The Only Day Trading Video You Should Watch... (Full Course: Beginner To Advanced)

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Traders have to understand day trading before they trade with live money. It is crucial to practice and learn from experts to get really good at day trading. Create good habits, write in your journal, and learn from your mistakes.

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The information contained in this presentation is solely for educational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. The risks of trading in securities, Forex, and the futures market can be substantial. You should carefully consider if engaging in such activity is suitable to your own financial situation. The instructor in this video is not responsible for any liabilities arising as a result of your Market involvement or individual trade activities.
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When you collaborate with top professionals, you achieve the best results.


*I'm favoured, $30K every week! I can now give back to the locals in my community and also support God's work and the church. God bless Faith ❤❤*


Nice content trading come with a lot of benefits and I've just bought my first car through it. as a beginner I was scared of losing my savings but I'm glad I took the bold step that is now favouring me.


The stepbystep approach in Crypto Fearless Books makes learning crypto trading a breeze.


As always, a great analysis. Newcomers often wonder if it's too late to navigate the financial market, but the market is always unpredictable. Trading has more advantages than simply holding, so it's important to learn before diving in. Active trades are necessary to ride the market's waves. Thanks to Walter James Henry’s insights, daily trade signals, and my dedication to learning, I've been increasing my daily earnings. Kudos to the journey ahead!


The year 2024 is a year for each and everyone of us to make a fresh start, by making passive investments for a more stable and doubled income


What is the best strategy to succeed in the market now for someone with more or less than $4k


Trading is mental game, that is why most people lose money because they cannot control their emotions. Because the prevalent idea of our culture is to effortless indulge and focus on their own pleasure and wellbeing, but controlling your emotions is unpleasant and painful and that is why most traders lose money because they don't want to meet the pain. That is why there is so many drugs, alcohol, obese and fat people, broken marriages and adultery.


It is good we acquire as much wealth as we can, most people fail to understand what it takes to become wealthy, they want to become wealthy overnight by thinking their savings will help them attain that, they fail to understand that investment is what truly builds wealth. I advise you all key into investing and earn side money than depending on your savings if you truly want to be wealthy


I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Loretta Nevins.


I remember having a consultation with a trade analyst last August, and it was incredibly insightful. Can’t stress enough how helpful experts in this field are!


I am new to the stock market. Every stock that I bought so far, I was out of luck because I bought them when they were expensive. I feel I missed out on all the stock opportunities so far for the tech stocks.I believe having 150K yearly income would be a good investment so I want to plug all my savings into the stock market. I know this sounds a bit dull but I would like to know if I should learn investing or let somebody else (more capable like a FA) do it for me? Please share your thoughts. I am kind of tired of searching for a good stock to buy and losing all the good opportunities


Stocks are falling and bond yields are rising, but markets still don’t seem convinced the Federal Reserve will pursue plans to keep increasing interest rates until inflation is under control. I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $138k stock portfolio, what’s the best way to take advantage of this bear market?


I came here to learn how to trade after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $460, 000 in 4 months from $160k. Somehow this video has helped shed light on some things, but I'm confused about the current market volatility, I'm a newbie and I'm open to ideas.


As a beginner what are really the basics and the criteria for a successful trade the exits and entry of the market? Is there any set funds to actually start up with.


From my observation and historical market pattern, there might be a bit of turbulence in the market coming up, but here's the deal: Trying to guess what's going to happen next is less important than spreading your bets when trading and thinking long term. It's not about guessing the market's next move; it's about playing it smart and steady...managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 732k in the space of a few months... I'm especially grateful to rachael campbell, whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.


The stock market is the hardest place to get quick money because money there moves from the hasty to the patient. The biggest hurdle for investors is maintaining mental control through losses, and most investors fail here.


As a newbie about to invest, you must have these three things in mind
1. Have a long term mindset.
2. Be willing to take risk.
3. Be careful on money usage, if you're not spending to earn back, then stop spending.
4. Never claim to know - Ask questions and it's best you work with a financial advisor.


I want to learn how to trade after listening to a guy on radio talk about the importance of investing and how he made $460, 000 in 4 months from $160k. Somehow this video has helped shed light on some things, but I'm confused about the current market volatility.


I find it fascinating how some people achieve financial success through unconventional means like investing in meme coins. It really makes you rethink traditional paths to wealth accumulation.
