I Used To Be A Ghost Hunter | Joe Scott TMI

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A little Halloween story about the time when I was a ghost hunter.

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"Chrochet Dildo" never in my life did I think I would hear those words combine in a sentence.


Hey Joe, I'm from Brazil and I was part of a skeptic group (that actually I created) here in Brazil. And... For some time we had a podcast, brought people to talk with us and so on. Once we brought an ufologist that had become sceptical too. And he told many stories...
Anyway, one of them was REALLY interesting. People started to hear horrible screams at around midnight in a road in the middle of nowhere... So they went there, made a campaign and stayed there. Around midnight... Guess what: the screams started! So they stayed there, made a few recordings... And, then, around 3 AM, someone suggested "Why don't we go there to see where this is coming from?"... And they were like, "Ok"...
Long story short: they got to a place where there was lots of bamboos that were attacked by insects... So the wind blows and it made the sound. 😂


I've been sucked into the Joe wormhole and I just seriously adore this guy.


It's fun looking at your channel. Brings back memories of Texas. Natty Flats BBQ in Mineral Wells. I have a ghost story. Some friends and I explored an old house in New Orleans. Around 2:30 AM, the room got very cold and we all saw a luminous misty shape walking down the stairs. I'm old now and one of the few things I can't explain.


Loved the story joe, you have a real talent for storytelling


Nothing can freak you out more than your own imagination


I think it's interesting that this ghost thing is so dominant to the U.S. we don't have that in Germany and some of our houses are older than the U.S. and have enough atrocities committed here in the past to justify creating loads.


I've been watching your vids for over a month. You should do a few more vids like this one, with this type of story-telling. It's enjoyable to listen to, while doing some other activity. You speak with the right level of ease and clarity, so do more!


Your second channel - Ghost Busting with Joe!


I once heard of a story where people, including some genuine scientists, were truly convinced that this room had a ghost. There was a genuine image of a shadowy object similar to common ghostly portrayals. Turns out, there was a fan running at the exact frequency as the resonant frequency of the human eyeball. The fan was literally shaking these people’s eyes! There’s always a rational explanation in line with natural law.


its always nice to realise how small the world is. never imagined hearing about mineral wells like this. please keep up the good work Joe!


I had 2 experiences, both when I was about 25 (now 70). I had joined a Religious commune in Portland, OR and we were living in a tract home in suburbs. I was sleeping alone in a bedroom on the floor; there was as large window on one wall. Suddenly I thought I heard growling-breathing to one side, but I thought imagination and rolled over. The sound circled me and got progressively louder and more evil sounding as it moved. Finally I could not ignore it, and quite shaken went in to sleep with some other brothers in another bedroom. 2nd exper. The commune moved to a farmhouse an hour away from Portland. We all slept on floor above garage area - which was connected to house but involved leaving house, going by furnace and upstairs to loft above garage. I had a cold one evening and felt lousy so decided to go to bed early. I no sooner laid down than I saw the stairway light come on under the door and heard footsteps come up the (old and creaky)stairs. The light then went off normally as if someone was coming upstairs, but the door never opened. I called out a couple of names to see who had come up and why they never came in but got no answer. Weirded out, I put my clothes back on and rejoined the other members downstairs who were still watching TV. Other than that can't say I've ever had an para/ab-normal experience.


Hey Joe,
I really enjoy watching your videos and just wanted to tell you that you're doing great work in my opinion.
Thank you for all this content!


I used to ghost hunt with buds too. I was there to make sure they knew they were crazy and to keep us safe.


I am a total sceptic but I once had a creepy experience.
I was visiting Hellfire Pass on the Thai - Burma railway in Kanchanaburi, Thailand .
For those who don't know, the Thai - Burma railway was built by the Japanese in WW2, across brutal terrain, using allied POWs and local slave labour. The prisoners were literally worked to death . It is estimated that more than people died in its construction . It is said that there is one body for every sleeper that was layed on that murderous track .
Hellfire Pass is a 50 m railway cutting that was carved from solid rock, using hand tools, at imense human cost .
On the day I visited, I was the only person at the site . There is a small black granite memorial in a jungle clearing adjacent to the pass . I left an offering there, as is the Thai custom . The place was deathly silent, not even any bird sounds . Suddenly the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I felt a literal chill down my spine . I felt that I was being watched and yet I was totally alone and surrounded by jungle. I wanted nothing more than to turn and run . I have been in some scarry situations but this was the biggest adrenaline hit I have ever experienced .I was on the verge of freaking out and losing my shit.
I briskly retraced my steps and didn't really begin to feel comfortable until I was safely back at the car park . I felt so stupid as to my reaction .
Was it a ghostly presence ? As I said, I am a sceptic so I don't believe in ghosts, but It may have been something much worse . I had pretty much forgotten the incident until several months later when I read about a large tiger being trapped in the area . Apparently the are not unheard of in that region.
I now believe that what I actually experienced was a primal instinct kicking in, my evolutionarily ancient, reptilian hind brain picking up on subconscious cues, and telling me to get the hell out of there .
I still don't believe in ghosts but I do believe in tigers .


Nice story Joe. Like how you explain how you called out the bs on those ghost hunter shows.


Quick aside: why do ghost hunters all believe everything happens after nightfall? It tickles me staying overnight in a suspect room or location is supposed to be more indicative of ghostly presences, when if you have ghosts somewhere, seems like they'd be there all day. Just something that never made sense that the supernatural beings have to wait until nightfall to come out! I don't believe in that stuff and I have had some creepy shit happen to me, but I'm far from declaring them as ghosts. We don't know everything and there are some things that defy explanation, but research and scientific study are on the case!


It was really awesome to hear you talk about the Baker!!! I lived in Colorado City, west of Abilene about an hour, for a few years when i first married my wife who was from there. They have a Baker there too with almost the exact same story! It's a town of now 5000 people that grew up around the railroad in the early 1900's and was significantly larger back then. It is seriously the only multi story building in that town and totally out of place. It is a once beautiful building which is now falling apart just the same....and creepy as well. Pretty interesting how they are kind of twins!


Joe you're doing fantastic work. Me and my other half watch your videos daily. Keep being you.


Your videos are always so fascinating & detailed, with all the relevant information wonderfully conveyed :) I've been entertained & educated so much in my time as a subscriber to your channel(s). You're doing great work in the world! Thank you
