3-HOUR STUDY WITH ME🏡 / calm lofi / A Rainy Evening in Tokyo / with countdown+alarm

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🌵The NO MUSIC version is here.

Hey guys! I hope you are well, staying safe and healthy. Today we will do 6 Pomodoros (25min) with 5-minute break in between! BTW The Tokyo Olympic games is over. I'm curious which one are you?

(A) I love watching sports. I watched live streams. 🏃‍♂️
(B) All I care about is result. I followed the results. 🏅

👉🏼 I think I am B. What about you?


0:00 - INTRO
1:16 - session #1
26:16 - break
31:16 - session #2
56:16 - break
1:01:16 - session #3
1:26:16 - break
1:31:16 - session #4
1:56:16 - break
2:01:16 - session #5
2:26:16 - break
2:31:16 - session #6
2:56:16 - OUTRO



A S T R O 



Nom Tunes

Gerardo Millán

Gheorghita Vlad

Big Nose



Early Garden

Purrple Cat

Steve Nguyen


📮 Submit your music


▼ If you live in Japan as well


🙋🏻‍♂️ ABOUT ME

My name is Abao. I am a Chinese student living in Tokyo, Japan.🗼 I am currently studying at Waseda University. In this channel, I mainly post 📚 STUDY WITH ME videos, and 🤳my life as an international student in Japan. Some of my old videos are in Chinese only, but my recent video are all in both Chinese & English.

Because of COVID, we all had to study alone at home. I hope my videos will make you feel less lonely.🌿 Although we can't travel easily now, I hope I can show you beautiful scenery 🌉 through my videos. :)


📮 Submit your music
🏷#Studywithme #TokyoStreet #StudywithAbao
Рекомендации по теме

👋🏼 How do you like the music&vibe? 🏡
Please like this comment to let me know!


0:00 - INTRO
1:16 - session #1
26:16 - break
31:16 - session #2
56:16 - break
1:01:16 - session #3
1:26:16 - break
1:31:16 - session #4
1:56:16 - break
2:01:16 - session #5
2:26:16 - break
2:31:16 - session #6
2:56:16 - OUTRO


Coming back to this after knowing I passed all my exams, it’s giving me goosebumps. Thank you 💞

To who ever reads this, 2021-2022 is going to be our year to shine


I've been using this everyday to study and get my homework done. I have a bad habit of procrastinating, and then I get super distracted once I do manage to start my work. This video has been helping me stay on track, thank you!!


If you're studying, you're getting things done, and if no one has told you yet, I'm proud of you ❤


To everyone who's studying with this music:
• A bottle of water, at least 1liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate💧

• Your charger. You sometimes don't even notice that your device's battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time🔋

• Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones, because it blocks background noises. Also, if it's a late night study session, you won't wake up anyone🎧

• a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕

• Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone, a few pens, paper or whatever you need.⌨

•Anything else you could need, what about a heat pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy 🐈

Reminder:After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it's cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me.
You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that's even better than listening to music while reading the book.

I hope y'all had a good day, if not, that's okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight


I am currently studying for my law exams at the end of this month and honestly I haven’t been able to sit down that long and focus on work for this whole semester but this video actually helps. I struggle a lot with procrastination tbh in every aspect of my life and I really want to do the things that I want to do but most of the time I can’t…I am currently on the second break in the video and already revised a big topic from contractural obligations (if anyone even cares lmao) I hope I can get more done today and tomorrow and the days and weeks after! I really want to ace my exams!

edit: I did finish some more civil law topics that day (I worked about 4-5 hours with this video) didn’t do anything since but I am rooting for myself and for all the other people out there who just can’t focus and “just do” their stuff! Remember every single step no matter how small is progress even if that step means saying to yourself: tomorrow I’ll try again for the millionth time :) be kind to yourself and oh thank you for the good luck wishes I’ll update about my results here :)

edit pt.2 bc why not:
Currently watching this video for the fourth time I think and doing constitutional law rn which was a subject I struggled with the most but yea you heard that right WAS :) I am being productive today but wasn’t yesterday and for everyone who’s studying rn or rlly should be studying it’s okay if you don’t just keep trying! Also a little tip: don’t try to look for motivation that’s going to make you start studying because when you study something that does not 100% motivate you then you won’t be able to do it. This is coming from a law student were 80% of the topics covered are quite dry and can get boring or even too difficult at times. So what I am trying to say is an athlete doesn’t train every morning because he is such a motivated ray of sunshine but because it’s necessary for them to do it in order to pursue what they want to do or when we apply this to studying: yes maybe that topic rn is so hard or boring and you really don’t want to do it but you HAVE to, simply as that and no you don’t need to be WANTING to do it you just do it!
just keep that in mind and make studying a habit/routine! Alright bye gtg study some more :)

edit pt. 3
Honestly I have been in a productivity slump the past week, which wasn’t optimal…like at all…lmao bc I wrote my first two exams this week…yesterday and today. Yesterday’s one was fine it was us law and just a multiple choice test but today was criminal law…let’s just say I broke down in tears after submitting it. So my tip to you is write your exams cry about it and then move on. If you try to compare your answers to others it will just make you even more anxious about your results. I know it’s hard after a semester of work to be okay with whatever result that ur gonna get but that’s life and no the world will not end if you fail your class. So if I do fail one of my exams I’ll just retake them next semester and will have learned from my studying mistakes. Heads up people, everything’s going to be okay. I suggest you to listen to a song and read the lyrics to it: everythingoes by rm :)

„It all passes, someday, for sure, certainly
Just like the night leaves and the morning comes
The spring leaves and summer comes
Just like the flower wilts and the fruit grows ripe
Everything needs to go through pain“

edit 4:

Hello once again :) it’s been a while right…well since my last update Ive finished my exams and don’t have lectures at the moment but what I have is an essay to write which is killing me slowly day by day ( jk ) no but really getting things done is mentally exhausting especially when you don’t get them done. So if today you messed up and didn’t do anything what you were supposed to do heck so be it. Turn off you phone, go outside whatever you feel like doing even if its just crying in bed all night that’s completely okay. Pat yourself on your shoulders for how far you’ve come even if that „far“ is just being able to get out of bed each day. I know life is hard and I know everyone and their mother, especially your own mind keeps telling you: oh other people have it worse, just do what you need to do stop whining and so on…but guess what your feelings are valid and if you are feeling crappy about not being able to get up and study then FEEL it, I just think we as humans should be kinder to ourselves really…anyways I am starting to rant rn…if today has been crappy get your mind of what ur doing and try again tomorrow. I know you can do it! As for me I have less than a week left and I am not even half way done with my paper and honestly feeling so stressed out about this that i couldn’t even sleep last night so I felt very out of it today and did not get much done which only adds to the stress, I cried a lot and now I am feeling relieved and will just try again tomorrow. Log off and let it all out! <3 Oh shit almost forgot remember my ver first exam in US law ( for reference I study in Germany) I got my results already: 12 points in our grading system ( 12 out of 18 ) which I think can be roughly translated to 81-90% ( idk i just googled it ) in the US but basically meaning hella great for a law student :)

edit no. 5

It’s been a while…well since my last update I got my results from last semester back, started my new semester, got my grade for my paper and well am in therapy now. I wish I could tell u that I fucking aced all my exams, that I am finally on track with all he work I have to do, that i am actually making friends at uni (spoiler: I haven’t bc I actually never go to uni bc I have so much to catch up on) but that’s sadly not it. I am sorry. I am sorry that I am not the person to tell you how to stop procrastination how to finally get your shit together bc I haven’t and it looks like I wont find it out soon either. Tbh I feel completely overwhelmed with all the stress that’s why I decided to reach out for help. First of all I passed almost all my exams ( barely ) except for one which actually led to me having a panic attack (?) and the grade for my paper arrived yesterday…and I failed it too :) Im halfway through the semester and now starting to catch up on all the weeks Ive missed in uni. I dropped two classes last week so I can focus more on the others. I am losing it tbh but you know what even though it is late at night as I am writing this i will now try to study a bit even though I got like 4 hours of sleep and went straight to work today. I rlly want to be positive and all but reality is different and thats fucking okay…actually I should follow my own advice and take it one day at a time. But its hard. Okay see ya until the next update :)


ahhh this is so beautiful and relaxing 😭


Guys, I just wanna say, start ROMANTICIZING student life. It is so beautiful and refreshing if you start seeing it from a different perspective. Waking up early mornings when the dew and fog are just starting to form, hearing bird chirps, occasional exercise, cozy afternoons at the study table, late nights under your yellow light, a good dinner, great sleep after a satisfying and proud day...so refreshing, isn't it?
Using these "Study with me" videos romanticizes our life so much more, cuz it's so refreshing to study while imagining that we are in those beautiful surroundings and listening to these chill beats.
By the end of the video, we aren't even know fatigued right?! Thank you ABAO. It's great studying with you.🤗


To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave


Just a quick tip to anyone who's reading this:
I used to have trouble focusing when i was studying and i would end up getting very little done and feeling guilty about it (you can probably relate).
So, to get more done in the time that i had, i did everything to enhance my focus.

1) Listening to music like this to take my mind of distractions
2) I started displaying an image (anything you want) on fullscreen on my laptop to avoid the urge to click anything on my taskbar
3) Set goals on what you want to get done throughout the day

I hope this helped someone, i realise im coming out like those MoTiVatIonAl messages udner every video but i started self improvement and i genuinly want to tell people and help them with what ive learnt. have a great day!! 🤩


Whenever I started to study, I had no desire and was also a way lonely. Randomly met you, and started with a full determination, and worked hard, always felt that someone is studying with me, so there's no way for me to be alone. I usually work with Abao for almost 10 to 12 hours per day. Though I wasn't that much into studies due to some troubles since a few months ago, I was encouraged by this vlog, but I don't know how... Within these three months, I can see clear courage with a great elation in me, and of course, I have passed my dangerous level and improving my skills. In the beginning, I thought, why would people do such unreasonable vlogs and so, but now I understand the real purpose of these after experiencing them by myself. I even tried a few other blogs, but nothing worked for me other than Abao's vlog. I will work hard and make my dream come true. Likewise, I Hope Abao and I can be friends for my plans ahead. I'm hereby sending my sincere gratitude for this fantastic work. I can't thank you enough... Anyway, thank you Abao for lifting me back to myself.


This is so good to the point I'm studying even at 5-minute breaks.


To anybody who’s reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now.


Hello to the person reading this
I am currently in std 10 preparing for my board examination
I could never focus on studying but after this I can actually study without getting up from my study place
this has given me a lot of motivation
hope it gives you too
all the best for whatever you are doing


Study with YOU is addictive bro.

I can’t stop, really.


Im so proud of myself. Before I could barely study one hour without looking at clock every 5 min but now i did 3 hours without wishing it to end fast. I really enjoyed this and it helped me a lot. Thank you <3


OMG I had never been able to stay so focused!
the music, the environment, the sprints... everything worked perfectly


I want to live in that scenery, at least once. Just seeing and realizing people have their own lives. Its so crazy to me! I wanna bike and get lost in that rainy evening. I want to feel the tiny droplets dampen my clothing and cleanse my soul. I want to live...and feel..life. It seems so wonderful where you are.


I haven’t cried in a while. And I mean awhile. Even when I’ve wanted to cry and I haven’t be able to. But whenever I watch this video and read the comments I cry. I feel as if I can finally let out all of my pain and suffering while in the comfort of these comments and music. Because I can see how people are either experiencing the pain I am, or because a person says something so nice that I don’t think even a best friend could say to me. So I want to thank you. Each and every commenter, as well as the creator of the video. Because of this I am able to let out my pain, and grow from it, instead of bottling it up until I eventually break down. So, with tears running down my face, thank you.


I just read my comment and I had no idea that I had commented on this video. Idk but it motivated me. I have been struggling a lot with my mental health recently and cannot study properly. I clicked on this video to try to study and scrolled to the comment section and saw my comment. It is 4 months old and it said that I will study hard and I just promised myself rn to always study hard. It just reminded me of so many things tbh. Take care everyone, You got this!! byeee !!
