re there for the immigrants want to welcome more in, I am voting REFORM!


I've never voted Conservative in my life. But I will vote reformuk as I have had enough of the complete breakdown thats happening in Britain. It's mind blowing to me how people think Labour will come into power and somehow unite the country, fix the NHS and somehow end growing poverty. Seriously people Labour will ruin this country and whoever takes over after them, be it reformuk or a new right wing version of the Conservatives, is going to have one hell of a job to do. I give Labour 2 years before they collapse and the IMF steps in. 17million+ voted for Brexit, get your butt's out and vote reformuk into power.


Has anyone noticed the BBC bias against Reform, don't think they realise if it goes on that Reform voters can simply cancel their TV licence, That would hurt.


Come on people lets see lots of reform seats filling tory vac ated ones on 4th july


The problem with Farage is that the truth hurts unfortunately and that’s really uncomfortable for the Tory’s and labour


262 you are pulling are legs vote reform


A lot of people i have spoken to are saying they are voting reform


Farage all the way. straight talking, no telly promter, and answers questions without stuttering.


I think you’ll all get a shock come 4th July, the people are going to choose as is our right ….VOTE REFORM 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


The Falmouth Reform UK candidate Steve Rubidge was attacked yesterday Saturday 15.6.24 whilst canvassing at The Sea Shanty Festival in Falmouth during a debate on immigration with an individual his wallet, car keys and canvassing leaflets were stolen, he managed to chase the man and recover his personal belonging however he was then violently attacked, kicked and punched. Paramedic's were called to the scene. Steve emailed me this morning to say he was going to need hospital treatment for his injuries. This is the 3rd attack Reform UK has suffered in less than two weeks. THIS NEEDS TO STOP


In all truth if Labour get in all taxes will keep on going up, on us the workers, the veteran pensions council taxes. No future for our children, all pain no gain. Illegal Immigrants racing into Our country to gain, free housing, free benefits free hotels free healthcare, free speech and rights having no passports just enjoying taking over Our country. Is this the life we want for forever for Ourselves and Our Children


ANYONE not voting reform will have themselves to blame for what will happen to this country.


Vote Reform ✅ Nigel has made this election relevant again it was boring before that's why we need Nigel in Parliament!


Yes Nigel certainly sweeps mediocrity aside. Exciting times ahead.


Even after a £1/2 trillion QE, immigration soring since Brown, we gave them an 80 seat majority. In return they gave us BRINO another £trillion debt and what looks like Labour majority that's going to be analogous to a left-wing dictatorship. All we can hope for is the same self destruction that riddled the Conservative government will do the same to Labour. Hopefully, by 2029, the tsunami of bad governance will wake the left up like it has the right and something like ReformUK will start the healing process by introducing much needed common sense into British politics.
