City Anthem of Novosibirsk (Russia) / Гимн Новосибирска - 'Мой Новосибирск родной'
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A new monument now stands on Lenin Square and every day at exactly noon, the unofficial anthem of Novosibirsk plays, V. Lensky’s song “My Novosibirsk is native.” A commemorative sign is installed at the subway exit near the opera house.
“Novosibirsk is proud of Vladislav Lensky”, - Vladimir Filippovich Gorodetsky, mayor of Novosibirsk, opened the event with such words. - "Being neither a professional poet nor a professional composer, he composed this beautiful music and song, which became the anthem of the city”.
“Novosibirsk is proud of Vladislav Lensky”, - Vladimir Filippovich Gorodetsky, mayor of Novosibirsk, opened the event with such words. - "Being neither a professional poet nor a professional composer, he composed this beautiful music and song, which became the anthem of the city”.
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