A different kind of hurt 🥲 #shortsmaschallenge #shortsmas #shorts #girl

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“The sad thing about betrayal is it never comes from enemies”
- some wise person


that's when you realise, there is only one person who will always be there for you and that's you..
edit: f**k 7.3k likes😲.. f**king famous 😂


What hurts the most is knowing you really care about these people and they could care less. Especially when you've known them for more that half your life. At this point I feel like they only have me around because none of them want to be the bad guy and cut me loose. I wish I had just one good girlfriend 😭


When you find out they have a group chat specifically to talk about you


The line from Bejeweled, ‘putting someone first only works when you’re in their top five’


Stop bcs this happened to me some time ago🧍‍♀️I felt so bad, it was a friendship of 4 years😭 They started ignoring me INSIDE the chat, talking amongst themselves and then just stopped talking altogether. I recently found out they ALSO blocked my stories💀 yk I thought they didn't post anything

Update: I left the group chat a few days ago and none of them reached out. I was really sad but it is what it is yk😃👍😭


When you outshine others it makes them insecure they gather like a pack because there’s strength in numbers. They need so many to feel strong and your one person.. understand who you are. if you learn to never let someone bother you then you will know what it means to love yourself and stand up for yourself. People who feel like their cool to bully and intimate people are the most insecure get loud and call them out. Don’t ever back down you know a friend is fake when they talk behind your back but can’t say it to your face.


Damn I used to have friends like this and thought it was normal. After meeting my new friends and having known them all for years now I learned that no, its not normal. Friends won't go out of their way to exclude you and make you feel shitty. There shouldn't be petty gc beef and whispering behind eachothers back in order to stay on certain peoples good side. Most importantly, talking shit about your friends ISNT NORMAL. The more you normalize goin off on tangents about how this person does that the more likely a mobb mentality will form and now everyone's shitting on that person everytime they're not around. Doesn't feel so bad being in the mobb but sucks when they need a new target and you're the easiest pick.


Dear Whoever Needs This,

It’s you. You’re the one that has a light inside of you that some people just can’t bare. Once you realize this is the reason why “your friends “ turned, you will be able to look back and laugh at it. Yes it may hurt while your going through it but it will eventually pass. Just don’t allow any of the snakes to bite you twice. Have that mental funeral for whoever and keep it moving. Remember misery loves company….that’s why they come and go in packs. Do you boo.

Someone who can operate with or without “friends”


Going through something kinda similar rn with high school friends :(


Rejection is Gods protection, always remember that💜🦋


I'm just gonna say this for everyone going through this kind of problem:

DON'T be fine with friends like that. "Friends" who treat you like shit are nowhere near close to being true friends. Don't forget what the word friend means. It means someone who will stay by your side no matter what, who respects you just as you respect them, is always kind to you and cares for you and would be concerned or worried if something happened to you. They are someone whom you can share all your thoughts and worries with, as well as your accomplishments. Someone who looks forward to seeing you everyday just as you look forward to seeing them.

Don't be satisfied with a one-way friendship. Value yourself more. I wholeheartedly promise you, there are MUCH better people out there who would be willing to be your friend :) Someone who treats you like shit... is worse than a stranger whom you don't know or talk with. Those "friends" know you but won't talk to you. Find someone who is willing to get to know you and would love to talk with you and hang around with you.

The people whom you surround yourself with... however they treat you and what they think of you is eventually going to become how you think of yourself and how you treat yourself. Find true friends who encourage you to think of and treat yourself in the best way. ❤️


At first, my "friends" used to talk to each other and leave me out a lot. Then, I started to actually see that some of them actually disliked me from the way they acted and how none of them reached out to me once I left the main groupchat. I couldn't really blame them much. I started talking to someone else and I loved it, since our chat wasn't as chaotic as the big one was. I enjoyed his company a lot.
Then, one day, I came back. And it was alright until it wasn't. None of them said that they missed me. I could see that the dynamics changed whenever I was around. They'd just ignore me. Then, they suddenly stopped talking to each other. I was thinking that they split up.
Afterwards, I discovered that they had a new Groupchat, but none of them had any heart to add me.
I came back, but the distant thing was still there. I didn't even want to be there. I stopped talking to them altogether.
A few months later, while talking to one of my most trusted friends from that groupchat, she told me that they were talking behind my back. And making fun of me. I was sooo hurt, not because they found me "chaotic, annoying and obsessive" but because they talked to each other about it and never told me anything. "We have a good relationship with *my name*, right? No need to tell her" No, it wasn't a good relationship. Pretending to be nice to me wasn't a great relationship that he described. I hated it, because their words and actions didn't match. And I hated being ignored.
But what they didn't know is, deep down, I knew. I knew it all too well.
Honestly, if you feel as if someone is ignoring you, believe in yourself. If you talk to them about it and none of them actually try to make a change, then, they don't like you. It's better to get out. I know it's hard, but it becomes better. 💖🫂


I have no idea why some people are so messed up and do this thing.


I was super close with the girls at work, had 6 months off sick and came back and it was like I barely knew them anymore. Those 6 months were the hardest of my life and none of them supported me and barely asked how o was. Then when I came back to work it was like I wasn’t even there. They’d hang out, not ask me and then talk about what an amazing time they’d had, have conversations and stop talking when I walked in the room and it was a real struggle for me at first. BUT I’ve learnt that I am not the problem and it’s me who’s blossomed and them who’ve withered. Empower yourself and see that it is their loss and your gain 💪🏻


When you find out they made another groupchat💀


Yes❤I really hate people like that... I genuinely believe you're too good for them, Sahar. You brighten our days all the time and we love you!🫶


There was a girl in my group who was super toxic and everyone was starting to see it for what she was. We all dropped her and stopped talking to her. This is either because of a misunderstanding, or because this girl is just super toxic. If it is the former, I am so sorry, I know it's tough having rumors spread about you.


I had a really really tight group of friends for SEVEN years (almost 8) and then a few weeks after our high school graduation they started to ghost me and i felt like i had been sent through a paper shredder.

Even though it hurt like hell, its one of the best things they ever did for me. They were some of the most toxic people ive ever met but I didn’t realize until they left. They were super manipulative and literally turned me into their puppet. Told me what to do and dont, who to like and who to hate. Basically made every decision for me. Disgusting. About 8 months after all that happened and I finally feel like myself again and i have some really awesome friends in college now :)


At first I was really devastated cause you know I was a FREAKIN NAIVE teenage girl, ughhh. ANYWAYS once you graduate high school and go to school or start working, you just end up cringing at the fact that you actually cared about that. Well for my case it was like this. I always loathed how people told me (teenage HS me) don’t worry about what others think about you and to tell you the truth, THEY WERE FREAKING RIGHT!!! never have I ever felt so free after realizing no one really cares after reaching adulthood cause we are so busy with stress lolll
