WinCC Unified V16: export logged Alarms as a daily .CSV report (last 24h hours) include project

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This video was a wish from the user "Said Bahouche" I hope it helps you.
To create a easy daily export of your logged alarms.

00:15 modify the existing snippet
01:30 modify the export text
02:52 add the raise time to the file
04:19 check if it works on the next day

Download the project

#DerHecht #WinCC #Unified #TIAPortal #JavaScript

This works also on the Unified Comfort Panels, you need only adjust the path to linux based. ("/media/simatic/X61/......")
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I contacted siemens support regarding this and they directed me to your videos. Keep the the good work. Is it possible to pull all the alarm logs? Even better to determine when the first date the hmi was commissioned until the present date. That will then allow the user to choose a start and end date and then download the logs?


Your videos are very helpful and really appreciate taking the time to share it on YouTube.

Can you explain how to migrate the following scripts types available in Wonderware Intouch platform to WinCC Unified platform.
Types of scripts are
1. Application Script
a. On Startup Condition
b. While Running Condition
c. On Shutdown Condition
2. Key Script (F4, F10, Space)
3. Condition Script
a. On False Condition
b. While False Condition
c. On True Condition
d. While True Condition
4. Data Change Script
5. Quick Function Script
6. Window Script
a. On Show
b. While Showing
c. On hide

Can you create a Video with an example about it?
I appreciate any help with that.


Hello, is there a way to export operator comments? I can't find any documentation on how to acess them. I would love to get those into the same CSV file for our performance runs!


Hi, thank you for video. I exported csv as you, but have some troubles to modidy the filename of exported archiv in such format Filename_20230824_HHMMSS. Is it possible to add time stamp hhmmss to filename. In your script you replace ony date. Can you give some advises or show how to do that? Thanks


I am trying to read active alarms event text. How would I script this? Thank you


Hi Hecht,
are there some settings I need to activate in order for me to get e.g. the EventText? Because in my application the export doesn't include the text I wrote inside of the alarm. It just leaves a gap inside my csv-file. Do you have any idea what this problem could be tied to? I also can't read out the StateText I can read the State but then I only have numbers from 0 - 5 for the current states. Would be nice hearing from you. Thanks in advance.


I adjusted to unified comfort device path to x62, but I got nothing exported out... I find no xml file. What are the preconditions to use this?


Hi, is it possible if let say the operator wanted to export file from certain date until certain date? example: Start: 10/4/2022 End 12/4/2022. ?


Hi, I have 2 alarm tables, and I want to export them into 2 different files, how do I do that?
