Book Review:Jane Eyre by, Charlotte Bronte

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In today's video I'll be reviewing Jane Eyre by, Chatlotte Bronte

Jane Eyre Written Review:

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Yes! I couldn't agree more, I don't read Jane Eyre as a Romance. This story is about Jane and her own strong feelings, morals and her convictions. Jane is my favorite character of all time. I dislike when readers judge Jane's decisions regarding Mr Rochester. I feel Mr. Rochester himself is misjudged, I agree with you regarding his character. I mean there is someone for everyone. Bertha, my heart goes out to her unfortunate situation but also agree she is used as a symbol. I think Mr Rochester did the best he could with the situation while struggling with his own feelings. This book means so much to me. Charlotte Bronte is someone I would love to be able to have tea with. 🙂


This might be one of my favorite discoveries on YouTube I made in 2022. These reviews are absolutely superb, Alana. From one long form book reviewer to another, keep up the delightful work.


finally, no lazy Rochester bashing! He's a fascinating complicated man. And yes, they are equals! I needed this video, very interesting analysis of the book


I just finished rereading Jane Eyre and I agree with so many things you’ve said. I really enjoyed this review! I hadn’t thought of St. John’s connection to Bertha but it’s such an interesting perspective to point out. It’s such a spiritual book! I always think that when people think of it as a romance that it limits it. One of the things sitting with me more than the last time is how Jane experiences that spiritual moment towards the end and keeps it to herself. Her depth of character astonishes me every time.


Great way to start out the first day of the new year with a new AE video. You've honestly have become one of my favorite booktubers because our taste our favorite similar and especially when I learned you watched BTF my all time fav booktuber right now Ive watched since 2018 I think


Your quotes are 🔥🔥🔥 Yes, one of the main themes that stood out what controlling your strongest emotions and personality; all the main characters deal with that and are outgrowth of that moral argument.

I love how you said "the reader isn't supposed to understand Rochester. Only Jane can"! That's kind of how I felt about the main relationship in Memoirs of a Geisha, as well.


Girl, you and these juicy reviews! Jane Eyre, one of my faves. I love the cozy Gothic atmosphere. You summed up the story well, and I like your interpretation of the relationship between Jane and "Rochestah." It's like having a friend in a relationship that appears to be awful but somehow works for the couple. I think there is a toxic element to Rochester, but in spite of that, Jane is like "I'm gonna love the one I have."


I love your analysis of this. I have always felt the same way but couldn't articulate it as well. I am looking forward to your perspective on other books!


"She's strong-willed, smart, and witty
Yet because she is poor, and she has no means
and she is not pretty –
She's plain, she's not attractive in the classical sense,
She is scorned by many."

What poetry! (And aside from that, a brilliant review of my favourite book. Thank you!)


I wish I could give this three thumbs up! You're channel is a breath of fresh air to use your description of Jane haha. Jane Eyre is my absolute favorite book and always want to reread immediately after finishing.

To find a place where long form well thought out reviews are made is somewhat hard to find (though there are quite a few channels that have come to my attention recently).

I love that you are reading Jane Eyre with an open mind. Though, being in the 21st century we all put some of our views on the books we read. It was refreshing to hear you take the book for what it is and not look through the lense of modern ideologies.

Also, thank you for speaking of Rochester in a more nuanced way!  I've heard many people discount Rochester, as well and say Jane is the only interesting and good part of the story.  But I've always found him extremely compelling and was happy with his redemption and their love story ending up well.
I'm looking foward to watching more of your insightful reviews!


This is my favorite book by the Bronte sisters. This association between Bertha and the other three characters was very interesting, I hadn't thought about that relationship. Congratulations on your work and hugs from your Brazilian follower!


Happy New Year, and Cheers! I have Jane Eyre on my TBR to read this year, and reading it for the first time. I didn't watch the film version of Jane Eyre and always thought, how is this romance. I don't think it's a romance novel, and glad someone said it ( I don't see Their Eyes Were Watching God as a romance novel either). I think calling it a romance novel is not serious, and I consider that as lazy thinking I do believe looking at Bertha as a symbol and realistic because else she could go; to hospitals (a loose term) for the insane was trash at the time. It's important that when we read classic novels to think about the society at the time (question: what else is happening during that time?) for greater context. But, then, it could be me overthinking it. Enjoyed the review!


Thank you for this review. You have talked me into reading it.


Thank you, Alana. I love Jane Eyre and I enjoy many types of analysis, but your analysis is how I’ve always thought of Jane Eyre, particularly with regards to Bertha. One thing I’ve wanted to learn more about is how aware the Brontës were of Britain’s colonial/slavery actions in the Caribbean (Bertha & possibly Heathcliff). I don’t know enough about this…just curious. I love long form analysis and you’re the best!


I don't think Bronte thought through Birtha, she's just a plot device to provide a reason to keep Rochester from getting married. I could be wrong but that's the vibe I got.


Patty-I love the Bronte sisters, so listening to your review was pleasure. I have been listening to many reviews of this book lately and have enjoyed the many insights that were shared about this very well written story. I too, didn't see Rochester as a bad person. I felt he was trapped by the society and the expectations it had for the people living in it. I really enjoyed your review.


Woow this was excellent! I ordered the book after listening to your in depth analysis. Cant wait to read!


I have this on my February TBR. I can't wait to get to it. Great review!!


"he's a trip with no luggage" 😆


Wonderful, insightful review of my favourite novel. Jane is my role model and my heroine, and I too trust her with regard to how I judge Rochester. I couldn't articulate that, so thank you for doing that for me. This is my first visit here and I hope to find further analyses of Jane Eyre from you, because this was delightful. Best wishes.
