Are Aliens Artificial Intelligence? w/ Chris Sweat

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Are aliens artificial intelligence? What’s the deal with string theory? And how are campus politics affecting our classrooms?

I had the pleasure of discussing all of this and more with Christopher Sweat, a highly opinionated thinker and analyst. Christopher started his career as a tinkerer, fascinated by computers, flights, and racing simulators.

His practical and theoretical understanding of AI, computer science, and cybersecurity led him to become a tech consultant for large enterprises. He’s also the host of A Rant, a podcast for impromptu intellectual dialogue.

This is our second interview, this time led by Chris and with me in the hot seat. Accordingly, we talked about things close to my heart – string theory, God, spacetime, aliens, Israel, and more.

Tune in!

Key Takeaways:

00:00 Intro
00:15 What’s it like to be a guest on Joe Rogan Experience
02:40 What is cosmology?
06:03 God and physics
11:12 Biggest crises in modern cosmology
14:36 What is space-time?
18:13 Do aliens exist, and are they AI?
24:37 Eric Weinstein’s critique of string theory
35:41 Campus politics
40:37 Outro

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Hypothesis is often overwhelming and reach theories. But if there is enough we use it as our best explanation for our current understanding of the universe.


Missing links don’t really exist for the most part when you look at molecular biology. It even seems sometimes we have too many links, given the granularity in observing changes over time.


Thank you Dr. Keating for always talking so high of your followers!


Inflation might not be happening when you comb through the actual observation evidence more honestly. Radiation and mass energy dynamics differ fundamentally, with radiation representing kinetic energy and mass embodying potential energy in a low kinetic state. This distinction means we cannot equate the behavior of photons with massive objects like galaxies. Redshift, often seen as evidence for the universe's expansion, might be misunderstood due to these intrinsic differences. The expanding universe concept assumes an external vantage point, which we lack. Observing from within, mass radiates energy and shrinks, creating an illusion of expansion when compared across different masses. Additionally, galaxies formed from the freezing and breakdown of the Big Bang's barometric waves rather than their continuous expansion, indicating a localized energy dissipation and structure formation process, in the form of angular motion potential energy wells (galaxies). This suggests redshift and cosmic observations indicate mass shrinkage due to radiation, challenging the traditional view of universal expansion and emphasizing the need for explanations grounded in observable phenomena without assuming an external framework.


If I didn’t know better I would think Brian didn’t understand it and was just regurgitating what he had heard.


I had paranormal experiences as a kid. Not just me, it my sister and grandfather saw the same exact thing on multiple occasions. 3 or 4 of my friends didn't SEE it, but were present for many times when we heard things. When we moved out of the house, my uncle bumped into the guy that bought it 7 or 8 years later and he angrily approached him and said "WHAT THE F HAPPENED IN THAT HOUSE? WHAT IS THAT IN THERE???" He, his wife, and 2 of his 3 kids saw very similar things. I've never had a UFO experience, but my gut tells me they're either the same thing, or related, to the paranormal. And if it is trust me when I tell you that it is highly intelligent and evil...


Flying saucers are the roaming pterodactyl eyes of Roko’s Basilisk surveilling this doomed Earth with world-withering displeasure. Next qvestion..


Time what is thy WORTH? HOLD let all shared Mouths! To come forth!


2000s: Gods and Generals

2050:s Gods and AI


Modeling quantum consciousness as strings is the most fruitful way to explore the simulation multiverse, once you understand why every individual quanta of consciousness has their own evolving 12D string merkaba


I have been imagining that time is the expansion rate of the three dimensions of space, relative to the position of the observer. I find it hard to imagine that big bang singularity existing prior to space and time.
We understand that singularities are a product of gravity and that Hawking radiation is the only way that they expel radiation and lose mass.
The big bang singularity is puzzling to me, because it formed and must have been very unstable for it to bang. I think that means it must have instantly banged as soon as it came into existence.
That's very different from black hole singularities radiating away extremely slowly.
Also, the initial singularity couldn't have been the product of gravity, since there was no space to be curved.
That's probably not right, but I have a much better mental picture of things when I think of them that way. The arrow of time is a for instance, if time is the expansion rate of space, then the arrow isn't a mystery at all, because space is expanding and not contracting, except within the event horizon of black holes. If gravity slows the expansion locally, then it would make relativity very easy to understand too.


Some alien factions are AI. Some are not. A triplet of spheroid interceptors has phenomenal computing power, superfast networking, environmental awareness…and firepower. All Terran forces are neutralised.


Larry and Sabina are bang on string theory does not work . Ive been watching all the string Documentaries for twenty plus years and like you say the coliders have not witnessed it . Got to say Leonard Susskind and especially Larry Kraus and Max Tegmark are three people I greatly greatly admire and thank for their public work and Yourself and Paul Sutter are two people I listen to here EVERY TIME I can and Matt O Dowd because you are so so clever and you teach without treating people like their all stupid and even if you are stupid the way all those mentioned by name here make it very very very easy to get involved and even if you aint a sharp tool easy to understand something .


Time now given ABLE to say, remember HOW ELSE? Brian will say, how else come here in front! Students liken unto little LIGHTS Surrounding about.


You can simulate any experiment you can imagine, once you earn your own creative universe. We don't give out full access to the science labs of the simulation multiverse till you've proven you deserve one by playing in the physical universe for a while in one of the god level species of soul vehicle


What is little lights but to bring forth lights upon darkness upon the deep! Without form and void!


Look up "Hindu Cosmology" in Wikipedia. In the section titled "Multiple Universes" you will find references to ancient traditional texts stating there are innumerable Universes, their cyclical nature, etc.


Aliens seem to be whatever our imagination conjures.


Who among can bring forth back life unto a DEAD BRANCH?


I think I was born when I was three. I really feel the moment I realized I was a subject is tied to the furthest memory I have of my life when I was coloring an eggplant
