Google Cloud vs AWS vs Azure vs Linode - Speed Comparison

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Which cloud provider is the fastest? Is it Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Linode?

#aws #azure #gcp #linode

Timecodes ⏱:
00:00 Intro
03:29 Setup
04:21 Create a cluster
12:01 Upgrade the cluster
18:25 Create a volume
20:27 Destroy the cluster
23:08 Final thoughts

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I enjoyed your video so much, great job!!! I had a few laughs too :) Linonde disqualified :)


Great topic, thanks for covering this! I've few thoughts and would love to get your feedback on this:

1. Since GKE wasn't that spectacular in terms of speed why do you keep recommending—at least between the lines—GKE in many of your videos?
2. Why didn't you include DO into this comparison?
3. Re Linode and how it upgrades the cluster, I agree that downtime is never good but just wondering if this is something we could just live with since the price difference to eg GKE is big: We have a small k8s support windows of one year and we could just to stuff together all things which require downtime (eg bigger db migrations) with k8s into a planned downtime? IDK but every service has from time to time downtimes and it's also a good test for your entire k8s cluster, if you are not able to setup your entire cluster from some files from your git repo there is something wrong; ofc I would like to have no downtimes forever too but yeah, love to have your opinion on this
4. Re downtime again, I would treat this 19/41/47minutes updating periods as kind of downtimes too since when this update is running everybody in the team should be ready to fight and expect the worst and man, I don't want to be in charge of the cluster and wait 47 (!) minutes and hope nothing goes wrong but yeah, guess that's a different topic
5. tmux, you know much more than I do and pls don't take this wrong but do such stuff with tmux and synced panes, looks just more pro and you don't have to hop between windows

Thanks again for doing all these great videos, we owe you something


Not defending AWS but I think there is a lot going on behind the scene (VPC, SecGroup, IAM Role, EC2 instanciation, Health Checks). I'm really astonished by Linode to not have manageable way to upgrade Kubernetes to a newer version. At least I hope they backup and restore pods/services at the end. Digital Ocean is pretty fast too.


It is thumbs up for daughter. Lovely :)


Its really nice how you take your time to answer people down here in the comments


I'm surprised that AWS was so slow. I expected a lot better.


I wonder what of above is the best option in terms of pricing


Just curious, how do you think digital ocean would fall into the ratings?


gcloud has spent almost all of the time enabling the container service. This is done only once, the rest of clusters you make will not have that penalty. Not sure if it's totally fair...


It's never a good idea to use Microsoft _anything_ .
