Days Gone - Burnout Apocalypse Trophy Guide (Use Nitro and Drift for 5 Seconds)

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Days Gone - Burnout Apocalypse Trophy Guide - Use nitro and drift at the same time on your bike for at least 5 seconds [Bronze]

This trophy requires the Nitrous 3 upgrade for your bike. The Nitrous 2 upgrade won’t work because the boost only lasts 4.5 seconds. The Nitrous 3 upgrade lasts for over 6 seconds.

Step 1: Buy the Nitrous 3 upgrade from the 4th camp “Diamond Lake” in the Crater Lake Region. This requires you to reach Trust Level 3 with this camp first. Do all Story Missions & Encampment Jobs there (side quests) and then kill all Hordes in Highway 97 region. This is best done after the story because then the Hordes get marked on the map automatically. Use the Chicago Chopper gun to kill Hordes quickly (bought at 5th camp “Wizard Island”).

Step 2: Once you got the Nitrous 3 upgrade you can do the trophy. You must drift in a big circle (driving a donut with the front wheel locked in place doesn’t count). You need to speed up just a little bit. Then hold LEFT STICK + R2 + CIRCLE + X . This will take some practice and the tracking for this may be a bit off. It can take an hour of trial and error before it unlocks. See the video for the drift and an easy location to do it.

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All Days Gone Trophies:

One Percenter
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Ambush Camp Hunter
Complete the Ambush Camp Hunter storyline

Infestation Exterminator
Complete the Infestation Exterminator storyline

Marauder Camp Hunter
Complete the Marauder Camp Hunter storyline

World's End
Complete the World's End storyline

One Down
Defeat your first Horde

Farewell Drift
Accumulate 10 minutes of drifting while on your bike

This is a Knife
Kill a Breaker, Reacher, or Rager with a knife

Ghost of Farewell
Get 100 stealth kills

Old Reliable
Kill 200 Enemies with a Crafted Weapon

Variety is the Spice of Life
Kill an enemy with every type of crossbow bolt

Farewell Original
Purchase an upgrade under the Performance, Visual, and Paint Categories for your bike

First Time Buyer
Upgrade your bike for the first time

Burnout Apocalypse
Use nitro and drift at the same time on your bike for at least 5 seconds

The Art of Bike Repair
Apply 100 scrap to your bike

You've Got Red on You
Collect 541 Items from corpses

Lend Me Your Ears
Collect 989 Freaker Ears

Finders Keepers
Unlock your first collectible

Wannabe Fortune Hunter
Unlock over 50% of the collectibles

The Broken Roadshow
Unlock over 75% of collectibles

Surviving isn't Living
Rescue 10 survivors

Better Living through Chemistry
Upgrade either your Health, Stamina, or Focus for the first time

Performance Enhanced
Max out either your Health, Stamina, or Focus

Best Friends Forever
Receive the Allied Trust status with an Encampment

Best Friends Forever (For Life)
Gain the Allied Trust status with three different Encampments

Make it Rain
Spend 20,000 credits at one Encampment

Welcome to the Party, Pal
Clear all Ambush Camps, Infestations, and NERO Checkpoints in a single region

Kitchen Courier
Sell Animal Meat or Plants to any Encampment

Don't Stop Me Now
Unlock your first skill

I'm Out of Control
Unlock 15 skills

There's No Stopping Me
Unlock 30 skills

Mr. Fahrenheit
Unlock 45 skills

Go Kick Rocks
Knock down 12 Anarchist Cairns

D.I.Y. Oregonian
Craft 50 items
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For anyone who might be having trouble with this one, it works perfectly on water and with the highest upgraded engine and tyres (no need at all to downgrade them). Just fast travel to Iron Mike's, and as soon as the screen loads go off the road to your left, right into the water. It may seem it won't work at first glance because the water swallows almost half of the bike, but it does work. Just get in there, find a rather wide spot in the water, start drifting normally in a circle, then push the nitro button and don't let go. You won't find any resistance, despite being in the water. That's by far the easiest way to get this trophy.


Took me forever but the trick is to use standard tires and standard engine. Also when you’re drifting don’t hold the gas all the way. Hold it half way so it goes slow. Point the analog stick about 2 o’clock


I spent over an hour trying to get this to work, only to see that I got the trophy 5 minutes into said hour and didn’t get a notification for it.


Anyone having trouble with this trophy its basicly the direction of the analog stick that matters. Start by just holding R2 + ↘ (to start driving in a wide circle) then press O for just a second to enter drift and then hold the X button till it runs out. Dont hold your stick straight to the left or staight to the right. It has to be in this ↘ or this ↙ direction


Thanks was a pain doing this, found it easier whilst drifting in water. But i got the platinum Plat number 3 xD


It's not working for me and I'm about to throw my Ps4 out of my window.


Took me about 2 hours of trying and it pooped. I used basic tires, basic engine, about half pressure on R2, and held L3 at about 2 o'clock. I think half pressure on R2 was the game changer. Thanks to all the tips left on here!


Just to add some tips:
In Lost lake region. You can practice drifting near the lost lake farm area (where boozer worked). There's a good amount of space on the right side of the farm where the train tracks are. This is where i got both trophies for drifting total of 10 mins and the 5secs of nitro+ drift. There's a barn on the left that has gasoline on the 2nd floor. Grab it and bring it somewhere near so you can easily refuel in between drift attempts.

This area is also good because the farm guards will shoot any zombies you attract. You make money and you can practice worry free.

I got my drift trophies while using maxed out everything on the bike. What worked for me was going into a drift with the 0 button (then holding it), then feathering the left stick to adjust steering left or right to keep the bike from "stalling" in place. Wait till you see your bike moving and actually drifting (not stalling in place in a circle) before you hold the nitro button.


An ideal spot to do this is outside hot springs camp, there’s a pink/red roof house with an ambulance by it; next to it is a flat empty space that you can drift in a larger circle, and you can go to the camp for gas any time
Start drift with one push of O, then release it; do not push the left analog to the end, drift in a larger circle, big enough that you are almost touching the cars around, this will take some practice
Once you can pretty much keep cycling in that space in a large circle (as large as you can) without stopping or hitting anything, it’s the time to push and hold X for nitro
Good luck


Seriously, if you are having problem like i had, you don’t even need to hold O, just hold R2 and ↗️ in the analog, when start drifting you hold X.


Easing up on R2 and switching to the standard tires and engine did the trick for me. You guys are the best!


I just want to cry! My old lady has been hounding on me! I've wasted my Saturday morning trying to get this one lousy bronze trophy! I'm too old for this! This is the game where I'm finally saying enough! No more video games!


Just tap L3 right or left in interval while holding X & O. That is the easiest way to get it.


I cant do it. It either A) Turns into a donut or B) stops drifting. Pissing me off


I don’t trophy hunt very often, seldom honestly. But whenever I do and I need a guide you are my go to person. Solid work man, you helped get every single one of my 13 platinums and you’re about to help me get my 14th today!


For anyone struggling with this, forget about the [O] button.

- find a nice open flat space(I just did this outside Chemult CC)
- drive in a tight circle.
- Press [X] for Nitro

You need the Diamond Lake camp trust at 3 to get the upgrade, but the key to making this work is your controller rumble. Also, dont crash


After 35 minutes I finally got this damn trophy which also earned me the platinum trophy as well


Thank you so much for your help, I tried the water area to the left of iron mikes and tried at boozers hideout but wasn’t getting anywhere, but your video in that triangle spot in the puddle area worked for me, needed this for platinum, also I didn’t downgrade bike parts for this


I honestly thought I was stupid hahaha. This took me a good hour or so. Maybe more. Then I found this and I done it on my second go. Thank you so much!
I used the standard tyres, and nitrous III. I didn't use full throttle. I lightly held down the r2 button, whilst holding x and o together. I didn't do a complete circle. I done a very large semi circle and it popped instantly


remember to downgrade your tires to the lowest traction ones. i attempted this trophy for 2 days before realizing that i had the best tires equipped. also found the hospital parking lot (red roof) just NW of hot springs camp to be a good leveled ground to try this. good luck everyone.
