Flee the Facility LIVE #70 - EVENING STREAM!

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FLEE THE FACILITY LIVE!!! I recently just got monetized on YouTube and now have CHANNEL MEMBERSHIPS 🎉Click [JOIN] to check out the awesome perks you get when you support the channel! Today we'll be playing lots of Flee the Facility!
Flee the Facility Livestream #70

Roblox username- LexOfThunderStorms
My joins are ALWAYS ON to those who follow my profile!!! So there's no need to be friends with me on Roblox. If you would like a friend request, consider boosting my Discord server (linked below). Server booster automatically get a friend request from me!

--🔗 LINKS!--

--# Tags--
TheLexGamer, the lex gamer, lexgamer, thelexgamer, ftf, flee the facility, flee the facility live, ftf live, thelexgamer ftf live, lex gamer livestream, lex gamer ftf livestream, lex gamer flee the facility, roblox ftf live, Roblox flee the facility, Roblox flee the facility live, thelexgamer live, Flee the Facility live, flee the facility stream, lex gamer ftf stream, lex ftf, flee the facility update, roblox flee the facility update, flee the facility 7th anniversary update
#thelexgamer #ftf #fleethefacility

--♫ Music!--
Into & Outro song used: "Xenogenesis" by "TheFatRat" downloaded from "TrapNation"
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