R. Bergevoet - Vaccine Banks: Policy options evaluated using the EU evaluation framework

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R. Bergevoet - Vaccine Banks: Policy options evaluated using the EU evaluation framework

Open Session of the EuFMD – 2018 – Increasing Global Security in the supply of effective vaccines – 29-31 October 2018 -Borgo Egnazia, Italy

To ensure access to suitable vaccines vaccine banks are implemented both at EU level
as well in a number of individual Member States within the EU. Policy makers are
confronted with the decions which option to choose: 1) participate in the EU vaccine
bank or 2) besides participating in the EU vaccine bank also establish a national vaccine

The objective of this paper is to discuss socio-economic aspects related to that decision
and to present an approach that can support the decision making process.

The intervention logic which defines its general objective, specific objectives, inputs,
outputs or results, and desired impacts is presented. It indicates how specific inputs are
expected to contribute to specific outputs, which in turn create impacts and leading to
the achievement of general and specific objectives.

The evaluation will use five evaluation criteria specified for evaluation of EU-funded

• Relevance: The extent to which an intervention's objectives are pertinent to
needs, problems and issues.
• Value added: The value resulting from applying policy measures at the different
levels, the value that would have resulted from applying similar measures at
regional or national level or EU by public authorities or the private sector.
• Effectiveness: The extent to which objectives pursued by an intervention are
• Efficiency: Best relationship between resources employed and results achieved in
pursuing a given objective through an intervention.
• Coherence: The extent to which the intervention does have synergy and does not
contradict other interventions with similar objectives.

Results and discussion
The presented framework presented can help decision makers in a systematic
evaluation of socio-economic aspects related to establishing EU and national vaccine
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