Flutter Travel App UI - Splash Page | Speed Code | With source code | Part 02

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Flutter Travel App UI - Splash Page | Speed Code | With source code | Part 02

This is #flutter app development a tutorial for beginners. In this series, we introduce you to working with flutter to build #iOS and #Android apps #development with best practices. You will also learn how to #frontend to complex #UI design. We will implement many #widgets and concepts, such as clipper, stack, SVG and much more.
This is a just #Travel App #UI by using #flutter, source code is also available, check below.

►Flutter version 2.2

► Project File:

► Resources:

► Social Media:

► Community:

► Software We Using:
VS Code
Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Adobe Photoshop CC

► Music by YouTube Audio Library:

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Рекомендации по теме

nice job ! but if u can use to getX in pj ui it will 10/10 great <3 and it also better for beginner flutter . Thank u very much !
