Laravel 6 with AdminLTE 3 Integration Easily USERCRUD Tutorial 3

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This is the bonus video for the viewers in which USER crud has been made using the old style which is from my previous videos. Github link also has been updated. Enjoy learning the USER CRUD in this video. If you are beginner in laravel 6 please do not jump into this video go with tutorial 1 and tutorial 2 . Link here:

Tutorial 1:

Tutorial 2:

Github link code updated:

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hlw buddy can u plz tell me or provide me the code.
Suppose if I upload an image it would be stored in database and also in your storage or public directory. If I delete an image then it would be deleted from database, But it keeps on projects folders.
How can I remove also from sotrage directory or other directory?
I hope u understand What I am trying to saying. Thank you :)
