When Did You Know You Were Going To Marry Your Wife?

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- Rufus Stories

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"she may be a disgusting barf fairy, but she's MY disgusting barf fairy" lmao!


It went from, “I shit in a feild” to “she almost died”


You see I already love my girlfriend and I’ve wanted to marry her for a while now but the thing that really made me certain was when she offhandedly mentioned that the motor tic I have is really cute.
Now I was not under the impression that my motor tic was something to be liked, my parents from an early age told me it wasn’t socially acceptable and that I should probably hide it or work to control it.
When she said that she liked something about me that was intrinsic to me and I was taught to not even like about myself I broke down.
It remains the single kindest thing anyone’s said to me and it really reassured me that I want to merry her.

(Edit: for those who are curious what a tic is I put a small explanation to the best of my knowledge in the replies)


I was 6 months into the relationship with my wife(We had met at the beginning of January of 2020) So we ended up doing the deed around March and due to some minor complications with her birth control she ended up pregnant. However we had a miscarriage. It brought us closer together and ended up loving each other more.

I asked her jokingly in July if I proposed to her tomorrow would she say yes and she said even if I did it with a candy ring pop she would say yes. At that point I knew I wanted to marry her. I proposed in October of 2020. She said yes.


I feel bad for OP 10, hopefully they get therapy and that their close ones help them get through the grief


Yup. Waited 20 yrs to marry her. Buried her in June 2022. She passed in her sleep. She was the 2nd wife i buried in 8 yrs. Im still not 50 yet either.


I may plan on dying single. But these are still heartwarming stories.


My husband is an avid boater. One of his “tests” for girls he dated was how they were boating with him. If they were more concerned with their looks, it was a pass for him. The first time he took me, when it was my turn to try skiing, I just cannon-balled into the water. He said that was when he wanted a serious relationship with me.


My wife tells me that she knew she wanted me when I told her I was taking care of my mother who just had knee surgery. Apparently, having a good relationship with your mother is major bonus points!


This is more of a “I was going to marry her” story. I met her on Gaia Online back when it was still a popular site. It started out as simply online roleplaying, but we soon exchanged numbers and started texting and occasionally calling each other. She even sent me pictures and she was beautiful. Well, a couple of years into our long distance relationship she seemed to vanish and I started getting worried, then she suddenly started texting me again. I don’t know if she decided to finally tell me the truth or just let it slip, but she said her parents had taken her phone. This certainly set off some red flags for me and I asked how her parents could do that, and she said she was actually 17. At that point, I had no choice but to cut all communication off with her. It wasn’t worth the trouble I could’ve ended up in, even if she was less than a year away from being 18. It still sucked though because not only was she very pretty, we had quite a bit in common and really seemed to connect. I can’t help but wonder how things would’ve turned out if we could’ve continued seeing each other and eventually got married.


Story 10
I hope he's ok, bro she is still alive in your heart, shes taking care of you from heaven now. Keep your head up bro and make her proud

Ima drive into oncoming traffic now🥲👍


I'm not sure how it happened but my late wife was actually engaged to someone else when we got together. I was told by her I must escort her to a formal dance (I can't dance and her fiancé was at the other end of country) All her friends later told me it was obvious we were destined to marry. Pregnancy brought plans forward but we never regretted it, cancer took her 49 years later. I was very very lucky.


Yeah I can't stress it enough.
If you love someone cherish every minute. It maybe your last.
I never thought we would have such a short time.
But we always lived life to the fullest.


These couples sound perfect together. And some of the things that the wife’s did ( when they are still dating) sounds amazing. Like cooking for their significant other’s family when a family member is in the hospital, the significant other is sick, and so on


That guy with the story about his wisdom teeth being pulled out is hella lucky. When I had my wisdom teeth pulled It was a hellish time as I had to personally walk to the drug store for my medication. It was a hot as hell day and I wished I was dead every moment I was out on the streets that day.


There was this tine I was terribly sick with a fever, headache, dizziness and I was constantly vomiting. My parents were out travelling for business and I didn’t call them to tell them I was sick. My girlfriend found out I was sick and she cane over to my place and stayed with me during the time I was sick and she took care of me for 3 or 4 days. That’s when I knew she was going be my wife.


Man, this stories fill my heart with hope, i wish that some time in the future i can tell a story like the ones on this video.


Age of consent in some states is 16 mostly 17 but if it doesn’t involve sexual activity then it’s not a problem


"The exclamation, not the noun." Was so deadpan it head me in stitches.


First one was an absolute work of art LMAO
