Pilot Medical Test - Does a pilot need to be 100% healthy?

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What kind of medical tests does a commercial pilot have to go through in order to get their medical license?
In this video I have the honour to sit down and discuss this with the Chief Medical Officer of SAS, Micke Sjöö.
In this first video, in a series of 2, we will be going through the initial medical test at an Aero Medical Centre (AMC). We will discuss the different tests you will have to take, why those tests are there and important things to think about.

In the upcoming video I will be asking all of YOUR questions. All of the most common questions that YOU guys have been asking over the last 2 years will be covered in that episode so you DONT want to miss that one.

A huge thank you to Scandinavian Aviation Academy for arranging the interview and letting us use their facilities in Västerås, Sweden.
If you are interested in starting your integrated training you can check out their web-page

Or download their free Virtual Reality app by clicking this link:

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Yassss what a night Captain Joe and Mentour upload! ☺️


I was scared to death at my initial medical. I got it though. I first encountered problems after the 4th recurrent, where I went to a new AME. Turns out he is a former fighterpilot, who's standards were like if he was approving people for space-travel. I went to another AME, and there were no problems at all.
So guys, when you recurrent, it does matter which AME you choose. Some of them work out from standards of the regulation, and some of them are evil creatures who wants your carrer to end.


I failed my Class 1 medical check this summer but in two weeks I have the opportunity to do it again. Hope I pass this time!
Love your channel ;) Greetings from Barcelona


I really needed to see this video. I'm feeling so much calmer about my class one exam next week. Thanks for posting this!


You're so comfortable doing things like this, if you ever decide to stop flying you'd be a wonderful teacher in the subject! So cool under pressure but so sharp with the questions and knowledge! I'm certainly no pilot but still apreciate videos like this as it gains my confidence as a passenger. Well done.


Brilliant video with amazing people Mentour.


You are a fantastic person sir. Thanks for everything


I have an upcoming class 1 medical tests at the end of January and it will be my very first and this video has really helped me, thank you so much for sharing.


This video has been so helpful!! I'm actually getting my medical done in coming months..and I had so many questions. Your videos are absolutely wonderful and really very informative. Cannot thank you enough for uploading this video. Amazing work as always. Cheers!


Im currently saving money for my CPL and im so happy that I passed my initial medical class 1, 2 months ago, until today... Over 2000 pilots and air traffic controllers in Denmark, including me just got their medical class 1 & 2 suspended. This is do to non-authorised aeronautical doctors issuing medicals. An absolute scandal and completely unheard that this could happen. Hope that I'll pass it once again and hope actually working pilots can get their medical within 2 months, otherwise they will be grounded. Never the less thanks for a great video - Gustav :-)


Yeeeessss.. Finaalllyyy the video i have been waiting for..thank you soooo much Mentour.


I've noticed the production quality has improved alot, great video!


Hi mentour how strict are they with the eyesight requirements if someone is slightly over would they still be able to get the class one because I have mine next week?


This is a video many people have been looking forward to for a long time! Fantastic. You are very resourceful, thank you for getting this information for us who want to know! 😀


It was awesome, Mentour! Thank you so much for your hard work, answering to our questions! I am looking forward to your next episode! :)
I wish you all the best!


In the United States, you only go to a certified air medical examiner. It's a usual medical examination and it doesn't take all day like in Europe or other countries.


Sensational video once again Mentour. I'd like to thank you for such consistently excellent content.


can you do a medical 1 instead of doing medical 2 when starting your ppl just to be sure?


I am curious about the kinds of conditions that are an automatic fail. You do not mention that. Cheers, Russ


Thank you Mentour, this clears a bunch of things up for me!
Looking forward to next video. Entertaining as always!
