SK vs TH Highlights | LEC W3D1 Summer 2024 | SK Gaming vs Team Heretics Week 3 Day 1

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SK Gaming vs Team Heretics Highlights | LEC W3D1 Summer 2024 | SK vs TH Week 3 Day 1

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The biggest problem Heretics have is the draft, they playing champs that are not working for them but they still insist to play them. For example:

1. Zwyroo is good on Ahri, Azir, Ori and they are still fine in this meta - we didn't saw single game on them.
2. Trymbi good on Thresh, Bard, Rell - insist to play Naut with 25% win ratio in 2024.
3. Jankos - flex picks, for now I think hes good on Jarvan, Xin, Mao? - insist to pick 14, 3% win ratio Vi, in this matchup he picked afk farming Karthus while he have 3 weak sides...
4. Flakked - good on hyper carry adcs - picking Varus most of the time cause it's safe pick..
5. Wunder - flex picks, I guess good on Gwen, K'sante, Ornn?

They literally played better in last split when they play with each other for 2 weeks, now it's like 0 progress, no aggro plays, waiting for enemy mistakes, do many mistakes themselves. I literally don't know why don't just play the champions that works for them.. and that champions are still in meta.


Imagine being TH and not playing for your best player, FLAKKED kekw


i dream about nisqy in the actual FNC lineup


Dziękujemy za te wszystkie lata, ale już niestety czas na emeryturę / przeniesienie do Ameryki
