My First Time Flying

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It was my first ever time flying on a plane as I took a trip from Atlanta Airport to San Antonio for the National FBLA Conference. I had an amazing time as you can tell by my reaction and would definitely fly with Delta Airlines again.

My name is Devin Street and I am a student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. On this channel I upload a vlog from UNC daily. I wanted to show everyone what it is like in the life of a college student. I’m a Double Major in Business Administration and Computer Science. I also have another channel called Creator Central that helps creators grow their channels.


-Instagram: @devin_street
-Twitter: @devin_street_




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I’m a pilot myself and trust me, planes are one of the safest ways of travelling


anyone else have their first flight soon and is nervous 🙋‍♀️


To anyone that's worried, I promise you'll be absolutely fine. Modern airliners are extremely safe and flying is statistically far, far safer than driving a car. Hundreds of thousands of people fly every single day without incident. Take off is probably the most nerve-wracking part, but once you're in the air you really don't feel much of anything at all. Your body gets used to the speed very quickly. Any shaking you feel is harmless, it's just turbulence, which happens due to disturbances in the air around the aircraft. With especially bad turbulence you might feel like you're "falling", but the plane is absolutely fine and you're perfectly safe. Another thing you might experience is a change in air pressure in your ears and sinuses due to the altitude change, so bring something to suck or chew during take off and landing to alleviate it. Headphones are also a must to drown out the sound of the engines and other passengers if you want to relax or sleep. But try not to worry and just enjoy yourself! You'll be okay.


for everybody thats afraid for their first flight: I've flown a lot in my life allready and just did a 14 hour flight from dubai to sydney in an a380 (biggest commercial airliner) en have flown anything from small to huge planes. trust me when I say this, the more your worried the worse it gets. the plane (any plane) is incredibly safe, well build and steady. you wont get sick and wont crash, ever. put on some music for the takeoff noise, look trough the little window and enjoy. looking out of the window will help your brain and body register the movement your feeling. also, dont drink too much coffee or eat a lot of fatty foods. ginger ale is a must when you get sick in moving vichicles. enjoy.


This is probably the best 'first flight reaction' video I've seen. Hope you liked it. :)


I've driven from NYC to California to avoid flying because I'm so scared. My husband and I are getting on a flight tomorrow for the first time in 4 years. It's nice to see your giddiness and excitement, actually put me a little at ease for my flight. Thank you!


Nothing like your first flight! I was 5 years old in a propellor plane in 1956. No matter the diagrams and scientific explanations about flight, to me it's a miracle!


out of all the other videos i’ve seen, u were probably the most brave out of all of the other ones. props👌🏾


It's very fun to watch this. As someone who has flown all my life, and who loves flying, it's really cool to see your reactions to flying. I think its normal to get a little anxiety or excitement everytime we fly. But I have been on more flights than I can remember and its still always a special experience. Flying is amazing!


I just completed my first round trip yesterday. It was not bad at all and I feel kind of silly for being afraid all these years.


ill never forget my first flight, you feel the rumbling of the plane from the runway, as soon as you lift off the ground the wings begin to shudder from the air fluttering and rushing underneath giving lift to the entire structure, Ive been hooked ever since.


I'm really glad I watched this. It calmed me down a little bit :) it was really hard for me to watch the beginning but I'm glad I stuck through and watched till the end 💚


im 12 years old and i have flown many times in my life. my first flight was when i was 1 year old.It was a 10 hour flight from Copenhagen to Seattle. And i love flying.


Well I just had my first plane ride a couple days ago. I was nervous at first, but I have to admit one thing: flying is the best!!


I think you did really well! And the more you fly, the more you can relax and enjoy the experience. I once had a very early flight and the plane was scheduled to be in the air at sunrise. We were above the clouds when the sun peaked over the horizon. It was one of the most beautiful landscapes I have ever seen.


I remember my first airplane ride! I was 10 years old!! Now I work for a major airline for 34 years and going!!


Yesterday I flew for the first time in years, and it was pretty awesome! I love flying ✈️


And there we go Daniel, hopefully a whole life time for you, of loving and enjoying the thrill of flying. I myself am a pilot, and have spent many years loving the thrills of takeoff after takeoff. Yes, there are many crap days at work with all the stresses aviation brings, but nothing ever beats breaking up through the cloud tops. Regards from the UK.


once you get off the ground it feels so magical just going up so fast and watching everything underneath you disappear as you ascend above the clouds


My 7 year olds first flight in July 2021 as lock down delayed it. I've been on a plane over 60 times and still get nervous. However holidays are worth the nerves and the guy on this video has made my son look forward to his first flight as it was a great video. Thank you
