Chosen Ones, 9 Signs Someone Is Secretly Jealous Of You

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Do you ever wonder if someone is secretly jealous of you? In this video, we're diving deep into the psychology of envy, especially among the chosen ones jealous of their peers. Discover the unmistakable signs that someone harbors hidden jealousy towards you. If you've felt that your success as a tren genius chosen ones jealous individual makes others uneasy, you're not alone. We'll explore why even your closest chosen ones jealous friends might feel green-eyed about your accomplishments. Furthermore, we delve into the reasons why people are jealous of chosen ones, revealing why your unique path triggers such intense emotions in others. Stay tuned as we uncover these nine critical signs to help you navigate your relationships better.

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Envy and jealousy leads to many heinous acts by humans.A person who don’t have jealousy is a divine being.


People having joy in your set back when you wouldn’t wish them harm is so painful.


are unable of looking me in the everywhere want to "break my


The jealousy and envy of others is just despicable.. I have never had a jealous bone in my body.. I’m happy for people and their achievements and try and encourage them to keep going. But I get the total opposite.. Never let another’s insecurities ruin your Authenticity.


1. They use backhanded compliments that start positively but end with an undercut

2. Downplaying yoursuccess or minimizing your achievements

3. Imitation beyond flattery. They adopt your style, mannerisms, speech etc. or steal your ideas to assert their worth in comparison to yours

4. They try to one-up you, to diminish your successes, because they feel inferior

5. Schadenfreude- they find a perverse sense of satisfaction or delight in your failures and hate it when you succeed. They enjoy gossiping with others about your setbacks

6. They ghost you and distance themselves from you during times when you experience success/progress. They don't congratulate you

7. Overly critical attitudes toward you. They nitpick and find fault with every aspect of your life. They hyperfocus on your flaws and mistakes. They criticize you and pretend it's concern.

8. They make excessive inquiries about your life and all probing questions about your life.

9. They try to isolate you from mutual friends and your support network. They badmouth you to others to cause people to distance themselves from you.


Jealousy in the family is extremely saddened when all had the same start in life😢


had to deal with this since I was a kid..sickening!


Indeed!!!! Kinda why I like being be awesome to be around people who aren't that way. Thank you for the insight🥰🥰🥰


It's describeding empaths vs narcissist!!!


amen ❤❤ i got people in my own family jealousy of me sad 😭😭 and people who i thought who was my friends i can't help it how god made me a chosen one ❤️❤️ amen


I always notice when someone starts talking like they’re trying to “sound like me” or “keep up” when its not really them. That stands out the most and is a early sign.


Jealousy in my circle comes from my internal circle. But I would not stop me to focus on my purposes, have understanding that we can't control others, but we can control our actions. Boundaries is my true power


"Jealousy is the jaundice of the mind."
Jiddu Krishnamurti


Support all of those who support others. Thats all❤ growth is life❤


We Chosen Ones need to start linking up, I’m tired, I’m really really tired out here. Thought I been through everything, then I realized who I thought was my best friend caught me at my lowest in life and helped me feel even lower to the point i literally wanted to die. Now I’m just tired of people I had everything stripped from me by these jealous people and I’m freaking pissed 😡 and hurt 😢 I want justice


Everyone I've ever loved treated me this way. They're all been removed from my circle. Now it's just the DIVINE, my SPIRIT team, and me. I would say trio but my team is beyond massive.


Here’s one for you guys, I asked my mom why she helped my sister out with stuff more than me, like why does she get special treatment, and she says, “ you’re stronger than your sister, that’s why she gets more help” wtf…


I have listened to tons of videos about jealous people. This video brought it home hardcore for me. I have experienced all of the points mentioned. Really cool video.


I’ve experienced all of this even from family. I’ve overcome by continuing to show love!


The whole 9 has been experienced. On point. Thank you.
