Oanh Khuat Oral History Highlights

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Oanh Khuat co-founded the Institute for Social Development Studies (ISDS) in 2002, and in 2010 the Center for Support Community Development Initiatives (SCDI) of which she if currently the Executive Director. Aiming at contributing to Sustainable Development Goals agenda, SCDI focuses on community empowerment and creating an enabling environment for the most marginalized and vulnerable populations, such as sex workers, people who use drugs, people living with HIV, their spouses and children, poor migrants, ethnic minorities as well as LGBTIQA people. In her oral history, Oanh charts the changes in public perception towards people who use drugs and harm reduction strategies in Vietnam since the early 2000's.

About the Project: The Health and Human Rights Oral History Project (HHROHP) is a growing archive of video testimonies from diverse figures in the health and human rights movement. The full archive (including full length video recordings and transcripts) will be available in December 2022 through the University of Southern California Libraries and the USC Institute on Inequalities in Global Health.
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