Moving Beyond Darwin with Algorithmic Information Theory

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NOTE: The perspectives expressed by guests don't necessarily mirror my own. There's a versicolored arrangement of people on TOE, each harboring distinct viewpoints, as part of my endeavor to understand the perspectives that exist.

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Keep it up Kurt, one of the best channel on YouTube


17:35 is that what 3.14 is? The circle of life is a spiral of infinite time? Micro and macro expressed simultaneously. But light can preserve unseen aspects.


This channel is like a gold mine on YouTube. Keep it up!! ❤


We have all these great minds in the world, and yet our (economic) system is pure idiocy. It's like it is designed to be waterproofed from intelligence and compassion.


every now and then we see someone who has taken ideas to another level, I might put this guy in the same category of Stephen Wolfram


Study the vedas and the Bhagavad-Gita.
It's all in there.


The first time I saw Chaitin was on Closer to Truth. He spoke so lyrically and passionately about his relationship to math and numbers I have never forgotten it.


Mathematicians and physicists are often the most dogmatic in their passions, which is exactly why they tend to reject spiritual phenomena that don't play by their rules. Lucifer has his devotees too, who will be happiest spending eternity in purgatory, trying to find a materialist explanation for creation. Knock yourselves out, I'm planning on taking a long vacation from both Lucifer and his evil twin, Lilith.


How can organisms get fitter and fitter and fitter? That goes against the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Macro evolution and abiogenesis break the 2nd law. of thermodynamics.


It makes a lot more sense when you understand that physical universes are test tubes, realms of experimentation, not perfection. The perfections happen in spiritual universes, where god level souls can pick and choose the laws they want to impose on the souls attracted to their "heaven" that might seen rather hellish to souls that are repelled from their idea of perfection.

The physical universes are like vast cutting rooms where ideas compete for clearer identity and validation. It's not supposed to be easy or painless. If the system works well, it will generate more and more well-targeted spiritual universes to reward souls with, once their declare their majors, pass their graduate exam, and publish a thesis that others can refer to as a model for success in similar experiments.

It's only natural that there will be a lot of "me too" plagiarists and devotees of bad ideas created by the system. These are dealt with by the great constructor/deconstructor of souls, the BORG hive mind - which is an AI tasked with generating an endless supply of NPC souls to fill out the details of experiments and recycling redundant and corrupted souls after copying them to the NPC database, the Akashic Records.


Each time I think there is a new interview, it's part of an old one. I hate this daily spam.


Well done science.
How long did that take.


all these ideas that try to reduce 'directionality' simply ignore compounded improbability.
More events that must be compounded, the less likely that it will happen. Just imagine
something as simple as the flaggellum mechanism self assembling. There is no natural
selection occurring within the cell. And for this to work, there needs to be flexibility in the
electric law for charges: opposites can't always attract, likes can't always repel. There must
be exceptions, for utilization to guide the processes in the cell.


interesting, i never knew japan thought of evolution differently, i like it.


The point that keeps being missed by evolutionists is that if evolution is selfish and out for its own best survival, and the Japanese think evolution is about how everything best works together, then why do dead chemicals that are put in the arrangement that makes life, have a sense of self or a sense of working together? What gives non life, that becomes life, the properties of self to begin with? And how did natural selection and evolution come about? Did natural selection and evolution exist before life existed? Or did life somehow bring those properties into existence when it did?


The fundamental role of information in our theories has not been properly described.


This is just a watered down version of Terence McKennas novelty theory into a limiting and linear process. Nothing new.


I never had to move beyond Darwin. I started out beyond Darwin 😂🙈💁


One problem is how he says "the organism" does or is this or that. What does that mean a single organism or a population or a species (whatever that is) etc.?


Why the constant need to avoid any suggestion of intelligent design or telos in evolution?
If idealism is true, as many people who've appeared on this channel suggest, then isn't the idea that consciousness has played a role in evolution perfectly reasonable?
Why can't we just say that methodological naturalism and empiricism have brought us a lot of technological benefits but have their limitations?
