Camden Garden Club Winter Horticulture Series: Forestry for Maine Birds

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February 2023 marks the 55th Annual Winter Horticulture Series of talks, presented by the Camden Garden Club and hosted online by the Harvard Museum of Natural History and the Camden Public Library.

Sally Stockwell with Maine Audubon and Allyssa Gregory from the Maine Forest Service will provide a presentation on ways to steward your woodland and provide habitat for birds and other wildlife. They will discuss ways to enhance habitat for a diversity of birds, fish, and other wildlife that live in or visit your forests, and provide information on where to find additional resources, and who to contact for professional guidance.

Sally Stockwell is the Director of Conservation at Maine Audubon, and a wildlife ecologist with experience in conservation of nongame, rare, and endangered species in freshwater wetlands, coastal beaches and marshes, and northern forests. She has additional experience as an interpretive naturalist, environmental education instructor, and outdoor adventure leader. Sally holds a Ph.D. in wildlife ecology and an M.S. in wildlife management from the University of Maine and a B.S. in biology from The Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington.

Sally has worked with a variety of partners and stakeholders on projects and programs to conserve Maine’s woods, waters, and wildlife for over 40 years, and has been spearheading the Forestry for Maine Birds program to manage woodlands “with birds in mind” since 2013. She serves on numerous state committees and has been actively involved in town planning, open space planning, and forest management and recreation in her home town of Cumberland.

Allyssa Gregory is District Forester and Acting Landowner Outreach Forester for the Maine Forest Service. She assists with regulatory issues related to NRPA and FPA, leads educational workshops, and offers in-person visits to landowners with 10+ forested acres. She obtained a forestry degree from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Her professional background includes rural forestry, urban forestry, horticulture, and structure firefighting. Allyssa is involved with the Tree Farm program as a certified inspector and is a Project Learning Tree facilitator.
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