Dance on the Spring Festival Gala show saluting traditional culture

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The poetic dance, "The Painting Journey – The Legend of a Panorama of Mountains and Rivers," highlights the aesthetics of traditional Chinese painting, is the latest creation by Han Zhen and Zhou Liya, the joint directors and choreographers of the popular dance drama "The Eternal Wave."

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This dance originated from one of the top ten famous paintings in China, "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains". This painting was painted by Wang Ximeng (1096 AD - 1117 AD), a painter in the Northern Song Dynasty, when he was 18 years old. Unlike black and white ink paintings, the painting is named after it was painted with azurite-green mineral pigments.
The choreographer abstracted the green colors in the picture of thousands of miles of rivers and mountains and abstracted them into a female character. This group dance is to express the concept of mountains.


My daughter moved to China 5 years ago and married a wonderful Chinese man. I feel very honored & privileged to accept him & his family & culture into our family here in the States. There is no barriers except what society tells us. This is absolutely beautiful ❤️ How can anyone say otherwise. Breathtaking. So clever and I am thankful my daughter brought all this into her life and ours.


If only our world leaders could be more allies instead of rivals. I'm American but I have always adored Chinese culture. The art, the music, the performance art, there's just so much to behold and treasure. This was magical! I hope the people know that there's many of us in the world now that would rather see a beautiful bridge that can connect us instead of a wall of hatred built on the sins of old men filled with fear. Again, Bravo!! Stunning work!! Much love!


Chinese culture is one of the richest cultures in the world, indeed.


Seriously, chinese culture is one of the most beautiful cultures in the world❤. Too handsome😊 love china


I am totally in awe!!! All the artists are dancing against gravity in slow motion. So graceful, poised And artistically in zen with the music. Bravo!Bravo!Bravo!!


The dancers are like brush strokes slowly forming into a masterpiece. It brought me to a different realm. Surreal. Captivating.


刚看完编导的采访 再来留个言
「心中若能容丘壑 下笔方能汇山河」
讲得太好了 演员们有此觉悟 无怪乎舞蹈会如此这般惊艳!


No one can really pull this level of dance artistry. My jaws literally dropped on floor and smashed to pieces, seeing how they mastered the step techniques with fluidity. The dance troupe should be on every CMG Gala Nights annually.

I dare think the marvellous troupe can bring upcoming Winter Olympics to a new level of amazement and awe, making China famous for its acrobatic prowess. Thank you Han Zhen & Zhou Liya for giving us a visual treat! You won my heart without any problems!


One of the best authentic Chinese dances. Love the costumes, music, choreography and the moves.


Hello China and all Chinese people, a big thank you to all of you for this gift you have made for humanity. I have no word in my mother tongue, French, to describe this artistic masterpiece. All the feelings and effects that flood my body, I'm hypnotized, the days of the Lunar New Year watching the live, and still a year later. I can watch it over and over without getting tired of it. In 34 years of existence it is the most beautiful living work of art I have seen in my life, I take the time to leave for the first time in my life a comment on youtube. Here we have a masterpiece of Chinese culture, a piece of art. Out of all the live performances during the Spring Festival (Chinese Lunar New Year) gala show, which I have watched for 6 years, this is definitely the most beautiful performance. In particular, I saw masterpieces on site in China, among the most impressive: two "Tang Dynasty" performances in Xī'ān 西安, Shǎnxī 陕西 province, or a show by 张艺谋 Zhāng Yìmóu on West Lake (西湖 Xīhú) in 杭州 Hángzhōu province of 浙江 Zhèjiāng, also a performance of 杨丽萍 Yánglí Píng in 昆明 Kūnmíng 云南 Yúnnán province which had marked me. But among all these shows, the 2022 Spring Festival is impressive, it stands out. As someone else here said, it's both simple and complex, it's both ancient and modern. It is a very complex mixture and a fusion between history dance music painting calligraphy poetry philosophy. The artistic team manages to bring to life the painting by 王希孟 Wáng Xīmèng entitled 千里江山圖 Qiānlǐ jiāngshān tú (A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains). Li = ancient Chinese unit for measuring distance. This artist was born during the Sòng dynasty 宋朝 Sòng cháo (960–1279) under the reign of the great Emperor 宋徽宗 Sòng huīzōng. Both had a very sad life during a turbulent period in Chinese history. 王希孟 Wáng Xīmèng produced his only work of art at the age of 18, in 1113, a 12 meter long, brightly colored silk painting (very expensive for the time). The CHINESE painting style is 山水 shān shuǐ, landscapes are painted on silk (this technique was invented in China since the 5th century, Japan did not exist, "japan fans"please do not talk nonsense .This painting can be seen in 北京 Běijīng at 故宫博物院 Gùgōng Bówùyùan, one of the greatest artist of China then died prematurely at the age of 23. This painting almost disappeared forever several times, notably during the Jurchen invasions 女真 Nǚzhēn (Wars between the Jin and Song dynasties ), and also during the Second Sino-Japanese War, the painting was lost circulating in flea markets, after the chaos that the Japanese had created in China since 1894 (First Sino-Japanese War). During Qīng dynasty 大清 the painting belonged to the personal collection of Manchu Emperor 乾隆帝 Qiánlóng (1711 – 1799). Taoism is true, the barbarians of the north have become fine amateurs of painting on silk? For information the Manchus are the descendants of the Jurchens mentioned above. Emperor 宋徽宗 Sòng huīzōng saw the potential of 王希孟 Wáng Xīmèng and took him personally as a student. Emperor 宋徽宗 Sòng huīzōng had a sad but fascinating story, he is one of the greatest Chinese artists, he loved all the arts more than anything else: music, painting, calligraphy, poetry, ceramics, etc. He could spend days watching birds and paint them. As you can guess politics and war were not his passions, so he was the last Emperor of the Sòng 宋 dynasty, the Jurchen 女真 Nǚzhēn one day captured his capital and eventually deported him and his entire court children all his concubines in Manchuria, in the great Siberian cold of the 黑龙江 Hēilóngjiāng province, it is well written by Chinese historians that his end life was miserable and that he died a broken man. The traditional Chinese musical instrument that stands out is the gǔzhēng 古筝, an instrument that dates from the Warring States Period 战国时代 Zhànguó Shídài (475–221 BCE). The touch of modernity is brought by a classical European instrument: the violins. The hairstyles as well as the traditional clothes are 唐福 Táng fú (or 汉服 Hànfú dating from the 唐 Táng dynasty 618 – 907 AD). I give you my little opinion: you have to see Chinese civilization as a continuity, there is no beginning (birth) nor end (death). This binary vision is very Western and Christian. The concept of copy/copying does not exist in China, it must be understood that for millennia copying imitating the greatest artists / paintings / calligraphers / poets is a must, and that there is no harm in copying . This artistic masterpiece in 2022 is therefore a living continuation and refinement of the work of 王希孟 Wáng Xīmèng produced in 1113: we see the painting appear as it goes along as well as scroll. Try to display the painting on your computer you will not be able to visualize it you will have to zoom and drag it because it is so big. The sensual dancers to the rhythm of the gǔzhēng 古筝 are gradually incorporated into the painting as if it had been painted like mountains and rivers. This complex work of art dating from the year 2022 is a tribute to the ancient Chinese civilization: we can travel in time from the Warring States 战国时代 Zhànguó Shídài to present-day China (People's Republic of China) via the 唐 Táng and 宋 Sòng dynasties. The homage to the ancestors, which has always been so important in this country, the cradle of Confucianism 儒家 Rújiā, is paid. Confucius 孔子 Kǒng Zǐ would be proud of the long road traveled and the continuity of the middle empire 中国 Zhōngguó.A big congratulations to the Chinese civilization: I think that the Chinese of today as of yesterday and in particular the first author 王希孟 Wáng Xīmèng and the Emperors 唐高祖 Táng Gāozǔ, 唐太宗 Táng Tàizōng, and thoses who was able to touched this silk scroll 宋徽宗 Sòng huīzōng ,乾隆帝 Qiánlóng , all have tears in eyes seeing this performance and the long journey made. Thanks from France. love you . 中国女婿


مستحيل، لا يصدق … وكأني في حلم أو كوكب آخر
كل المحبة والتقدير والاحترام للصين العظيمة 🇨🇳
اللغة الصينية أصبحت جزءا من المنهج التعليمي في السعودية بداية من العام القادم
سيكون ذلك صعبا ولكن جميل وممتع


Marvellous, with China's growing economic muscle, and using the newfound wealth to explore and expand the cultural practices such as Chinese dancing without copying the west, Bravo.


Even if you were an emperor of China during one of its former dynasties in its 5, 000 history, you would not have witnessed an amazing artistic performance such as this one.

This performance is so symbolic of where China is today. The dancers' simple elegance, grace, harmony of movements, power, flexibility, cultural awareness, and unity of purpose spoke volumes through their beautiful performance.

It is so beautifully performed and powerfully expressed the feelings and emotions of the culture in our times.

The performers had such incredible control and flexibility to bend their bodies so far back that it symbolizes how China has been able to bend but never break over its history.

The harmony and unity of the performance also was impressive and symbolizes how China is aligned with its leadership with a 95% approval rating of its government. This support is shown in the battle against Covid as well as withstanding the lies and China bashing from countries that want to destabilize China.

Through it all, the beauty, harmony, and peace of the Chinese civilization comes powerfully through the performance as it takes its place of leadership in the world today.

Bravo indeed.


Got goosebumps and tears in my eyes words can't describe this beauty in my perspective 👍


ياالهي ماهذا الجمال والاتقان والسحر القوة والنعومة والسلاسة في كل خطوة مثل هذا لا تجده الا في ام الحضارات لست صينية ولكني مغرم بهذا الرقي لا يوجد من يضاهي الحضارة الصينية ابدا ابدا الصين هي ام اسيا باكملها ❤


How afraid are the haters in the comments section of China? You are afraid that the world will know that China turned out to be such a beautiful country


Salute to the Chinese civilization. It's a soul-purifying experience to watch. There are no English words that could describe this. I feel that I am so lucky and privileged to be able to see the dance. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the choreographers, the performers, the designer, and the musician. Together, you have made history. Thank you!


beyond words.
moments like this, make me feel so lucky and so proud to be born as human.


There's the art of dance and then there's a dance thats an absolute work of art. This is the absolute work of art for the ages.
