Michael Chase: Notes on PWL, Quantum Physics and Epistemic Modesty

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15th session of the PWL International Seminar, hosted by Michael Chase (CNRS Centre Jean Pépin, Paris / Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin) who talked about “Notes on PWL, Quantum Physics and Epistemic Modesty”. The session took place on July 17, 2024.
The PWL International Seminar is held virtually once a month and takes place within the scope of the activities of the exploratory project Mapping Philosophy as a Way of Life: An Ancient Model, A Contemporary Approach, coordinated by Marta Faustino (CultureLab/IFILNOVA), and the activities of the research group Forms of Life and Practices of Philosophy, coordinated by Bartholomew Ryan (CultureLab/IFILNOVA).
The PWL International Seminar is held virtually once a month and takes place within the scope of the activities of the exploratory project Mapping Philosophy as a Way of Life: An Ancient Model, A Contemporary Approach, coordinated by Marta Faustino (CultureLab/IFILNOVA), and the activities of the research group Forms of Life and Practices of Philosophy, coordinated by Bartholomew Ryan (CultureLab/IFILNOVA).
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