Cloud Pricing Comparison 2022 - AWS vs Azure vs Google Cloud?

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3 major cloud providers, 3 major cloud providers, 117 data centers, 252 VM sizes and 48965 options to choose from. A lot more than in 2021. We compiled the best prices for small, big and very large VMs from #aws #azure and #googlecloud.

In up coming videos we will show the best prices for each region like North America, Europe, India etc. Stay tuned. :)

0:00 Intro
0:15 Small VMs
0:39 Medium VMs
1:02 Big VMs
1:25 Buff VMs
1:48 Very Big VMs
2:12 The tiniest VM on the cloud
2:23 The largest VM on the cloud
2:40 The Winner
2:45 Outro

Data: Public sources and vendor APIs

Nature Pictures: Pixabay

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Lol didn’t think I’ll have fun watching a cloud pricing comparison video 😂


does the number of users matter much for the pricing? Lets say I'm on a Big VM with one user compared to a Big VM with 40 users... if my processing needs in theory don't change, would the number of people with access to the cloud change the pricing? Thank you for the video