10 Best Trained & Disciplined Dogs in the World!

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They say dogs are a man’s best friend but, if trained right, they can also be a man’s best colleague. From police dogs to guard dogs, precious pups can be trained to do pretty much anything a man can. I mean, heck! Look at Scooby Doo! He’s a successful paranormal detective! That takes serious discipline! These are the best trained and disciplined dogs in the world!

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We have an exceptional Golden Retriever that does many typical tricks. But she also will get the mail and bring it inside to whomever is there and hand it to them. She puts her toys away in their specific box as well. But my favorite was teaching her to not only speak (one bark, ) but whisper, (soft bark) and growl on command and knows the difference between all three. She may not be the best dog in the world, but she is the best in my world!


That goes to show you that dogs can learn when you give them love and attention. Thanks for sharing this video 👍 👍


Young lady gave me a 6 week old Male dog. I know he was mixed with Pitt not for sure of the other he was mixed with, seems as we had an immediate connection. This baby knew how to give hi 5, he would sit and talk to me, I taught him how to sign language I love you. My Spirit and his spirit was connected. I've never trained a dog before in my life. Animals are truly amazing. A little work and a whole lot of love.


I have no idea why anyone would dislike this video. I absolutely love how smart dogs can be when given lots of love and attention. This video was amazing...👍👍💯


My dog knows how to run away and hide when there’s an intruder robbing the house. Genius huh? 😂🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂


Wow the boder collie is more talented than me, I can't even do a flip or jump high.


My dog is like Colt, Indio is the name of my dog. He helps me to remove my anxiety and depression, he is the best dog in the whole world. Also for me he is not just a dog, He is more than a best friend, a brother to me because his love for me is truly unconditional. I love him so much 🐕😍❤


#OddTopic I absolutely LOVE this channel!! Thanks so much


How i love these dogs.they are heaven sent so they would become an inspiration to people.


These amazing dogs are smarter than some I loooove
dogs with a passion.
Thanks for sharing that awesome video.


Dog with cups: ooh cheese
Him: this dog is so diciplined!


I didn't see a Shetland Sheepdog. We've had a Border Collie who was smart, but the Shelties we've had are WAY smarter. We didn't have to teach them to work with me as service dogs, they picked it up by themselves. Our Isis was a shelter find, 4 months old and a double-surrender full-blood Sheltie. She taught herself to go find my husband when I tried to get up because, with MS, I have fall risks. She's also gone to the gate at the backdoor and showed the paramedics where I was after a fall. If I'm moving, she's barking until we tell her it's okay. She could walk with my wheelchair and would sit under the table when we would go out to eat, not moving until we told her it was time to go. We had another Sheltie, 4 months after Isis came to live with us. Rhi Rhi picked up on my pain levels and would sit with me, her head on my leg, and calm me down. If I got bad, she could go get my husband and showed him where the meds were so he knew what I needed. She passed away three years ago on Sept 22, 19. Broke my heart so much. I looked for another sheltie and we found one about 600 miles away. When we settled on him, I asked the breeder when his birthday was. September 22, 2019. Yeah, the same day we lost Rhi. Sully's more a daddy's dog, which is fine. He also has medical issues and Sully will stick with him and come get me when needed. We've wanted to train him as my service dog but he's just more in tune with my husband. Isis is 15 and we'll get another Sheltie when she passes and that one will be trained to be my service dog.


My Dachshund can wave hi/bye. All 3 of our dogs know that when it comes to treat time they sit in front of us and wait for their name to be called for treats! They also know to wait for their food until we say "Ok!".


Dog trainer : *ExIsTs*

Squirrel : I’ma bout to end this wholes mans carreer


I saw a documentary on border collies which took place in Scotland. The owner had a sheep farm and you see the owner giving commands and pointing at the dog from 50 to 70 yards away and directing the dog where to go - amazing. He said these dogs are the most intelligent animals in the world.


Dogs LOVE their Pack and they are DEDICATED to their PACK LEADER


Wow! That put a big smile on my face today! How awesome those dogs were!!


This is why I love dogs they are the only creatures that loves you more then themselves . And all you have to do is feed them and of couse you love them back always if you cant do that then you dont need a dog


Man I think this are the most amazing dogs in the world 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶


When you have dogs you can train them and it's the same thing like when you have children you start to tell him as soon as they're they're little and they recognize your voice and they understand and the animals are the same they listen and they understand and buy command if you tell you know sit you know weight and need to wait instead roll over or beg you know they do and there's a lot of things that you can tell your dog to do flash the remote fast your purse or whatever you know I have a dog and he goes and brings me my purse and when I can't find my phone he finds it when I can't find my keys he finds them
