This Is The LARGEST Update in Helldivers 2 History

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Helldivers 2 PATCH 01.000.400 brings the biggest changes in the game's history. Let's run through the major ones.

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Correction: The Explosive Crossbow CAN destroy bug holes and fabricators now.


7:28 Patch notes say that the crossbow CAN close bug holes and fabricators.


Orbital Gatling is absolute GOAT this patch. A must for bug breaches


"This Is The LARGEST Update in Helldivers 2 History" aka longest update in 127 days. OMG


its a step in the right direction, but the road is still full of bumps


Completed a solo helldive. The charger behemoths get spammed in every bug breach and I had a charger patrol variant on my seed so every patrol had a charger behemoth. The volume of hunters/stalkers/charger behemoths incentivized me to just run away. The increased enemy density creates pathing problems for the bugs since the hordes are much larger than was intended. This caused bugs to struggle to pathfind around small obstacles because they needed to pathfinder around their friends. The new social tab bugs are also completely inexcusable as it’s a multiplayer game. Some good changes and some inexcusably bad ones.


If you want to use the Eagle Strafing run, just throw it in front of you, and not too far. It will start firing from the point of the beacon forward. You do NOT have to put it onto a target, but in front of a target. Doesnt matter if its like 5 meters or 10 meters in front of you, as the eagle´s bullets only start at the beacon itself.


The Crossbow _CAN_ close bug holes. (and kill fabricators)
I just spent 4 games in a row running it and its extremely useful on "close bug hole" or "purge nest" missions.

Overall its like a slightly less damaging grenade pistol, but has the benefit of being a primary and better ammo pick up.


They unfortunately did the same thing that Arrowhead always does, say that they reduced enemy spawns while actually increasing them AND combined with the increase in chaff enemies now it's even worse. Clearly did not actually test it even though "we want to have our staff actually play the game" nonsense. The "fix" to the ARs still isn't enough to make them viable, they really need to either rework how armor is treated in game or give the vast majority of ARs medium armor pen. They just require too many reloads for too few actual kills on the exact enemies that they are supposed to be designed to deal with.

Oh and Superior Packaging is back to being broken even though they said that they fixed, it, again, they do this every single time.

The patch is a step in the right direction but it's far from warranting the month and a half wait, then add in the not even 50% of a Warbond along with the fact that over half of that the weapons are a joke and not at all useful and you end up with a totally waste of your SC/$10.


From what I've seen online, people hate the patch because they stuffed the spawn rates again and I agree big time. Helldivers is pretty much arrowheads nappy!. It's all nice and clean, every ones happy, then they take a big shit in it and the process starts all over again.


I was never gone from the game but now I am excited about playing again. It performs better on my computer, assault rifles are no longer worse SMGs with better sights. The machine guns feel much better, the crossbow can close stuff now and has a reason to exist at last and the scope on the AMR no longer blocks the point of impact, so I no longer have that excuse for missing the face of devastators. And FINALLY ARs can be good and pump out way more damage than heat based ones, fitting the theme of "economy vs DPS".
I am overall surprised that it does not feel THAT different from before, but I am also surprised that I have not found a change that annoyed me yet.

My issues with it currently are:
- better packaging method upgrade not properly working for AMR and MG43 again.
- Autocanon still pretty bad against Striders (God why. There is a pistol that one shots them)
- Eruptor still controls worse than a rocket launcher and gives you nothing ins return really. If visual feedback is so important turn it from a shrapnel weapon to one using aerosole grenades to have an excuse giving it a huge AOE. It should definitely be able to clear chaff bot drops and one shot Devastators easily given how slow firing and utterly unwieldy it is.


Orbital gatling isn't totally worthless now. Didn't expect that.

Автор one release was still better ngl


There are also buffs to mechs - targeting should be improved and you shouldn't die together with the mech - you should just be set on fire. This should make mechs more pleasant to play.


I feel like a second patch needs to be in the working, but I am especially disappointed in the war bond, increased weapon handling?? that does nothing, let it increase reload speed and the 50% melee damage? Nice now instead of the enemies feeling like a newborn has tapped them on the arm it now feels like a toddler hitting them, in order for the melee to be good it would need to be increased by 700% and that is a big number, another big thing is running a armor that that is all it does


I wish I could test the game doesn't even start for me now.


This game needs a keyboard and mouse support for the PS5 version. It is already available on PC so why not?


Massive step in the right direction. Quite a few weapons still need a lot of love though. The purifier is still terrible. Also the game is crashing a lot more and has a lot more bugs that need ironing out.


Broken spawns (again) and they shadow nerfed revoilless and spear. Amazing


This is why I don't trust game reviews. You got the crossbow wrong
