How to Make Small Investments to Get Rich!

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Five types of investments that will turn small investments into big returns. It doesn’t matter how much you can invest. These five strategies and investments will turn small amounts into big money.

More than half the households in the U.S. report saving less than $100 a month and 2020 has made it even worse. With limited saving, you need to be finding the best investments to turn that small amount into as much as possible.

In this video, I’ll show you how to make small investments to become rich. I’ll explain each strategy and type of investment as well as how much you can make and how to get started. Then I’ll reveal three rules for investing that every investor must know.

Watch these Videos for Detail into Each Type of Investment!

One of the most important things you can do to reach your financial goals and turn even small amounts into a big portfolio is simple consistency. Even if you can only invest $100 a month, you’ll have hundreds of thousands at the end of 30 years if you do it every month.

Monthly dividend stocks are another great way to make small investments go further. With monthly dividends rather than quarterly payments, you get to reinvest faster and make money on your money. It’s a great way to compound returns and pays an average 12% annual return.

Growth stocks have been on fire over the last few years for a 32% annual return on the FANG stocks. Even on a more modest 14% return though, you’ll turn that $100 a month into a great retirement nest egg.

Don’t miss those other three ways to make small investments and get rich, one with a 27% annual return. I’ll also share those rules to investing that will help you make money on any investment.

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My Investing Recommendations 📈

Joseph Hogue, CFA spent nearly a decade as an investment analyst for institutional firms and banks. He now helps people understand their financial lives through debt payoff strategies, investing and ways to save more money. He has appeared on Bloomberg and on sites like CNBC and Morningstar. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and is a veteran of the Marine Corps.
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Question!?! What's your favorite way to turn small investments into big returns?


I been watching and trying to learn. While you are not my only "teacher", you are one of my top 5. Being 44 years old and having nothing (comparatively), there is a degree of embarrassment in saying I only have about $700 invested. I am working hard to grow my itty bitty nugget. This money has been invested while unemployed. When I do go back to work, the nugget will grow faster. I am appreciative of your contribution to that. And, on a positive note, despite being small, I am growing. I've averaged 11% growth since beginning; not based on what I've put in, but on my returns. And I didn't put that $700 in all at once. That's been $10 here... $20 there....
Thank you for your military service, and your continued service through education!


Hey Jospeh, just wanted you to know that I got into investing about 2 years ago. Your channel was a big part of my learning process and due to your advice (and a few others) as well as my own research, my portfolio is up 308% and is about to break 6 figures, thanks for all your content and positive attitude. Semper fi🇺🇸


hi i am following you from very far country i am from Kingdom of Bahrain and i have stocks in USA thanks to you for all information's


piece of advice to beginners “Risk comes from not knowing what you're doing.”👌 So make sure you do research and not count on other people for stock picks


Joe is the Bob Ross of financial advisors


Inspiration, knowledge and motivation! That's what I think every time I watch a video of yours :)


I am in the marine corps and currently deployed! Thank you for always keeping your subscribers updated! I appreciate it so much especially being away from home. Great to find a reliable source to follow! I love your Cpl placard in the background!


You’re really providing value to the world, thank you sir! Great video!


I love your videos and helped me a lot . I wish you can make videos more frequently . Thank you !


Great video my friend. You answered some of my questions from Sunday. 🤠💪🏻


This one is what I was looking for thanks again


I love your videos! Your delivery and sensible, strategic investment strategy!

Absolutely brilliant, really appreciate your content, your persona is genuine and extremely helpful.


Haven't seen a video i didn't like! I even click the like button before i watch it, that's how confident i am about the content! 👍💰💵💲


Excellent video and one of my most favorite channel !


Being consistent is so important as you showed in this video. Great value and great video overall!


Thanks for insight, I learnt something new, you’re an inspiration 👍👍👍


I normally invest in potential penny stocks for longer periods. Eg: i bought rave @ 0.40 & sold @ 2$ 3 weeks ago


Investment is the stepping stone to success. 👍


Have you published any new books lately that covers your investment strategies, I would love to purchase it and take notes!

I’m sure you are in high demand when it comes to your time but I would love to learn as much as I can from you.
