How Can the Turkish President Mediate the Ukraine-Russia Crisis?

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visits Ukraine at a critical juncture in the crisis between Russia and the West. Amid the fanfare in Kiev lies a diplomatic agenda with far reaching implications. Unlike its western allies, Ankara could have a unique opportunity to engage on a more equal footing with Kiev and Moscow, as a result of deep strategic and economic ties with both countries. Can Ankara help resolve the diplomatic stand off? And what’s in it for Turkiye?


Murat Aslan
Researcher at the SETA Foundation

Yusuf Alabarda
Defense and Security Analyst

Peter Zalmayev
Director of the Eurasia Democracy Initiative

Рекомендации по теме

If Russian wanted to invade, could have done it already. Hopefully Erdogan can help lower the temp between Ukrainian-Russian siblings that share so much history, going back more than thousand years


President Putin psychological profile! Former KGB officer born and raised in Leningrad city sieged by German army in WW2.
When recalling his childhood events was tought in case of inevitable fight strike first!
For someone who was raised on patriotic movies of hardship of mother Russia during Second World war, loss of more than 20 million of Soviet soldiers.
Ukraine's fall to a hostile towards Russia regeme is seen as fall of Stalingrad to Nazy Germany.
Fall of Slavic Ukranian state to an Anglo Saxon hegimony is perseived as threat to Russian national existance.
They will do their best to push NATO military back to where it used to be after the fall of USSR!


Erdoğan is the only president can solve this issue because his so close to both leaders...
